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Fear Not: Who Made That Up?

So, murdering millions and billions shouldn't be

feared. You are going to tell me that someone cut down the trees, slaughtered the
animals, and there should be no fear? Wait one minute. The penis and the Sun are
being worshipped; and no one should fear this? There should be no fear for totally
replacing creation; is that what "do as thou wilt," means? This is synonymous with,
"have no fear" in their Bible. Get this. The Roman Flavian dynasty, The Caesars,
The Popes, The King Jameses, The United States corporation all perpetuate: "do as
thou wilt", and "fear not, for the Lord thy God is with thee". However, "the Lord"
is the Satans, or the 200. Fear not is a Con, as in Constitution. It is the united
fraud of states. As the Sun of Mary, Be Afraid. The Almighty Lord of Spirits has a
problem with the 200 since Enoch.

Unfortunately, The Talmud, Hinduism Catholicism, Islam, nor any of The Babylon,
Sumerian, Egyptian "Religions" will survive. "Amen-Ra, Isis, Horus" or whatever the
Deity that convinces Man not to accept Order, and accept Chaos. Then, it convinces
them to embrace This New World Order of Chaos, "fear not," (War, Homosexuality,
Adultery, Thievery, Abortion, etc..). This is their Jesus. Is not their Pope, the
"Church", of the created Peter, the proponent of "the mother of God", a spell woven
into the fabric of America, Slavery. Fear not a White Jesus? White Lies, like
Emmett Till, White sugar, white bread? The blood will make you white as snow. Is
this the aborted fetus blood in the vaccines that you should not fear? Is it That
which created the heavens and earth that was destroyed that you should not fear.
Oh, I would fear. If I was a worshipper of "have no fear," mofos; I would fear.

These people. Democratic party has stated on their networks, that they are going
after the other side. If the Republican party does not agree with the Catholic
Church and the Crown regarding the Vivid/ New World order, then they will be
destroyed. This conflict separates the wheat from the thorns, those that enslave
from those that will become slaves. Basically, are you one that agrees with
abortion, child porn, Paedophiles, homosexuality, bowing to idols and false gods,
or are you against these things. Pay attention. Trump is Sounding.

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