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Unit: 3Astronomy and the solar system

Sequence:2 Read and consider Rubric: Reading “the solar system”

Objective: by the end of the lesson,swabt get insight into the solar system and all the heavenly bodies that constitutes it plus they will be able to express the notions of
similarities and differences using connectors (like,unlike,likewise ……….)
Stage/Timing Procedures Tasks and keys Stage objective Realia
Pre – Learners will -Teacher refer to the previous lesson and asks pupils to remind him of the theme *To introduce the
reading interpret the picture which is about the moon then asks pupils to work in pairs and interpret the picture lesson and the theme *The textbook
10min and discuss the *look at the picture and discuss the questions below of the reading passage *pictures
questions 1-What does the above picture represent? *In a pair work
2-What about the objects surrounding it ? Can you name them? *To guess the topic
3-Which planet is the coldest and which one is the hottest? Justify your answer and preteach some
vocab (planets,
asteroids, meteoroids,

While – -Learners have a Task01:Have a look at the text and say if the statements below are true or false -To provide practice -Working in
reading look at the text and 1. The sun is smaller than the other planets. in reading for gist pairs
practice true/ false 2. The stars’ light is more intense than the sun’s one.
25min statements 3. The planets give off no light of their own.
4. The planets travel in its own special path or orbit around the sun held in place
-Learners read the with no gravity force.
text and match the Task02: Match the following ideas with their appropriate paragraphs -To provide practice
ideas with their -Life is possible on earth due to the sun energy in reading for specific
paragraphs -The large solar system is made up of heavenly bodies information
-Jupiter takes a long time to orbit around the sun
-Thousands of little planets revolve around the sun
While – Task03:Answer the following questions from the text To provide practice in
reading -What are the various heavenly bodies that constitute our solar system? reading for details
-In what way is the orbit of the moon different from those of the planets?
-What makes life possible on earth planet?
-Learners extract -What is the type of the text?
sentences that
express the notion Task04:Go back to the text and pick out sentences that express
of “similarity and Difference
difference “ Similarity -To find out which
connectors by which
-Learners find the the two relations are
closest in meaning Task05:Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to expressed
words. -Very small§1……… Celestial§3……….. Luminous §4………….extreme
§5…………….. -To enrich their
-remote or far away§6 lexical repertoire with
New vocabulary items

Post reading Task01:

15min -Using the information you got earlier work in groups and try to summarize the --To explore the topic
reading text by including all the heavenly bodies and focusing on earth planet further
-To develop

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