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Flood is an overflow of an expanse of water that submerges land.

It is known to be one of the most

frightening disasters in the world. Flood is a common problem in a lot of countries in the world.
But,however, it isn’t as dirty as we got. We realize that flood which carries dirt especially derived from
garbage contain germs that will endangered people health. Not only disgusting to see but also bring bad
effect for people's health. If we compare it, for example, from Japan we can see a huge different. The
water in Jakarta is dirty and full of trash. While in Japan the water is clean and trash free. Why can be
like that?

Couple weeks ago, we heard about flood happening in Jakarta precisely at 9 October 2019. It happened
because of garbage are clogging the river. The garbage is then carried away during the floods, so the
water became very dirty. The Jakarta government even deployed heavy equipment to clean tens of tons
of garbage. Meanwhile couple weeks ago Typhoon Hagibis stroke Japan-(Just recovered from typhoon
Faxai 1 month prior) on 14 October 2019. It caused record setting rain and heavy wind, which made the
river banks got blown away and causes floods. But oddly the water of the flood is clean, it doesn’t look
dirty as Indonesia’s dirty flood and full of garbage. I think it’s because Indonesian people cannot keep its
environment clean, this led to many citizens throwing away the garbage in every corner of the city. The
other problem is illegal house. Many people from central or east java move to Jakarta just looking for a
job and they bring their family, but they do not have house for their living. So, they make illegal house
(build their house on a pile of garbage) in the side of river in Jakarta and it makes more flooding in
Jakarta. Meanwhile Japan’s rule regarding cleanliness are heavily strict, even spitting randomly are
considered breaking the rules. But in japan, people are already used to this kind of stuff, which led to
school not having a cleaning services until high school. Japan also recycles 99% of their garbage and 1%
of them are disposed. So that’s why we should learn from Japanese to keep the environment clean.

However, maybe keep cleaning is a little bit hard to do, but we can start it from ourselves to care about
the environment, because if we want to start a big revolution, we should start it from ourselves. We can
start it with a small thing like trying to reduce the use of plastic bags, throw the garbage into the
dustbin, and not to mention keeping the environment clean, these things could result in a significant
decrease of amount of people getting diseases.

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