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Hello Dan, It’s Evelyn I got your message and that sounds fabulous!!

I was going to call you for

the same reason because I had watched on tv about this and I had been searching ticket for his
concert. Well you beat me but the next concert I will pay.

I remember that when we were children listended to Bon Jovi and own dream was to go to his
concert and Absolutely I’m going to be there I had been looking forward to years for this.
Mmmmmmmmm but I would like to know more details for example ¿What time will it be? Or
¿What time should we meet up? Or the most important ¿do we have to bring other thing apart
from the ticket?, I’m sorry but I’m over the moon. Already! I will make the most biggest poster
for sticking out this day.

Dam Sorry!! I told my brother about that but his car is broken down and He will go by taxi with
his friends and I’m sure that It’ll full. How about renting a car for that night? I could look for its
price and You don’t worry I already have my driver’s license.

Well, with respect to eat I prefer in my house because I wouldn’t like to stain my clothes while
I’m jumping or singing loudly in the concert. Imagine that I have my pizza in my hand and
casually I dropped my piece of pizza or mi cola over someone. It’ll be terrible, we would have a
lot of trouble.

Anyway, See you at weekend, then. Please don’t forget to say me the specific day because I
would to buy new clothes for this day.

See you Dan, thank you and Bye.

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