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Meenakshi Amma and Kalaripayattu

What will you do when you will be a

septuagenarian? Will you recharge your
batteries with your grandkids or will you be
an idler or will you be sprightly? You will be
astonished to know that Meenakshi Raghavan
or Meenakshi Amma, a septuagenarian
practices and teaches Kalaripayattu also
known as Kalari. Kalari is an Indian martial
art. Meenakshi Amma resides in Kerala and is
running Kalari school to teach kalari.

This agile septuagenarian can challenge

anyone half her age in Kalaripayattu. She
teaches Kalaripayattu for free. She has been
bestowed with multifold awards.

1. Where does Meenakshi Amma live?

2. What kind of sport is Kalari?

Find synonyms from the passage

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2. ________________________

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