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This is Analysis Novel creation Mr Hemingway " The Old Man Of The Sea " By Indah Epriyanni

Tone : The simple tone of the story allows readers to understand the undemanding lifestyle of the old
man. Santiago’s standard of living is not exquisite by any means. He is a poor, old man living in a shack
near the Gulf Stream in Havana, Cuba. Barely able to feed himself, his main source of food comes from
Manolin. “’Keep the blanket around you,’ the boy said. ‘You’ll not fish without eating while I’m alive,’”
(Hemmingway 19). His eighty-four day streak of bad luck (Hemmingway 1) ultimately keeps the old man
from leaving his life of poverty at home. The author shows readers through a simple tone that the old
man, despite his predicament, is happy the way he lives. In a way, Santiago’s easy way of life allows him
to focus on what he loves to do best, fishing.

Purpose :

The Old Man and the Sea is First, Hemingway was a professional writer. This means that, in addition to
loving writing and being dedicated to his craft, he relied on writing to earn his living. Although
Hemingway had a substantial investment portfolio by 1951, members of his family suffered many
medical problems, and he tended to worry about money.

This work was also written during a period where his earlier spectacular successes had tapered off and
he was trying to re-establish his reputation. He claimed that The Old Man and the Sea was written in
eight weeks when he was angry about the critical reception of a previous work

Rhetorical :

A rhetorical analysis looks at the author's use of language, his rhetorical devices, style, and tone.
Hemingway has a very distinct style: Walker Gibson calls his style "Tough" and "Plain," which is to say
that he tells a story as simply and directly as possible without much adornment (adjectives, complex
sentences). This style is, according to Professor Don Nilson:

1. the language of intimacy, the language of no pretensions. The words are simple and the grammar is

2. the writing is not planned, but just happens, in a stream of consciousness kind of way—you are there.
3. the sentences are short and choppy. If there is conjunction it is coordination, not subordination.

4. it is the language of the loosened tie and the rolled up shirt sleeves, with no pretentious multi-syllable
or low-frequency words.

A rhetorical analysis looks at diction, sentence complexity, use of dialogue, point of view, and purpose--
as well as the effects of all these upon an audience. So, Hemingway, an old man himself, is trying to
humbly tell a story of another old man, Santiago, using a third person omniscient point of view (we
know the old man's thoughts) and a sparse, minimalistic narrative. Hemingway adopted this style from
being a journalist; he had to meet word counts and deadlines. His style is also very masculine: concrete
word choice (not the flowery prose of a Romantic, let's say).

Hemingway's sentences are very simple. Many are compound: he uses "and" a lot to string together
short sentences. This is called polysyndeton, the repetition and pairing of conjunctions ("and") in close
succession for rhetorical effect. Observe the title: "Old Man and the Sea" and the first paragraph:

But after forty days without a fish the boy’s parents had told him that the old man was now definitely
and finallysalao, which is the worst form of unlucky and the boy had gone at their orders in another boat
which caught three good fish the first week. It made the boy sad to see the old man come in each day
with his skiff empty andhe always went down to help him carry either the coiled lines or the gaff and
harpoon and the sail that was furled around the mast. The sail was patched with flour sacksand, furled;
it looked like the flag of permanent defeat.

Hemingway's use of "and" gives the narrative a rythym like the sea: it flows. It's also a bit of stream of
consciousness, like thoughts floating onto paper. Hemingway uses everyday words, much like a
fisherman would use, to achieve ethos, or a sense of trustworthiness in character--both his (as author)
and Santiago (his protagonist).

One of the more poignant aspects about Hemingway's prose is how he defines man, which is what's
meant by masculinity. Men should be rugged, strong, and resilient, characteristics that Santiago
embraces. Santiago is an old man, but he still rows out onto the ocean by himself. He suffers several
physical ailments. He also not only reels in a giant marlin, but fights off several sharks on his way back to
shore. Throughout these challenges, Santiago knows 'how to suffer like a man': without complaint.
Hemingway's writing style brings Santiago to life, but this alone does not make The Old Man and the Sea
a classic.

Inteded reader :


Significant effect :

The Form of Moral Value in Human Relations with God

The form of moral values praying to God in the novel can be seen in the following quote.

quote 1.

"Hail Mary full of God's grace with her. Bless among the women and bless in your womb, Jesus. Holy
Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners to be present and at our death. Amen "(The Old Man And The
Sea p. 82)

Excerpt 2

"Help God help me get rid of the cramps in my hands," he said. "(The Old Man and the Sea, p. 75)

The Form of Moral Value in Human Relations with oneself


Proof that is in the following quote.

"‘ Tomorrow will definitely be bright with currents like this, "he said." (The Old Man and The Sea, p. 16)

"If he is going to jump, I can kill him. But if he lasts forever, then I don't know. Maybe I will survive
forever." (The Old Man and the Sea, p. 76)

"I have to eat the little tuna, I can reach it with a spear and take it here comfortably." (The Old Man and
the Sea, p. 72)


Sincerity is seen in the following quote.

"The boy obeyed the wishes of his parents, and then moved to another boat ... He became sad to see
the old man coming every day on an empty canoe. He always helped bring fish hooks or spears and
harpoons and sails that were rolled up across the poles. (Old Man and The Sea, p. 10)


In the novel by Hermingway, a sense of responsibility can be seen in the character Santiago to Manolin.

It's in the quote:

"Five and you were almost killed when I carried the fish too fast. The fish almost crushed the boat and
made it into pieces. You remember? "(The Old Man and the Sea, p. 15)

Not easily discouraged

This attitude of despair is evident in the main character, Santiago in the Marlin fish campaign. Consult
the following kitipan.

Quotation 1

"I cannot fail and die from this fish," he said. "(Parents and Seas, p. 111)
Excerpt 2

"I will feel better. If in two or three more times I will definitely conquer it. "(Parents and Seas, p. 114)

The Form of Moral Value in Human Relations with other humans

Children's Love For Parents

"I still want to go with you, even if you don't allow me to accept fish. I want to help by doing something
else. (Old Man and The Sea, p. 14)

Argument and evidence :


conclusion :

This novel is very good and interesting for children who are still in junior high school, even all ages.
Because in this novel a lot of moral and social messages that we can take. The Old Man and The Sea are
also considered to have a very strong influence on the writing style of fiction in literature in the 20th
century so that many become references until now.

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