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First Secret of NAP

Use NAP to bring things to you. It is easier to attract and create with NAP than
it is to destroy and drive away.

Mystic Initiation
Write down everything wrong in your
life Order everything in terms of priority

Second Secret
Confidential Corporeal Commands

Your common name plus initial of your last name Countdown from 10 to 1
On each number inhale, and exhale with your phrase After each number say
Relax and your selected name Repeat daily

The Fabulous Fear Eradicator

Make a list of your fears
Do your Corporeal Command
Visualize a screen in front of you
In Screen intensely visualize your fear, then erase it from the screen Replace the
fear with a memory of joy, happiness, satisfaction Repeat daily or as needed
Third Secret
Extraordinary Happiness Restorer
Do your Corporeal Commands Visualize a screen in front of you Intensely
visualize a memory of joy, happiness and satisfaction Repeat daily or as needed

Fourth Secret
The N’T words
N’T words are words that end in N’T ie can’t, won’t shouldn’t etc.. Make yourself
aware of how often you use these words Replace them by using different words (ie
instead of It didn’t happen use It failed) or stop using the contraction (I do not,
instead of I don’t) Catching yourself using N’T words and replacing or changing
them can help change your perspective.

Fifth Secret
Superb Uncertainty Banisher
Do the Commands Visualize the screen Free associate and project the first thought
as a solution to your question onto the screen. Then clear it away Continue with the
2nd solution and wipe it away. Continue with the 3rd solution and wipe it away.
Continue with all possible solutions and remove them until you have finished them
all. Remember what order you placed the solutions in. If there are more than two
alternatives, choose the third one. If there are only two alternatives, choose the
second one.
Sixth Secret
Unique Creativity Regenerator
Do the commands.
Visualize a screen
If you know what you want to pursue creatively, visualize yourself doing it on the
screen vividly. Immerse yourself in the all the details.
If you don’t know, project each option in front of you,and as in the 5th secret,
choose the third one. Then immerse yourself in the details of that creative
Leave the visualization on the screen, as you open your eyes and start to practice
your creative goal

Seventh Secret
Defending yourself with NAP
Do the commands
Visualize a screen.
Create a black arrow that represents pressures, jealousy, envy, etc of people. Have
the arrow proceed on you and attempt to press down on you.
Then create a saw, which cuts the black arrow in half, destroying it completely. Do
this with each arrow until the pressure and tension is relieved.
Know that by cutting the arrows, those you are wishing your failure will fail, and
their attempts to undermine you will fail.
Eight Secret
Personal Verbal Seals
Choose and admiration target. A person who has achieved what you want to
achieve. Desire wealth, ID someone wealthy to admire, Love? Admire someone
who has the kind of love you want? Fame? Etc…
With your Admiration target in mind, your sentence for your personal verbal seal
is “I, (Name and last initial) wish to emulate (Admiration Target) in respect to
(area of life you wish to change or what you want to become)
You can also do a verbal seal without an admiration target, just with a clear sense
and feeling of your goal. I (name) desire to (state intention)

To use the Personal Verbal seal, just do the commands, Project onto the screen
your admiration target, or your intended goal, and think or say your Personal
Verbal Seal

Ninth Secret
Incredible Disinterest Remover
Do the commands
Visualize your spine as a gas pipe delivering as to your head. When you reach
your skull, see that gas ignite into a flame and start to gently heat your mind, like a
pot of water that you’re trying to boil. First it becomes warm, and steam starts to
rise, then small bubbles, then it breaks into a rolling boil. Let it boil for a little then
stop. You will feel mentally energized and renewed.
10th Secret
Stupendous Power Enricher
Similar to the 9th secret, but let it boil and see the great clouds of steam building
up and pressurizing. When it feels full, stop the heat and vent the steam from your
third eye, towards whatever target. A person, a goal etc…
With people, it can help to make them more helpful, or drive away unwanted

The Seven Negative Traps

A. Fear
B. Uncertainty
C. Loneliness
D. Lack of interest in making changes
E. Despair
F. Over sensitivity to the influence of
G. Too involved with the troubles of

The Seven Desirable States

A. Good Luck
B. Power and Influence
C. Happiness
D. Love
E. Health
F. Creativity
G. Wealth
Your Mental “Achievement Chalkboard”
Do your commands. Project your screen. Write up the names of any negative traps
you feel you’re experiencing right now. Only make a note of how many are
affecting you right now. Wipe the screen clear. Then bring up the Seven Desirable
States and see how many are affecting you right now. Make a note of that. Repeat
this every month as you work with NAP to change your life and document how
you experience more of the desirable states vs the negative traps.

11th Secret
The Fantastic Loneliness Eliminator
Do the commands. Project your screen. See an image of people socializing, having
fun, talking, enjoy each others company, Everyone knows everyone else. Now do
your Verbal seal, with your admiration target for socializing and connecting with
people. Open your eyes and go to a place where people meet and gather. While
there, pay attention to any notices of social events, lectures, meetings etc.. that
interest you. Do the above steps again, before going to the selected event.

12th Secret
Astral Travel Inducer
Lay down, do your commands and project your screen, but this time, the screen is
door, just away from you. Stand up and walk to where the door is. Then lay down
again, and do the commands, and project the screen again. See yourself getting up
and walking to the door, and walking out the door. On the other side see an image
of someone you trust, and you reach out to them as they reach out to you. As you
step through the door, see where you would like to go.
13th Secret
The Magic Future Knowing Technique
When you go to bed, do your commands and project your screen. On the screen, see a day
calendar, and count each day dropping off, one at a time, until you reach 365 or fall asleep. If
you reach 365, just go to sleep. That night you will have a dream that is relevant to your future
path. When you wake up, either in the morning or during the night, get up immediately and
document the dream, every detail you can. This dream will surely guide you to resolve an issue
or to bring you something you need.

Total happiness list

Make a list of what things that would make you totally, absolutely, completely content and
satisfied with your life. What will be around you, who will you be with, what will you do with
your days? Every details. Write it down, date it and keep it with your other lists for NAP.
Check it every month to see how you have advanced on your goals.

14th Secret
Miraculous Despair Deflector
Look up the date of the new moon, find the date nine days before and nine days After. Every
month, on those days, do your commands, project your screen. Visualize what is causing you
to despair. If nothing specific, see just a big black ?. Wipe the screen clear, and see an image
of your happiest time. Focus on that, and then open your eyes and go about your day.

15th Secret
Spontaneous Health Regenerator
Before falling asleep, do your commands and project your screen. On the screen see an image
of your overflowing with health and vitality. Erase away vestiges of illness. Maintain the
image and allow yourself to drift off to sleep.
How to enter the sleeping minds of others
Once you are comfortable with Astral travel, you can use this technique to visit
others while they sleep, Send yourself to them astrally, and find them asleep. Lay
your hand on their brow, and state what your desire is. Repeat until it is satisfied.

16th Secret
Charging your Aura
Stand up and recite your commands. Raise your arms up to shoulder level in front
of you. Sweep your arms out to your side, as you now form a T. Then raise your
arms up above your head and bring the palms of your hands together, as you raise
your head to look up. Hold this for a second, and then bring your arms back down
to the T pose. Slowly bring your arms down to your side, and take 3, steady gentle
breaths. Now your aura is charged.

17th Secret
Phenomenal Over Sensitivity Transformer
Do your commands, and project your screen. See yourself naked on the screen,
Recall the person who you have felt is the most authoritarian over you ever. Recall
their clothing or outfit. Place your projected self into that outfit, having it fit to
perfection. In these suit of authority, climb up on a stage, and see all that you rule.
A group of workmen appear, and quietly build a clear protective bulletproof barrier
around you. The workmen bow, and leave. Do your personal verbal seal of a
person that you feel whose very presence commands respect and mastery. Feel
yourself, secure, elevated, masterful, sovereign. Open your eyes and do what you
need to do.
18th Secret
Remarkable Money Renewer
Do your commands, and project your screen. You should also have some paper
currency with you. On the screen, see the amount your have pre-selected that
would meet your needs. Take the paper currency in your hand, and feel it, smell it,
listen to it, and focus on the amount you are seeking. See an image of the paper
currency before you. It falls and is instantly replaced with another bill, that also
falls, and dollars keep falling to you, making a pile around you, until it surrounds
you complete. Then do the verbal seal which fits this occasion. Open your eyes
and whatever needs to be done next.

19th Secret
The Exceptional Love Elevator
Do your commands. Project your screen. See a large red heart shape on the screen.
This is a window where you can see your lover. If you have someone in mind,
project the image of the last time you saw them in person into the window. If you
are looking for the ideal lover, allow the image to take shape, that your lover is just
there. Now, stand up and charge your aura from secret 16. That is all you need.
Repeat this as desire. For about 24 hours, your aura will be hyper charged, and for
about 14 days after, it will still be charged with love magnetism that you have put

20th Secret
The Marvelous Luck Changer
Do your commands and project your screen. On the screen write the number 3332.
That is the number of luck, not a lucky number. This number will connect you to
the tides of fortune and luck. Recite it, think it, visualize it. This number can work
with all previous techniques to set the wheels of fortune turning with it to bring
about fortunate circumstances. Combine this with Future knowing secret to dream
of lucky numbers. If you don’t dream of lucky numbers, it means that fortune isn’t
with you in that way, so let it pass.
21st Secret
Wonderful Over-concern Protector
Charge your aura. Lay down, do your commands and project your screen. Make
your screen a mirror that is reflecting you, showing you bound by the chains that
are restricting you. State the number of luck. Wipe the image clear, and project and
image of a time that you were free, released, breaking off the shackles and
restrictions. Then do the Disinterest Remover, followed by the Over sensitivity
Transformer. (Note: this is a mental uncrossing) If you feel like you’re under
attack, perform this when the moon is new.

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