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Policies & Guidelines
‫ תש"פ‬,‫אלול‬

Dear Parents, ‫עמו"ש‬

The guidance below is intended to allow the safe reopening of The Toronto Cheder for the coming school
year and has been developed with the following principles in mind:
● Providing a safe and healthy school environment for ‫ רביים‬,‫תלמידים‬, Teachers and Staff, and
safeguarding the broader communities in which they live
● Providing high-quality education for our ‫תלמידים‬
The Cheder will ‫ בעז"ה‬reopen with a regular, full day of school with enhanced health and safety protocols.

Parents whose children have health issues and wish to keep their children at home due to Covid-19 related
concerns may have an option of home learning. These concerns must be communicated and approved by
the ‫ הנהלה‬prior to the beginning of the school year.

1. Cohorts/Staggering:
● The Cheder will be maintaining cohorts throughout the day. Classes will remain in their own cohorts and
will not mix with other classes. ‫ מנינים‬will be set up to allow classes in the same ‫ בית מדרש‬to be distant
from each other. The same rules will apply in the lunchroom.
● In the event that different classes are in the same room, proper distance (and masks) will be maintained
between the classes.

2. Masks:
● Masks play a vital role in limiting the spread of the virus. In keeping with TPH guidelines, ‫ תלמידים‬in
'‫ח‬-'‫ כתות ד‬will be required to wear masks indoors in school.
● In the event that a ‫ תלמיד‬has an exceedingly difficult time wearing a mask, please contact Rabbi Gopin.

3. Screening:
● No ‫ תלמיד‬is allowed to come to Cheder if they have any Covid symptoms (including ‘just a cold or cough’)
unless explicit permission has been received from the ‫ הנהלה‬in consultation with our medical advisors.
This will be strictly enforced.
● A daily Covid Screening Form will be emailed out every morning. This form must be filled in before a
‫ תלמיד‬comes to Cheder.
● It will be the parent’s responsibility to ensure their child has no fever or other symptoms. The Cheder
has ‘no contact’ thermometers and will use them regularly. However, parents should check that their
children don’t have fever or other symptoms and send in the signed form daily.

4. Sanitizing:
● Custodians will wipe down and sanitize high-contact areas within the school such as door knobs, sink
faucets, playground equipment and bathrooms throughout the day.
● There will be hand sanitizer available at main entrances, in the classrooms, bathrooms and lunchroom
and their use will be encouraged. As well, every ‫ תלמיד‬should bring their own hand sanitizer.

5. Remote Learning
● Parents of children who may be at higher risk or if they have family members at higher risk should consult
the ‫ הנהלה‬prior to the beginning of the school year to come up with a plan for their child for the duration
of their absence.
● In the event that a ‫ תלמיד‬will be quarantined or be away from Cheder for a prolonged absence, a remote
learning option will be available. However, this must be discussed with the ‫ הנהלה‬prior to leaving.
● In the event of another prolonged shut down, ‫ח"ו‬, the Va’ad Hachinuch will be consulted regarding the
remote learning schedule and which mode of communication will be used.

6. Positive cases:
● In the event that a ‫תלמיד‬, sibling, parent, or staff member tests positive:
1. There will be clear communication with the parent body.
2. The Cheder will follow public health recommendations.
● Should there be an outbreak in the frum community (3 confirmed within Cheder circles) but not among
Cheder families, we will consult with our Va’ad Hachinuch and with Toronto Public Health about further
steps that may need to be taken.

7. Symptoms:
● ‫ תלמידים‬and staff members from households in which another member of the household is experiencing
symptoms consistent with COVID-19, must receive explicit permission from a doctor that they are
cleared to attend Cheder. Parents must notify the Cheder beforehand.
● Any ‫ תלמיד‬from households in which another member of the household has tested positive for Covid-19
will NOT be allowed in Cheder until cleared by TPH.
● ‫ תלמידים‬who develop COVID-19 symptoms while in school will be isolated until they can be picked up by
their parents; they will not be allowed to go home on public transportation.
● Ministry guidelines require us to report any suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 within the school
to Toronto Public Health and to provide attendance records to assist in case management and contact
● Any ‫ תלמיד‬with identifiable symptoms of Covid-19 (i.e. loss of taste/smell or fever for more than 1 day,
difficulty breathing) must get tested as soon as possible so as to insure limiting the spread of the virus.

8. Mandatory quarantines:
● The Cheder will mandate quarantine for those returning from out of the country as per Ontario

9. Transportation:
● All passengers on the South bus must wear masks at all times. Seats will be assigned to keep to a 2nd
cohort and to allow for contact tracing.
● Carpools will be also be a 2nd cohort and we ask parents to keep to their carpool cohorts and not take
others not in the carpool cohort.

Below are some of the steps and procedures that will take place on a daily basis:


1. '‫ כתה ו‬will not be mandated to come to ‫ מנין‬until further notice to enable proper distancing during
2. Making sure ‫ בית מדרש‬is cleaned before and after use (in case other classes come in).
3. Distance seating at tables (2 per table) and ensuring there is a noticeable difference between classes for
4. On Monday and Thursday, the ‫ בעל קורא‬,‫ פתיחה‬,‫ ש"ץ‬and ‫ עולה‬will come from the same class (to keep
5. ‫( הגבהה – גלילה‬either two ‫ תלמידים‬from the same class, or ‫ רבי‬and ‫ תלמיד‬from his class).
6. Entering and exiting will be staggered for different cohorts for ‫ שחרית‬and ‫מנחה‬.

Breakfast and Lunch

1. Breakfast will be for '‫ח‬-'‫ כתות ז‬who are in Cheder for ‫מנין‬. When possible, breakfast will be in the
lunchroom and the four classes will maintain cohorting in the four corners of the dining room.
2. Lunch will be in lunchroom for only those classes that have enough room to cohort with a proper
separation between cohorts. Other classes will eat in their classrooms.
3. Proper distancing between ‫ תלמידים‬at tables.
4. Those serving will be required to wear masks and gloves.
5. No sharing of food (among ‫ תלמידים‬and between classes).
6. ‫ תלמידים‬will be encouraged to wash hands with soap/sanitize before and after breakfast and lunch.
7. Proper hand-washing signs will be posted.
8. “Covid Health” signs will be posted.

Drop-off/Line Up

1. Temperature/Health screening before coming (our secretaries will call/email when not done at home).
2. Ensuring classes stay together and don’t mix before line-up.
3. Line up with proper distancing between classes/grades.
4. Staggering entrance to building to avoid stairs and hallway congestion.


1. Recess will be staggered to maintain cohorting.

2. Recess dismissal will be staggered to avoid stairwell congestion.
3. Separate playing areas for each class during recess.
4. All Cheder equipment will be assigned to a class.


1. Rebbi’s desk and chair will be cleaned in between ‫ לימודי קודש‬and ‫לימודי חול‬.

2. Proper distancing between desks.

3. Rebbi/Teacher will maintain distance and no close contact.
4. Sanitizer in each classroom.


1. Signs posted – proper hand washing.

2. Will be cleaned at least three times a day.


1. Dismissal times on Friday and Sunday will be staggered.

2. Dismissal from classroom or lunch room with cohorting.


1. Parents should notify Cheder before coming and should try to limit coming to Cheder.
2. Any item that needs to be given to a ‫ תלמיד‬should be given to the Main Office.
3. Upon arrival, parents must sign in, wear a mask and be screened.
4. Persons making deliveries to Cheder will be required to wear masks.

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