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are eta a rs Sarit g »y Spend See lac at) WITH 100 PROGRAMS. FOR THE SPECTRUM, ro eae) Diya O80) ; " ¢ SPECTRUM COMES TO LIFE ! ABBEX THE GAMES PEOPLE SPOOKYMAN EAT THE PILLS AND KEEP AWAY FROM THE GHOSTS. EAT THE VITAMINS AND (<7 AP a/e CHASE THE GHOSTS. FULL MACHINE MS CODE ARCADE ACTION AND SOUND. DESIGNED TO MAKE YOUR ADRENALINE RUN HIGH PRICE £4.95 cosmos YOU HAVE THE JOB OF PROTECTING A CONVOY FROM ALIENS AND METEOR STORMS. WATCH OUT FOR THE SPACE MINES AS YOU PLAY THIS AMAZING MACHINE CODE ARCADE ACTION SIMULATION PROGRAM. — PRICE £4.95 OTHER GAMES IN OUR SPECTRUM RANGE INCLUDE: ANDROIDS RUN, HIGH NOON, ETX, INVASION, FAUST’S FOLLY (Adventure), HARRIER - ALL AT £5.95 ABBEX ELECTRONICS LTD. 20 ASHLEY COURT, GREAT NORTHWAY, LONDON NWS Tel: 01-203 1465 Please send me the following PLEASE COMPLETE IN BLOCK CAPS (Allow 14 days for delivery) NAME (M/Mes/Miss) al ADDRESS ae CSPOOKYMAN (CARD HOLDERS © oa ae PRICE £4.95 POST CODE vss ENO. of o Make cheques payatie to ABBEX ELECTRONICS LTD. | enclose my cheque for & cosmos PRICE £4.95 COTHER GaMe ..... PRICE £5.95 | wish to pay by CICHEQUE ACCESS Please debit my creditcard a/ Bade NUMBER: COCO Doooonecoo boar a 16K SURROUND 1 NIGHTS MOVE 12 CHANNEL CROSSING 18 BANNERS 20 SHOOTING RANGE 23 ALIEN LURE 26 UNIVERSAL PATTERNER 35 TRUE OR FALSE 38 BINOMIAL DISTRIBUTION CRIBBOARD GOLF MULTIPLICATION TRAIN TREASURE HUNT ALPHABET MEMORY PHYSICS SQUASHED TWO'S UP TOAD IN THE HOLE ONE-ARMED BANDIT. COVER THE BOX GHOST TREKKER, DAMBUSTERS OUTLAW LINEAR REGRESSION CONSTELLATIONS GRUB RACE JUDGMENT KINGDOM. 3D NOUGHTS AND CROSSES: SCROLLS: HIGHER LOW WORD PUZ: BREAKOUT CHORDS SMAUG PONTOON SPEARMAN’S RANK SEMAPHORE WORD PROCESSOR ADDING MACHINE UTILITY DRAW XZ-80 16 HANGMAN 40 HEXLOADER 65 OL’ FAITHFUL, 88 BEAN CUP. 120 NUMBERBOARD THE DEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. SprinySimmer 1613 7xe $1 1K it 94 99 113 47 119 120 123, LASER CANNON ROCKET ATTACK CLOCK SHARP SHOOTER TREASURE HUNT COMPOUND INTEREST OWZAT BOMB CLIMBER STAR GAT BOMB RUN HOT PURSUIT FRUIT GUARD AIR SEA RESCUE BUILDER SKITTLES ALPHABET KEYBOARD STICKS AND STONES QUADRATIC EQUATION 3D HUN CHARACTER MAKER STOPPING DISTANCE MUSIC MACHINE 5 FACTORS BLACK HOLES U.K. MAP SIMON WIPE OUT SHIPS COMPUTER COMBAT. MONSTER MATHS JACKPOT BOWLING aEee ‘TRUM a 25 28 37 40 49 54 39 106 m1 124 BIO-RHYTHMS PAINTPAD SKY SHOOT DIGGER CLOCKMAN KALEIDOSCOPE GRAPHIC GENERATOR DROP 4 15 PUZZLE WORM GAME PIE CHART JELLYMEN JUGGLER LURE SHOPPING LisT MAKING WAVES ROCKET ATTACK GET THE BEST NEW PROGRAMS AND THE ALL-TIME GREATS, SPECTRUM OR ZX81 AT SOF TWARE. SUPERMARKET NOW Essen co 3D TUNNEL 3D TANK WINGED AVENGER GROUND ATTACK *. CENTIPEDE as : ESCAPE GULPMAN © COSMOS FAUST'S FOLLY OTHELLO 2X81 OWNERS ‘Special 15K ZK versions of ofthese programs er avallable WoNGED AVENGER C480 95 2 ss BLACKCRYSTAL £750 GREATBRITAINLTD £495, ‘Us the coupon to ordor Fre datailed catalogue of eur best ‘ZXB{ gamer with every order. Or aan lange SAE for eatalogus only PIMANIA e800 tT Bayt a @ TIMEGATE THE HOBBIT GEeaL BRITAIN L a mr eae SPECCHESS BLACK CRYSTAL "2 Tor SOFTWARE SUPERMA: £7 Howards Lane Lenton SW5 ‘THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS SpringSenmer 108@ | THE Br Ge tag een te Cs Cee ere rnd Pain ere epee et SS Peter feet te Cee eon int a Bearer 9g f poco eee alti encuentra pte a ae om ata uk pe et oreo Pao ccs oi tg teint Bnet Pt nai Ae a ey eee set Pee a ta eect ied Par aac poet Se aaa ree ce and copy - pe ecard eee to Race opet rt trie eee oe F peep eerie mr te ys Soe Oya Or cael 7 . Pee Cee ecueeetd ao ree Coy Mattar Cee tte) te or oy estas, Soret transparent Bester pire eet ea ee oleate a eae Ce leah eta Ee ert Renata er Pct at eee a ee “WHERE CAN| GETTHEM?" 2c eyponnaa See Ey rarest ae ae ioe HE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. Sprin/Senmer 1689, Excellent Sinclair User Well-presented book... excellent music compose useful routine novel and interesting games, Sinclair User. ‘Simple to understand and will have users storing information namatter of Excellent Sinclair User ‘Closely resembles Visicalc for the Apple (than Vu-cale) Quality Sinclair User. BUTS ent en bi rps eit epee eee ye Peeters Airset pri ee Tg Pierre opera edition Paci ens Bu ek Se ee Pike lassive storage capacty Prccdrn eet et Ra tape, Part rea orga nt Cet eee LCs te ey ee = agp Pes pe amr tpt oan sees Sa ant romania Teint THE SPREADSHEET Se nas Cee err Mikael nos ee Puech g eS ae ea Ret ne uca en ceaern Brae a eae eer tey Livre cre sey ipa ee fora ate roy ea ee try ere) rrr ace Moe) pacer ree nt cece Perret cra Pero tan ee ec rua e aa esse Sete Beara rites ati in soporte Pr eer pe either cect Prien) or ames nearer ue ete Ag aou Raye her a you get’ principle as word Processors costing hundreds of Pita eb aCa end er teeere th et) work with fullsize printors. Once again, eee ror) errs N reep. eee rey paper nty ea re ee ee ae ae Perea rr ey eee ae arr ts Pim aay ulpertorms all other Spectrum Pore erty pike tee ee ee DURE Ro omens skied eae tenet ete PSaecetas Prater emia tory Pree peer eat eee orion ee ened Pate eae eer net jease send mo. requei® h to pay by 31 Burleigh Street, Cambridge CB1 1BR. (0223)312453 a 2.2; 57Re “aT 8,0) SURROUND ‘QU WILL probably recognis Y urround as soon as you RUN il. Iisa version of a fairly st dard rou h required to surround your adversai before he can surround you. Both player n continuous motior id are not allowed to cross thei tracks or those of their opponent, 0} to hit the boundary or the scor jay. hat will surprise you is the w in which the ZX-81 ¢ two keys _wh tannously. That is not possible INKEYS and is achieved by ulilising address 16421. This contains keys are pres ed, Lines 185 a translate the number into a series of sible mov Black uses keys 1-5 fo move Z-V to move down, QT for right and A-G for loft, Grey uses the keys 6-0 for up, Y-P for right, B-M for down, and H-NEWLINE for loft. After crash theother player scores one; the winneris the first to The routi wo player to participate can obviously be use in| many graphics ga Winchester of London Wi n ted the program for thet6K 2X-B: THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. SprineSem tm INCE WE loaded Bio-rhythms S: have not been able to see ihe TV. soreen. for interested parties, Everyone in the office is bhocaming a bio-rhythm bore ‘The program requites your date of birth and the current date and | | then displays @ nest chart of the month, with curves for the physical mental and emotions! cycles. ‘Your physical state varies over @ Belay cycle and relates to your endurance, strength and aggres | | siveness. The emotional cycle lests 26 days cid governs anger, movdi ‘ness snd optimisin/pessimism. Men- a you caclltisboferen Excatotn ipeaver aid-day cyele program was submitted by R | Clerk, of Saltash, Comwall ‘tN ear) both ) their | eta 1e way ogni pups of to 260, ries of players, be used nes. J submit XH “Enter Date Of Birth “pas Month “sbs") Year ah BQ LET teINT (1 (e-c) 9985.05) #6 (4b) £30.35) —a4 808 FORr=@ TO 255 25 IF c=IhT tr B78 THEN FOR w @ TO 20: PLOT fou: NEXT 20 NEXT c 590 PRINT AT 21,0: "25¢ 20th Both goth 540 PRINT BT 0.0. ir toe; INK 2s “mental Emotional $80 FOR --2 TO = $85 READ UG $16 LET U22ePzeit—lINT tt rud eur 920 LET k=@epreis3-ui 2.05 198@ FOR Sat To Keteigeel) STEP joie P INK 442 BND vess? (2G ND Us26) 41a AND U=S5))° ta-t FEISS T2840) ,30+5IN 3480 1820 N 3 2@3@ NEXT 249 DATA 89.26.95 4056 INPUT “Brother So ? “sas Flas(ii= yg" THEN GO TO i BI0-F ymer 1983) THE REST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. Sprit/Sermer 167 LASER cANNON E DO NOT often print Space Invaders games but because this is s0 neat and ) tAND E26? +2 pocause if fits on to a 1K machine w decided to give the old rou ‘ floot of 20 X you,” writes Worcester. "You must destroy at Hee 190; CRS Ff Oc® THEN GOTO 150 120 IF INKEV¢="?" THEN LET Ksk— tacking least 15 of them or be destrove *\20 IF INKEYS: THEN LET Kak + he cursor arrows move you up 2 oie ‘senate (OF. in and the 8 fires your Laser Every tim ove ou Then Ter one fuel unit of 200. If dostroy all the "X’ ships, the amount of fuel remaining is displayed oy WTR” FUEL LEFT Sommer 1908 MOVE ~ GHTS MOVE uses the wement pattern of the night in chess to try to cover every space in a square. The program asks where you wish to start on the board, giving the vectica co-ordinate frst, and ou make rks the ray round the board, There is a check routine to make sure you cannot cheat by making an incorrect mave or land more than ‘once on the same square. Whe m ares can be visited, enter 0 4s the number for thenext square. Press NEW LINE to replay the game or any other key and NEW LINE toend the game. The graphics in line 20 are the capital I reversed with two reversed dashes, shifted |. between each. In line 3G the dashes are replaced by reversed spaces. Knight's Move was sent by K M Godolphin, of Camborne, Cornwall and needs 18K RAM. PEBEAR UL ars BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. Spring Summer 1988 WO GERMAN readers have I sent an excellent game, inspired by a trip across the Channel on the way to a holiday in England You are the manager of a ferry company. You have a working capital of £200,000 and your job is to double it, Running costs are steadily depleting your resources, but you muake a profit of £150,000 on every As our two readers noticed, the Channel is extremely crowded and one of the major hazards you face is. the frequent collisions which return you immediately to your point of departure. Only a steady hand on the tiller—that is, keys 5 to &—can save your time and money. A great game, which has fascin- ated half the office for days. Take care, or you will, as our German readers have phrased it, “have to declare the bankrupt Channel Crossing was sent in by Bjoern and Honrik Wolter of Hanover 3 195@ PRINT at 4,7 2 $888 PRE at ai™. 2 1930 Pc co ow 3 Roemer aE! ieee é tity Fee 3 S82P ver nett ceee ase pert ete) 13, PUA CET Es,e; cnc cRoSsIn 3gae CET Ay 2 $e" FGa00 paar TT ; f 33°. 290898 6° 38% ver a wy a3°RETURN ie 29. 38 8 28 §8 BT Fon nai to os a 32 Ero Yo 33 2050s “Suse Hes Se cosus ise. 88 Let Sorter -poncer_soee 85 PRINT nt 0128; GORGHE: 100 IF _WORCHR « im 228 docu ise6 328 Tr "UbReAe63 THEN LET SINFS#x) ="O" Ter -2 STEP_-2 A” THEN LPRIN @" THEN LPRIN 199@ GOTO 10 EXAMPLES OF THE PRINT ARE NGLOSED. THE UIOTH OF THE LETTER CAN BE BLLTERED BY CHANGING LINE 910 EG. 910 FOR faa TO 4 | | UGUL6 DOUBLE THE UZDTH eee I) He BEST OF SINCLATR P VERY frustrating game has been sent by Christopher Wysocki, of Swindon, Wilt shire. It is called Shooting Range and involves firing at a range of ‘constantly-changing letters The letters have values ranging from one far A to 26 for Z and the aim is to achieve as high a score as possible. 4 time-limit is imposed by @ grey square which travels along the row of letters and the game ends if it isnot shot down before reaching the end of the rows. Itisa simple program and because of that the movement of the bullets from the gun is slow and only on shot can be fired at @ time. ‘That makes it difficult to hit the grey square, as you have to anticipate its position in good ti Throughout testing, our reviewer found it impossible to hit the grey square but still managed a high scare of sia The gun is moved to the right and loft by the cursor keys and. the upward cursor, key 7, is used for 13. Graphics note Line 70, a shifted Q with « space on either side and shifted 3 with a space on either side; the grey square. is 2 shifted H and the double c throughout have a space be them except for line 580. 1 nen § cer 8 Cer 18 bi iB 227 33 FGA 53 Cer a 48 NEAT g8 tet = 3g BRin? ft e.;~scone”,“nzon- BeePEANT TS.€ OB oath 4:70 Wes igre genn eB? 35" 8 afin NT 8 = Ste Re. Ned) =m io te aivevenes” neo 24 3HiEh Ingeves"7" THEN GoTo 140 S zea, ié2ex rso00+2564 38 THEN goro gee. ig Te RIS? rnEN eR iN ATH zea, HER LET aaa we (z—a THEN LET RECLINE (oa+ BO YOU VANT TO TRY & “Ane 2 SR Fen” Got THEN Poin tea sera ‘DyssssecposessraesseuONSD THE POINT OF THE HE Cepfees, NOP LE Fae om 3 8 E 3 3 = 5 Pat 8; Fs a ‘THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. Spring Suvomer 17 IE Lat. 5° 34'52"N Long: 82° 24' Il" W The only assistance given to the whichever way you move, you to be getting warmer but canto} the exact location of the treasuc | When the correct spot is found. th ber of steps taken is shown on the screen, along with the program's | idee of the aptimum number. | The first attempt by the Sinclair ind Progrums reviewer resulted in 453 steps taken against an optimum of five. That later improved to. 84 against an optimum of 30, The huntor ig moved by using the cursor keys but an added difficulty is that if you go to the edge of the screen you bounce hack so that the left and right keys and the up and down keys can become reversed, | Treasure Hunter was sent by P Brown of Charlesworth, Derbyshire. aq THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. Spring/Summer 1083 Treasure Isiand “TREASURE HUNTER ge open TRERSURE HUNT BY F AND | rer EBr | FP tRNDsvAL “25") +UR LET CeINT (RNDEVAL “27") +A a + CINKEY $= + CINKEY § 6") - CINKEY 8") - CINKEY =c THEN GOTO UA SD+ABS ECABS FiABS @ 2.8, "URRBER® GOTO vaL "Fah BRINT BT LoCs "x" "LOOT FOUND IN ";S; “OPTIMUM “7; L+C-VAL COMPOUND NTEREST CLS. 43 BRINT "ENTER ouNos” 28 INPUT P 3@ PRINT “ENTER a9 INPUT T. 58 PRINT “ENTER 6@ INPUT R | 2a BRINT 38 PRINT “ENTER BLE _INTEREST™ Ss PRINT 30 PRINT “ENTER sz eee PRINCIPLE IN P TIME IN YEARS* RATE PER ANNUM FOR 5zM ror com F YOU dete ‘ompound interest, this pros I PouNo” INTEREST fee xNeUT AS for you, It works out the com aes CLS. pound interest automatically ence it i1@ TF oAge-si™ THEN coro ise - i tae Cer Pepsi ca+Reaee) asthe hhas been told the principal, the rate ise Goto Sea of interest, and the number of years 250 CET r= (Pans) 2108 tobe considered. It can also work out 200 BRINT “INTEREST =£"; 2 bbe a 302 PRINT simple interest problems. Ses PRINT “TOTAL =f"; +P A short program, fitting into the Zee pRINT 1K 2X01, it by § 228 BRENT “ZS THAT ALL? Y OR N it was sent by Booth, of Barnsley, South York 220 5s shire. He said it is useful helping 330 Hr Tee nENS ishomework SIMPLE GAME based on th A: mous cricket dice game, ‘Owzal, simulates a simple form of the complex summer game (Once running, it runs automatically til a team of 10 has com. nnnings and gives the total to find score. The game is repeated the score of the apponents One problem which readers might like to tackle is to find a way of removing Owzat and not out oncean appeal has been tured down Because of this it is not known when another appeal has been made until one is al and the next bai (Oweat fits imto 1K ZX-81 and t by Nick Gray of Burtc cent, Staffordshire Deer ewosmomae a Doe HarsunocomuessORaRNOGSGDIONY bane OTN bots x INT =1 To ‘THE ouZAT oR Ua2 TRND*6) +2 5 PRINT SOR | GoTo 20 THEN OR Use ST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. Sprig Sinmer IFHE ork out nce it into the helpin AME which inks the bug. scroen in which here arefourslins. falling Into his own hole or being J inttossspect rogram wits shown as end S.withascler(). eatentyagalim treoseae \ Valle agnoa, allen Invaders Tho soldier hoe te dig aihcle(0) and the ivexal tines seddinn athena Was boon produced by Senath Yous. hon lure th on ari ellie anibO a sundrum of Ashton, Preston, 100 points scoring more than 3,000. Lancashire ‘Two other limitations are that When the game bogins, the player lug by going into dig only one hole can be dug at a time asked for a skill level, A or P, mode, prossing 2, and pressing the and a hole cannot be dug beneat | begins to understand this complex pressing 01 to return to movemer Even after playing for more than a 8 7e Ler 1 | 3 FELL Levens avr) 38 Ler $ eter . “ 230 | 4 : iz 3 is | SPRINT GT 15.0;" Sm #83 4 = immer ISTHE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS SprngSummer 1083 See Gosus 2eoe Soe Ler Uesse. BRINT AT OH NG" TF Nma5 08 Maze OR Nav PP AND (Nc@_GR Nee ORK Nes) “THEN COTS 2126 ‘ena “998 698% Ho 283 OR UTR AND ASS R™ 3 on won AND Asenes S_THEN LET Hane. THEN LET MeHna ora sae ms % NNZZONNNENT 15 354 OR Ncw THEN Ler ze.s SR_NSG Hen Cer 22:5 ST THEN LET N=Ns2. ND ND@ THEN CET Nx U AND N=U THEN GoTo 70 If INKeyge"2" THEN LET ga2 TNREY “ THEN LET G=a FE groan oF NRE s< BND INKEYS <> 3 BND ENKEYS <> Nb Inkey $<> THEN RETURN If G=a_ THEN GoTo 2590 PRINT AT UVUS? Lop eEn a ADonzeaD ar a UU BNMION BDz eR. DERE bes ReweBBRN I 2 s*eemaean 4 22 58: 24 ers Ere 2: 252¢ IF INKEY AND U3@ AND fit 25 CMP Sr ene Ee | ae 7 BR GIS Sa Gia rHER CBF CS ese even lees ce. tat S228 Sh SUNS’ SS Bio MER PS 288@ IF INKEY$="5" AND Usea AND. s < eats af Si Si aes, fe 335 Baste BLS8 forsee ee ‘THEN ais S47 ano U2 17, 2500 TF ENKEY@=07~ BND. 217 AND, dope eote agse 3385 BELE BP ec gu, Be iinEY g% at hn ype ano. « B88; 2 UGE" Ba E-N°sNe8 SOR HES ae geseras seaMevek BR." 2858 Be SYEVERELSO THER SE 3888 if Inkeyes"s" AND Uses AyD. (Us® OR Use OR Ves OR Usb OR Oe Soeeuge Sheeve Yet Bho USeoePays G2Rah SeeTGR"USe PU Topher Ses Sead bg ie See eee ane, W217 Ano, ernest bebe 3388 ia ise 8 288 aS 228 2568 3888 aor BaBr ae oP" ofA - BO" alls "Po Ste SEs poet ageigie Az coas THen prant aT re fh "OR OHeE ANG NaF OR -H=GG AND N=nH THEN GoTo u TR oMSHS AND NEHY TREN GOTO 8838 coro u-s0 gage fe Grigi THEN Ler s=s+ice se8e cer ’s-S100 Seco ERINT AT MCN, CHEE oO Seeg TF srsouenint. (s's909) oF < TaBeeLtNT (iS-108) 3008) + ae, 3 3832 IF]80-"2 THEN GoTo co0e ‘THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. Spring-Summer pen pi wg Sommer 1th BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. Spr KY SHOOT for the Spectrum is kind of target shoot against the ave four target destroy in an um Saimin 180 ably Move left with 1 fire with o. right with q and YINUALLWd “WSdsAINN THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS SprngSwmer BOMB 3 : = i 3 A = Tae i ae ; 7 bomb moves across the top of the - th t any traction of te gai on 1K machines, i, limiting. the 2 3, but it will run i" For those with slow mode the & PAUSE and POKE may be remove by deleting lines 100 and 110. Bomb Ri was submitted by David Gooduy Bx Ain Goud BieGe ATHROPE DEC so 65" 3in"3ae"~ Re ror : 2.2, INK 6: 3476.8. oRau PSRs 0 Brau “255,80: BRAY 7 cee pRAD 283 ,8. DR 2 Qs858: DRAG |, =4 2.10; INK 2; "2x GO RETURN Ben ssz UARTABLES ss23 ET 3s: Let Baas PRINT AT sb) GUER 2; INK + eT c=4. LET d=a5 PRINT AT €.4; OVER 2; INK # LET cao 2. Ler os 1 Ler ox=2e RETURN Ren Sts HOUE MAN ssez% PRINT AT a) b; OVER 3, INK @ LET bebs CINKEYS="=" AND ATT ts, bod) e933 “tINKEVS="S" BND AT ta;b-4) G2) LET asa (INKEY$="6" AND ATT (a¢i,b) <4) —CINREY$="7" AND ATT (3721b) sa) BAENT AT a,b; OUER 1; INK 4 RETURN REM S32 MOUE AEAST ssass EET oxsox--4: G0 SUB Sao PREBTORY £267 OVER ORE DaMe: © LET d=d(dcb OND ATTR (c.3+ 2Y=1d2b AND ATT (e,g—2) eSBs Ler eScete ca AND ATTR 2 2e>8 AND ATTR tc-4.4) qae co_T0_460 $58 fer’ 2-39 %s cas) 14> <25) $g@ PRINT AT c,d; OUER 1; INK 4 ‘e 453 IF a=36 AND b=2 AND ca=1 TH Nogo Sue 7se 05 % 387 AND b=4 AND ca=@ THE st 2 430 Seo Tre DIG HOLE sees S88 af asia THEN RETURN S98 ehrkt Ar SUR, “BUER a; nn 4 Sie PRINT AT 2+2,-b; INK 6; A S38 LET babea 40 PRINT AT a,b; OVER 1, INK 4 a s8@ RETURN See REN sa CEAST DROP sss B38 Saint Arca: OVER i: ‘inn a ae eee LET cacea 830 BRint Af c,d; OVER 2; INK 1 = {889 IF ATTR (cet.d)o2 THEN GO 200 RETURN 208 REN sss CARRY GOLD x273 398 Paint AT 1,38; INK 2) PAPER peerLASH 1. @ CARAYING & obo" Ler can3 2@ RETURN e659 Ler s=s¢a 788 LET cas? print ar 16 IN Sé Brant aT 2,16. 790 RETURN 380 REM 34s OXYGEN GAUGE sseee S30 UF ox ¢=@ THEN PAUSE 988° GO S4@ PRINT AT 19,4; INK 2; "OXYGE NES? PAPER 3; INK S;o08t TO ox} aa PAPER @ 28 79, PAPER Hoe; INK 40 “PUSH ANY REY 998' PRINT ATS, 2e; PAPER peeehe prsoEn: aes: vs= HEN GO TO S4e 388 RETURN 990 RESTORE 2@0@; FOR @=2 TO 5. READ gs: FOR n=@ TO 7: “READ + DOKE USR agen. c= NEXT nD: NEXT @ 2@ee Dara 3") 467) 167,@,221,223, “b" ,24,60,24,60,90,24, 1e2e oaTa,~c" 226,189, 187,298, 22 1gse/pnin “a” ,0e,12,02,227/ 127, 1e60 DATA “n“,66,66,255,65,66,65 a we 1TH cos THE NK & INK 2 INK 2 4 G0 SAPER o4 + AME BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS 16K. Spec an already ‘man up several lad reasure chamber on the top he CARRYING ing, that the ked up skilful player who all, because there is a Evade the monster if hole which y supply is diminishing rapidly This is a very professional-look routine, though there are two possibl improvements to keep the tinkerers in rested, It was submitted by Stephen Lathrope, of Beaconsfield, Bi 100—Graphic A. 130—Graphic H 140—Graphic D. 220-Graphic B 260—Graphic shifted 5 OUR AIM is to climb a 000-metre mountain in 10 days. If you fail to finish in the allotted time or run out of supplies. the trip is cancelled and abandoned Bad woather may hinder y progress, When the program is run, an input mode will await the highest previous score—enter Oon your first run. The CLIMBE ay, distance to the summit, numbe of supply units from the weather on a scale of awfulness 5 to zero, and up {0 10, As group leader you must ent the distance you wish to trave that day, the maximum 00 metres. Romember that you will u more supplies in bad-weather climb: ing and that in t it may be advisable to stay in th tent When the distance reache nnter zero to obtain your final scor That pendent on the number of ly units and days expe David Stewart of Darling! _ submitted the pre reports that if his bost result i The pr runs ona 1K ZX-81, Graphics not 50,100, 180 & 190—graphie shifted 1 bo—gre hifted ic hifted 1 THEN Tinae THEN uA “ THEN GOTO UR THEN LET D=c THEN LET Sac ET _X=INT (1 C1URL “.0@0" 40 sTUAL "1ea°#s)) UAL “TOBseS™) ¥co Be "Gn ony Bie tf x20 THEN LET PRINT. “FINAL BF MIRE van Hi TNBUT RS Gore ve x THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. Spring HE 8 ba 1 10 athe plies, oned. your input u.The nbing imber enter vel on ng. 300 ill use climb: ditions in the hes 0. | score. aber of ended rts that rogram ited 1 SPECTRUM 48K : ZX81 16K SIX PART ADVENTURE CRYSTAL BLACK THE QUEST IS ABOUT TO BEGIN ‘SPECTRUM 48K: 160K OF PROGRAM IN SIX PARTS — ONLY £7.50 2X81 16K: OVER 100k OF PROGRAM IN SEVEN PARTS — ONLY £7.50 WHY PAY MORE FOR LESS OF AN ADVENTURE Do your programs load from tape first time, every time? Ifnot, youneed (1) THE MICROCOMPUTER USER'S BOOK OF TAPE RECORDING by Hildecbay Lic Contents: PART I for everybody, the how to pat) 1 How your system should wore 2 choosing a tape recordar 3 testing and adjusting your tape recordor “keeping your recarderin good ‘condition 5 the olection andcare ottpes 6 makingrolabie recordings. leading sitfioult tapes Busetulaccessaries PARTI more for enthusiasts: he ‘why’ part) ‘Show staperecorier works 1D computer cassette interface wavetorms 1 sterma heads, auimuth angle err 1 2miscelaneous tape problems Price £3.15inet postage: £2.90 rom bookshops. Orask foritet your orary, (2) TEST AND ALIGNMENT CASSETTE: precision sccessory hich enabies you toset upthe azimuth angie of your cassette, recorderhead accurately sing only a small screwdriver! Aci terror sone ofthe commonest causes ol tape troubles With fll instructions £4.90, (3) LOADING AID: your eecorder is basicaly OK, but youhave. {rouble getting the playback level right wih tapos trom different sourees yourneed out Loading Aid Also suitable for checking the ualtyof tapes, detecting and (sometimes! compenseting {or dropouts, ote Withfullinetevctions andhints on tape use £5.98 (4) TAPE RECORDER aligned and tested for computer use. A simple, butsatistactory, machine. 22-+£2 postage (dliproduets suitable for most computers) SPECIALTAPE OFFER! Book + alkjament cassette + loading aidfor 11 901 SPECTRUMSOFTWARE (48K) PAYROLL(50 employes, ll taxcodes, pay levels, NI coniibutions; Houtly, weekly, manthiy;payslips, summary of ayinonts, Veryeusy tose: Amendments to employee datas ‘vty easy right up tothe last minute: Can azo compute gross pay & eduetions romnetoay). £25 STOCK CONTROL typically 1500t0ck lines prints ist ofa lines, orines with given codes, or understocked inns leste-by- ame/sdd/delete stock ine n under two seconds: prints valies of Stock Program ioads in one mniite datainless than three) £25 GOLD our best-selling adventure game, now available on the Spectrum! €8 Allthese programs are available trom stock: we have interesting professional Spectrum software devolopment but we won t Ssdvertee runtiwe can suppiy it Hilderbay Led AL 2. Bt irders despatched by first class post jin 24 hours of receipt. Reece aioe: 44051236 6849 (24hrs) Mee PUTA eer eee tEAM ee B If you're getting bored playing games and running simple programs Electronics and Computing Monthly can show you how to put a lot of fun back into your micro. With the addition of some easy-to-build electronic circuits, your computer could drive much more than a TV screen. Like your Scalextric or train set. It could control the lights in your house, the central heating system, talk to the budgie while youre out and water the houseplants while you're away. And you can build all these things yourself-the simple circuits for pennies rather than pounds.Each month Electronics and Computing magazine shows you how to expand your micro and gives you new ideas for computer fun. Project by project we add another dimension to your computer. In the latest issue we show you how to build an infra-red remote | controller for your micro and what ‘dialogue programming is all about All you need is a hot soldering iron and a cool 75p. WHER! ECTRO! F SINCLATR PROGRAMS Spring/Summer JHE snsion to jow you note id what ll about. dering REEL thal! many of th faueation « co ol bod graph ntereat of the accompany the didactics with a ly display and a line in cheery patter. » operator has a very limit further towards 4 brick wall. There fficulty ng score for every cor Graphic foung learner. which to judge the displayed —24—Inverse space, graphic 7, invers True or False is @ progcam for tic as true or false and to space aching t The or 5 ly. Error or 100—GraphicF, graphic thors, Neil Pick and Rae Bryant of delay will nce a docrepit- 670—Inv larrogate, obviously worked hard looking automobile further and 680—Inverse BYE, 2 pen PRINT “DIFFICULTY? ¢2-a9~ =e i een mange PRINT BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS SpringSimmer 1985 PRINT AT PRINT AT PRINT Ar oe * mes PRINT 2¢ B23 THEN Bouse ive 3 THEN BRUSE 188 ar ar ar ar Tee er 22,0 — uss ro 93 wt ATU, Ba; ~ as, a7, as, a3, Sor Sée ers 390 Let r= YL geEre Site eg progr BEEP Lond 70,80 1000, werent teh 38) IE BEWSEES” THEN GOTO 99 SRINT at 7/9; ~UELL.2 HOPE Y 20 PRINT ~(eRess s Kev.a~ BROse ses THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS Spring Summ BEST CLOCK LOCKMAN jis a very quick ‘Spectrum, It is so-called bo- ‘aise your enemies appear in 2 ‘circle around the screen aif on the face of a clock. Your gun, at screen tre, is rotated with keys 5 and 6 and fired with 1, Men stay on the screen for a shorter time after every hit, so hit- ting more then 40 out of 50 is very . Fifty out of 0 is impossible. fou can adjust the difficulty of the by altering the length of the in ine 120. Sent by Arthur Douglas, of London £4. Graphics notes: 70,80 e1c—k. 1000, 1010 ete—.a.b. Oo. Le THEN LET a=@: LET THEN LET aepa: Ler THEN LET aes4: Ler THEN Ler THEN LET aa. LET THEN LET 2--8@: LE lesa Slor 124.82: oRAU INK 4.0.5 bese: Ler 1090, IF R=j-342 THEN Paint QT o7 = peep Orie, PLAT paw SUER Slave. Let se=scei ier =B: 00 T6 bo Rs Be FE. 3 a DONE awe rie iad e ceeeetyt Be Sata eeaiticia se $028 Nexr k. Nexr $830 Bate 3,23) se, ios ,196 50,39 3 Soso vATA 192,378, 78,67,/46,/48,15 #3 hess ible son Be calecree nove +10 cage ee taeF 390 ae Br 28, etd is (aBR SE BEETS amb RAED 3 > Bee GPchiterSoPR® then stor Sfie cara, 1a0,00.94 08 RL! a rie Samm | BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS Spring Suonmer 1983 who believes that there are many fundamental scientific principles serves to illustrate the principle of 26,225 %- 3, i8,*o% binomial distribution. The display shows a ball falling through a triang- ular matrix of pogs. When the ball hits one of the pegs it rebounds to the left or right, entirely at random, Its final position is recorded and a further ball produced. The distribu- tion of final positions is the binomial distribution, familiar to most O level mathematics candidates, You may Bee Cera 376 if a’ 269 If Bs 388 26500 See Goro 3a PRIN $30 Cerys 328 GRint $39 getue 283 Saint See fers 5i3 Cer & 23 Ler B S30 iF Zz % “Bee Leva. S88 Flat, =x 2) 3-20 THEN LET o= Bee bhatt at, 2 2 >, eisecom su pest PARA we: not know that this characteris pattern is also of importance in spe tral intensities and poly! conformations. An excellent program, likely [ mediate use to teache and students of | mathematic sphics notes: 20—Minus, Four spaces, minus at soon. (Za) THEN LET © 2 Bro. mise 28 For Zygoe THEN impur ze 888 Gord 2 8 ‘THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. SpripSummrlE REST (BND 282 ee ee THEN PRINT Br its i 180 IF INKEYS<"P" THEN 8 4288 IF INKEYS="1" THEN ize Ir 187 s ag¢ Ir Toes THEN Ler T. ise Ir 028 rH 208 if S56 HENS @ IF T=x AND S=¥-A THEN GOTC Se¥- AND Toox THEN Gor: Gu GATES is a 1K program in which the sun is about to go super nova and a fleet of space ships is waiting to depart from Earth to escape the holocaust. The object is to guideeach ship through star gates, The space ship is situated at the bottom of the screen and key 1 is used to move vertically upwards and keys Q and P to move left and right respectively Star Gates was submitted by D E. Healey of Coseley, West Midl nds, nathematie minus ai BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS SpringSummer 1889 ” 120 POKE 16418, 138 PRINT AT 23,0; "TYPE C TOR UN,2 TO COPY DESIGN" 140 IF INKEYS="" THEN GOTO 148 15@ IF INKEYS="2" THEN GOTO 169 | 160 IF_INKEY®="C" THEN RUN 178 GOTO 148 180“PRINT AT 23,0:"¢32 SPRCES>" 190 COPY 28 GOTO 130 HE AUTHOR of Kaleidoscope Matthew Calveley, of Lytham Lancs, claims ambzing tesulg 18 LET Ne INT CRNDX259 +200 with this ZX-81 program, It will 28 FOR fist TON feneratea random numberof dots dll 38 LET VeINT (RNOK22> random points on the bottom left dl ‘ 40 LET HeINT CRNOX32 > the screon and then re-create tha) 5@ ‘LET Rvezi+<22-> pattern on the other quarters of th] 6@ LET Rimais¢a2-H> screen All he pallor costed wil PaaeLae besymmetrical : eo ones Kaleidoscope occupies 1.2K df oe LO ee memory but can be squorzed into by removing lines 120 onwards 188 PLOT H.RV using VAL wh b wae sunt VAL white numb aro wif 118 NEX and by changing line tote: TOLEEN-INTIRN SS Hf s Mf “ i CVG . 2 2 a iy | a AS Lt ty Oe ae is u ] Lb a Oh VR : roterieteas aN y 3 TOPRINTAG" S ip} i SPORE o(CODE As} -29}¢cONT # eres(asi is atte # macorors ik # XLOADER works on the 2X. 8 80, which is something of @ B rarity, The REM in lige one if must contain more characters than ret there are bytes in th mochine code HH program, The number colo 118 must or all kinds of strange things will i start to happen tothe listing. Fr Te tenave Lis REM siaiioént 38. from line one, POKE 10403, 10, This EH 35! program will help many people who i es Still own a ZX-60 to obtain more e nT Mant power from it using machine code. 383 Machine code programming ts { 7 eo ees, : ps cl into any great depth with the ; aa 7X-00 382 The Hexloader was sent by A Goodright of Sutton, Surrey. YW 1) L | ale 285. THE REST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. SprineSkmme IEE BEST Of RIBBOARD, as the name sug. ( ‘gests, is a scoring system to use ‘while playing cribbage. A board displayed on which the state of the game is shown by the blanked-out hole on the board and the numerical tolal is shown. The result in the ‘number of games is also given ‘When run, the players are asked if they are playing a bust or no-bust game and the game is recorded as required. A maximum score of 29 is allowed on each turn and the impos- sible figure of 19 cannot be entered, ‘The score is entered by giving the letter of the player, followed by his score ‘The program was sent by M J Bennett of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It requires the 16K RAM pack ces" 1 3 29 on PUES BY HELL INE: 2858 ERTRT a¥43.22;8 SHTRY QHERTEN THan © 2028 PRT 29 ty Be BccEETeD s9ge coro se. 3 Thee Ret BuavER To : . AGA OR HORE TE the ulnwen, 2119 UNELOT 82:53 PaenT, BXGBELVCESI2 Pri gese 128 ERiwr AT 19.20; "320 rs 3130 PRINT aT oo RSE PRESS “NEGLI 2139 Pein? aT J ese tren coro ae 2133 Gore sgee*7” =>? BaP e THe o a 3 7 in 2200 Pere 28%Sa, aia to kis 2200 EPL ana ete, $2 aut 32 ber p= 3228 BRENT At 18:23: 5! 3 sosuB 3538 Gore’ 53 BS3ue 3398 ERINT “RT 20.0; "00 You vant ae neue BRSPHER Names T8285 4 paint nas Saas eneur ce 5 Seta ¥ THEN G5to 20 79,)289,0 my TR as Yo iy Gord sac" PF Agiaisee™ THEN GoTe 28 4 BoeIF ARLE Pa HNO Agra) TORE igaeetreiuse “Seca To) en 2 econ 390s bet Achevay asics ro.) f TF acai Yolen Soto" lode Hig IF 8390 GND‘ACSi TACR Ler x ers TSiSPIP See aye acai THEN LET x POR yne6 To 36 satnes” (haseaS8F ad TGid"tr 359 (AND Acaaa THEN LET Hoes tbe" 122) ig Hon? 228 zhen coro sige door (mee BND Rest) 8 FE,(8239 AND Axor! OR A290 fer 932 31 THEN LET xe62-(Ae2) 50 ster 2 2,70 se STEP 2 be STEP 2 Ba edie weet ities He She owe gcat tren cer y ete Hage 228,506 818i FAEN CET y le EE 22 S375 “He*E} 220 Hey coro, gie0, 3585 FEINR TT t¢o8s C200 22:28:86 SHEN Eercusar on (8768 AND B<91) 25E%R Sr N,v BENNETT. 388 AND B«51) OR B90 a BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS SpringSummer 1983 “ N THE RARE occasions when weather is too bad to play Golf, fanatics may care to ry th It requires 16K RAM pack and can be as rustrating as the real thing—-but not 0 tiring or expensive, For each of nine holes the program wlects a random distance between 200 and 400 yards and displays it the par value, The player i vited to play strokes at strengths om one {o nine and after ea stroke the distance remaining is d ayed, with the number of strokes at the hole, and a further ol request to choose shot That continues until the ball is in the hole, when the comparison with par is shown At the end of the nine holes the par jor the course is shown, with the ore for that game and some advice about the future of your game the numbers for strength of shot do not correspond to the numbers of eal clubs, The best guide to the dis- ance which can be expected can be obtained from 90 to 98 Although each distance is chosen at andom, they are in the region of the last figures. The exception is shot ‘one, which always moves the bal one yard, That random of the frustration, par the ball is less than fc the hole betwee he chaice must always be taking th and and the two, which can give tw three or four yards, With a little concentration, a g od of skill can be achieved and you can avoid being told to sell your dof thenine holes. Golf was sent by R A Lean of St Austell, Cornwall clubsat thee = Ses Ze cB=8523 THEN PRINT “HOLE LET KaINT cRNDs o=PGr"p SinOIE 3PBIE° Fen erm “HoLeD v0 FREN PRINT “HOLED AT ; = HOLES S2 THEN PRINT "HOLED PRINT "YoU ARE 497-288 Bate 33 57 BEENT “YOU BRE Fre houk SCORE FOR THE course Sree ome StRo NE pan ron Thzs co 2 THEN PRINT 8; STROK » : RNG Seok MEASLES NEXT YEAR: oe RN 7 PAB epinr “vou ARE TPeRE I <16" Then PaanT “Ke NB OPMEN PRaNy "yOu ARE TAINS, sw ansie) eotsiee am Seabed TEBE Fhe hoe? ROME SF THEN PRINT “ONE STRO By aze@ AND D<=275 THEN L ENO SEE E 2 THEN PRINT 8; ” STROK wr 02275 ANC 0¢=350 THEN LE THE BEST OF SINCLATR PROGRAMS. Spring/Summer GOOD, simple game for test- a variety of abilities with multiplication sums has been sent by James Hurrell. of Knutsford, Cheshire. The aim is to take a train to the end of a track correct answers to multiplication problems given at random The program makes good use of the random function to. produce different problems and it contains alternative levels of difficulty. To start the game, press RUN and NEWLINE: the pl which level of difficulty is wanted. either one or two. A problem is then n to which the player gives an answer. If correct, a {rain moves along a track with a puff of smoke rom its funnel, When the train reaches the end of jer is asked the track, a buffer appears with ‘Well done Alternative difficulties can be obtained by changing the lines 50 to 80, To help with the graphics in line they are, all shifted. keys R, 3 unshifted space, & and unshifted space; in line 110 they are 6, three spaces, and 5; and in line 120 R. E space, R, B. In line 130 there are 14 das TRAIN 40 ome ovome jesoueen B86 tte Pe: THEN PRINT AT 5,0 THEN PRINT AT Se 5-6 AND Z=H THEN coTa AND Z=k THEN GoTo PRINT AT 15.2; "WRONG" CoN SO oe Oe WO PURUMOMBEEHOMDE AS960S868009 fy 0 B88 PRINT AT 233287 °H vere pone 290 STOP Ree PAUSE Ise 318 GOTO sa THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS SpriacSwmer 198 THE 2 OLS ne 3 Ler — @ ver i 5 Cer & Cer 3 cer 8 Cer & 3 Gosue GOOE <7 2@ FOR N=6 TO CODE “es 22 PRINT AT E-G.n-o;"" 12 P i3 PRINT 5 14 IF INKEY s= THEN LET B=5- 45 If @¢O THEN PRINT AT B+O.Ns 16 IF INKEVg="@" THEN LET A=c a3 ir THEN LET Esk ¢.4s iS BRINT At Eu EGs~— 19 TF Escove °: "AND EscoDE -7 THEN Paint TAB AD Aco THEN PRINT “ AND BND THE Mrs TAB 26 PRINT AT CODE sCODE 3 > rN ~ANRE sae 26 RETURN OUR MISSION is to fly al Y wave-top height and launch bomb with the © key at a submarine hidin ina cave. After releasing your bomb you must climb steeply with the 7 key to avoid the cliffs above. Do not climb too soon, jas there is a cliff-top 1 tion capable of arranging your instant destruction. The composer of the program, Andrew Kelcey of Bewdley, Worcestershire, says that removing line 20 to 27 will enable it to be fitted into an unexpanded ZX-#1. He has lobviously limited the complexity of the graphics and, though pleasing, they are in our opinion capable of improvement. You Kdevises scoring | 13—Graphic sh ght also try to shifted W o—Inverse BANG. J20—Inverse SHOT DOWN. 21—Inverse CRASH j24—Graphic shifted E; two graphic hifted Rs, graphic shifted graphic shifted 8, two graphic shifted 5s. 125—Bight graphic shifted As. 7 —Twenty-five IP SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. SpringSummer 1983 REASURE HUNT is a game of | almost arcade quality. You are ina system of 21 underground caves filled with monstors and poisonous fungoids. The aim is to collect treasure, by running over the asterisks, and deposit it in Cave O. You cannot carry moro than five bbags of treasure al a time and even one will slow your progress, The display is of the current cave—soe the illustration. You are able to move around with the cursor keys and the exits are represented by the areas of graphic A at the top and bottom af the screen. It is not possible to return to the previous To protect yourself against mon- sters and to clear a path through the fungoids you can loose an arrow. with F followed by the appropriate cursor key. Remember, though, that new arrows are obtainable only in the entrance cave in exchange for captured treasure, In Cave 21 there is a hoard of trea- sure guarded by a growing serpent which will attempt to seal-off exits. Shooting « hole in itis usually only a temporary measure, unless you also shoot at something else, in which case the serpent will attach itself to the other target. The score is calculated by Monsters killed x 5; + treasure cap- tured x 10; = arrows bought x 4 Reincarnation is granted if you score more than 50 between deaths. A fine program, to be lyped and taped, from Paul Sherwood of Hartlepool, Cleveland, 16K ZX-#1 2 2 h4o yneosaeuvounneend IF naa aaeAzes HAA DASHANN RNS npooor aes enn ISSSE+2564PEEK 4 ererzrarerersroo 8s: SitetaeuaRDHanoA S 3 CEM Nou-rer cenpasopes 22 CET Bgapgs-TUOJOPRPTLAANNS zg CE Bf-eSs"crroourrunosans: 38 B 82 Erg 3s 438 cts 188 ts2 Seow ies tose ize AND SIE +a is CET TxcANesees3 Se 5s igs Er -pup> ss THEN’ PRaAT AT xv aii otiny iaavation st ide SeGNT et Wy iiga “hey maseophint Bt EYsdTei clas caz0+ 298 IF _RND>_6 THEN PRINT AT IV 2, 2x+lichas ise! 25 RANT AT Ta; - 8 Ne 3 BRinr ar a, 2 PRINT AT B74 IRNDs19+3) (nbs 3031) 2 ,DUrs2) me"; B7s Bain eee 266 TP INKEY$ 23°F “THEN soTO 30 285 I ARR=-a THEN coro 399 Cer"Baasann a = 358 Solus iaee 288 BRINE APS: 9; ~pance gee Ler na Bes Ler His S38 CET Mansa ano INKEVs. «TIBNOLINKEY goos") 320 "Cet OI ReeK \aracanen) B28 TF otras Ehen Gara Sane 336 iF $1283 ane Rise THEN Ler 18 885) FF Size THEN Goro cee THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. SprinpSummer 1985 reasure Hunt 12 agee THEN cor THEN LET pxows wner 10 THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS SpringSiowmer 1985 a KET yepir.2 cus Band pr cok Skiwr ar sa; “uvronrunareLy Cerny Pi sad RAGE’ pen renes: Cer, x=x3sGNn BRinr AT asi; "yOu ScoreD BRENT AR ens ie, EP EnG FaNerHen ora 2a PRINT Te SsTRIs@sRS THEN STOP St S35, POU PLAYED UeLL-~,,, Bettat F°Swntt Bepuer is? peees toate ot wae ERIN rHrs x5 TREASURE- FOR DAHAGE TO THE ao Paint WOU ARE IN A NETWO “0 ARE LOUKINE FUR BRENT “vou Kay conTxNuE”; “JF YOU ARE CAREFUL ¥ Fon k=a TO Se re Nexr F THe TREASURE ROOM, B cts ar yOu. EVEN TO TOU ca KEN ey FOR Te-10 To 10 RheANS INSTANT DEATH. Cet nisegs 3 BRINT TAS @)C$< TO AT); PRINT TAB Taesnz);eet fo AZ ZBans F8hddse cave 4.2,2 oF Neer x “ENPUT PR PRINT AT @ BREE SPon pase Then core 3 BRE BF Se: silat Si2 cer een Be CEE S807 sonar BRIN #9608 rnenoune as ane gag Gen, Fea #S SON? ECHERE, Tore PRINT AT 1291/4129 (RNDS2) | = sis PRINT’ “youR SCORE TS “;S+TR i818 print TAB a; “rou HAE“; ARR isee SRINt TAS’é; "ARE you GOING Wo” THEN PRINT “yOu THEN STOR it tt pyzcszaz Rou MANY ARROUS DO ¥ ‘trumey ARE 4 POINTS EA Po ssaa rst) susie = i 5. 3 3 B a Se apse tien Ler 1 TE Rese THEN LET hy 3e RB toe tren Cert Cer", se SRINe agse PRinr “you cany BrRORD TH 3, ZF RNC Tee6’ Goro isse ‘ 2000 REN TTS RETOaN Lawvounwmmimmnn! 8388 °soceeeeoee 88994 80n== 2656 o IaawasoAnees a “ THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. SprineSiommer. £ ating graphics on the ‘Spec- trum, Mark Bateman of Wolverhampton, worked out this rogram, When run it displays a square medsuring eight by vight. The pro- gfaMm is user-friendly, giving full instructions to obtain the necessary design. On finishing, the design itis print ‘ed in the top right-hand corner of the screen, Te BASE the problem of gener- 4 REN graeirc ceneRATOR go hen Bnork eaten sn gi? S0nDER s“pReeR”? 29 PRINT AT 3.0; Se charatters ob teexere 3. to uy bith Leiter so you omaha. BAT AF S741) Sa2aese "39 ron x=1 To BRINE aT Sega; a3 ESS ber naen-t.8 Shen charac fa0"3" OR LEN en, SETTER Bee et@ey) INK 8: -™ ENPUT “input must be & Betueen 8 saa Se"; FS PERT, ParieT tobe hesaes 8S rat ae ro 220 PRINT OAT Se?/agey; FLASH a; Bape 6: re SBME OE PAPER 6) Their *5e omens this charac Anegte Gtngreise ‘tay STREP B"LTMEN PRINT AT 2.4 SOe Seuewent to a another cprattert ay OP BF 328 ir age-y~ rem co 70 a9 380 iF a$7;%2- ‘Super, ePemuse B29 Br nore this, re runs initially in FAST mode, then the order PHARET is teaching ld for betin random order. Aten pectbtou cert road “thie wrudent Kae ieee ba scias ia pearans. Var Ciel lie loleie faces! he distance of the screen clears and displays the alpha- the letters is decided by the level of difficulty selected and the laser is nd_ moved with the usual keys and 6. The program was sent by P Styles, laser ftom of Rotherham. It runs on an expand dZX-B1 wan Le He BE BER G5R.‘shriteS 918s: pa BRENT AT 35,2)" LET nex BRine ar As, AND A427 THEN THEN GOTO 208 goto 110 fon r=i8-" ro @ ster -a BRINT AY 7 B32)" Paant pr Tiese: ext. tet yless 2 a3 Ir Catv) OocHRS R THEN GOTO z LeT A-Rea : PRINT AT 22,0; TAB ¥/CHRS (F : IF Rega THEN GoTo 320 ef Goro" 330. a Ge m= THEN PRINT AT 25,0 thy iy ayn HARDER LEVEL a LEY Binoa a FOR G-ga-To a ster -s Fy A=cope ‘Bicope “# HE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. Spring/Sume HERE BSH ¢ ] ) Memory. It i: memory Tanning score is kept of your Se DIN BIS,6) 28 bin T 8 Bin taties ee Print SSESEE 8 brine 73 PRINT “THE = on eis 88 PRINT “xHPROVE ve MATCH, THEY ARE YOUR OTHE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. Spring Siemer 1985 Se oecaveRS B50" Ley 83 -inneys 58 ar code_nsi2% on THEN Bors 2e'Ler 330 ARiae — PE 3 2sso; Tee 4e@ pRinr AT tenes .sonas $8@ Rex Aa NEXT A 288 Boxe Tears. 498 FoR Nzi ToS. (RNDSPLAVERS) +1 LEVERS) +2 een SPL se 68 IF cube mee-? on cope na>T+ Sete LET LINGEE(M-1)) - CINKEY the program, reports his fastest time NEXT as 15. We did not manage anything PRINT “OUT oF FUEL” better than 30. (1K ZX-61}. Graphic osu PRINT “CRASH™ notes STOP PRINT “SAVED: "; 7 ‘60—Graphic F, inverse space, two /Summr HARTHE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. Spring/Summer 1089 5 some of the calculations necessary into subsections giving @ total of fare correct, incorrect or close ‘enough and your score is displayed at the end of every section, As each new topic is introduced ‘every 1,000 lines, new sections could easily be included by changing the 5 in line 110 and by moving lines 4225-4270 to the end of the last topi Sent by Michael Coombes, of Newport, Gwent. pec HELL, 2 Ain oF THis" ithe 8,7 TO TEST YOU_OM. SOME CULATIONS THAT Your, “w | SUOe "UREN SrUby EN”) ei So PRINT... ~THE Tord, “CAL CULAT ron OF TOTAL Costing OF evecTRicir aut.) 7POUER” '76°POKE ieais,0 Se PRINT AT B4ye; gs POKE as4is,2 36% ere UNE C 326 Paine cr sieeer 2 ‘a1 ros T8313 Gosue 7eee RESISTORS RRE™,” ter 1888 Nexr | 880 ror'c=a ro 6 Tife Gosua seee 1: TS HEEEO, WELCOME 76,8; HAI CEASE T AcENBE TH ‘broaRan’ 1 OF THE CAL SLi NEED Tt LECTRIC IT Res Tsronee To oe eR ieag PRINT ATS. 8; "THE FOLLOWING GonNECTED IN SE Ries? 2, Rae LEt carn (ANDAs) +2 dea? ban o«Bs ieee Ler ANS-o 3988 For G-1 To 8 Pose Let fe) INT ANDES) +2 eas ANS-ANSO1F 1876 PRINT, Pores,” aH: lege Next @ i@e0 PRINT... "WHAT TS THE TOTA 1130 NEXT Oo Tiss Gosus sseo ides ReruaN Sebel” 1S 4 ® era To 5 bosue Fone, Er $350 Cer UactinT (aNoyaieraiese 35 Bose Ler Bont tadeval se a 3aa8 Ler faint iqnose) se a Bese BRENT AT 8.8; unRT. 33 Bot oP AUN ING AY ua, - ANCES FOR He nduRe” BT “ree 8 Bence fen incre” és 2850 eT BNS=1Wn-20e@) Her eS ese thru t 38 3eee Gdeue seve 33 e%e Nexto 2 3aae Gosus ssee BS 2e98 RETURN, Boe PRINT TAS 5)“ Boie roe o-2 To Jaze Gosus zaee 3eae Ler e-ENT Bese Let rye Tt Be, RUQHEN & CURRENT “OF Sus tHroush. aT? gee CLS : sae SO BEINT TAS 5) “SAMMI S33 7 —— $h a 213s cane 3 ‘Get Nanos 3138 7 TF Ro4 THEN CO: Saat 3149 PRINT AT s/o, Flous THROUGH AS YA; ” RUGETH Ou, volts,“ 5480 Cer’ AAs=UeR 3iee IneuT T 2178 GosuB Seee 3148 NEXT oO THE HEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS Spring SwremerfIE BEST 2199 cosus esee 4215 FOR <1 To 18 gee PRENT TAB 5; 2382 d5S0e°ssee as) tee TS bes cos Sereuey sc 2558 SRint at 2.0; “VELL “i Ne) "> Shee ron S=1°7To 5 S07 RAGE ‘Nou®? rage; “TAneo BEL tt Bese Gosus zoe : SUCHPeUL TIONS. srr, "FOUR PENAL pose P Sage Cer ’E ERP? reno ses 2 Scone 25" 78c See0 Ler Gain; IANDsae) +10 S8ae print’ (oo, ,,"DO You WISH TO | 3280 Cet Ansa. Start Agr rt sae oc) $890 Bein? aT Gre; “unr UALUE of 42ue Er ENREY$-"y" THEN GoTo 199 HEeL) “Begissas ctues’A”)“CUmeknr or; i8ee i inkev$on~ THen STor Poe Sule UOeTS ARE A Zee Gore «ase belres ncaoss xT! $eee fon asa Fo 22 3828 PRINT AT Ae. 7e20 Next 6 Jase KETURN S8ae Fe TAS, THEN ERENT gg 0 CUE 13; BE*Bone EINer TAB 8, THAT Z wo Soarecr.~ : Sees iF TasANS ANG INT ANS=zNT + eceeratiahesl OREN PRINT.) SELOSE ENOUGH (Rupes s3, NEE THe @: The 6)4THE ExReT ANSWER LET ANS =V4r Uae = Bear So, -uner rs THE F ele IF TaANS OR INT ANS=INT T Sen uieHr aus xr -;ap- HEN LET S6-36.3 Phot bathed Sooo thew’ then Gers ar INT RNS@INT T THEN GoTo U,MGSthS-Tiaénoss 177" Bese eae IF LOANS THEN PRINT 2. ~o Ag; TRATES Obata 8 Tue “ane ck “Bas “UAns Se49 cosis seaa Sese nerunn $8ee For es. ro 26 PRINT TAS 19; -RMER TAB ac 3ei8 NeExr'p Seze Rerunn 388e ccs Pai'ro ae Bees _SSINnT “YOUR scone FoR rHrs BECP ION ES Sey" Sur" Gr roa $510 Ler Tst=rscese 3826 Paint. +, +c, 7YOUR TOTAL = cenmosawssawsse Re So an x8‘! itSe $180 LET Asai S3s2e ron y7a_70 3 $258 Print Ay @ya,"uer cunreny 3828 agsus sone % figus tHnouen a’ d;"unTT AePLIR 38se NEAT. Y IS pnewe) MEE UNEN WETH Be; *haaUoLr"SurcL Sees Pon yera To s “BE°iS3 Aine INneur T rs ose $138 G0suE See0 tdge next 0 per sTcE” 2228 Gosus voce sumer BPH BEST OP SINCLAIR PROGRAMS Spring Same 981 q g the to break the bottles by movi hat with keysSand Z A running score is kept and the game ends when you destroy all the targets or lose your allocated threo 2e@ REN cc) PER GRENBORG, 1862 39 REN sesev nz-scone By EN- TERING “PORE A6Sas/8 fo ret BaLLass eueaues cr nat aa ‘opx4l+ 40-Inverse spaces: inverse As: inverse spaces, !4-FOR|=9TO11 ‘graphic STICKS AND STONES Bri 70 28, lint, Bhowas s12 Bt bet Feetits 10 3 obfeed S Peek LETeze ig eee re “SCORE=") INT 146 Prine’ (ors) | THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. SprineSioumer 1081 QUEL EOUAEIOCN HERTS or Ning expanded ZX-81 has been sent by Richard Harris of Eastleigh, Frampsbire Ths veveraid ation 4c eae the co-efficients of the equations and Ahan cplayy the baat lth lap (peta galeed eae aloo by Pie hepee a ee Sis root Scour Comtuveane Taoe-Graphte shifted 251—Graphic shifted 2, 530—Two graphic shifted 2s. THEN LET ae= THEN LET ag" THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS Spring/Summer 198 User. This version makes the giant every incorrect guess. The 120-word vocabulary consists of 40 six-, seven- and eight-letter words selected randomly from a dimensioned string. This seemsa reasonably definitive listing for this game and is therefore worth a place in anyone's cassette collection. It was sent by P Marsland, of Tamworth, Staffs, for the 16K 2X81. § Ler Foti0 28 Cet are § bin Agiayazay $8 tneut 8 CEr Rsinr (TonSsa@ -2) 41845 86 PRINT AY _2/3e{i0-z | ane : * $8 PBR 5-275 'Bs6" 3 as 28 Te'esee'o) Then ge ir ED Sis) Fas SEg(D) THEN PRINT AT a 2 -Su.8h eer Fao 7Hs 88 TE8 THEN GoTo 20s 35 38 doste°r Nagy INVBARRELUGYRGERETURNBEUOTO™ 288 SETUP -Fo10 a Ler ae (ai = DEGRADEANS TOUSTH fos Te k5@ then ter zer-1 ROUSHBEL 16UeseneRTHneL IEUEBICyCL ge If S28, "Then coro 156 SR TCRETERC ITER TT CHENAHOUNANGRS Hg next 2 FRERGHICKENT ON EGHTUTNEGHRREL CASE i28 Soto Sea INSTANT OMISTLEUNWRpPY AL RERDY OUTS 186 PainT AT 18,0; "vou GuesseD BAGONBOPOLRRBAPrLERMaSTUETRRRE IC oS LET Ag (3) =<~roLe rcLeaccrpenT aLTHOUGHe TAT ADAYBUSTNESSCHEEREUL SOnECETECONT ZNUEGRRKNESSDAYDRERN S2oe5uensrsranceeteciRIcRe sponse Ben 0D 1 COMNAMENTPRUENENT SONET THE ENORMOUSROUNT HINNCTONI=F LEMONADE ENDANGERUZOUENCEREVERENT TAPESTRY RERBERSURER TSE TONORROUYOURSEC EA RoSonbedee? FanTOceTHERrE IGHTENER TENGLVPOUNTAINEL ee? fonDEaTRUCT SO aohReLcogoness = iS te 824 THEN coro © » ‘THE, BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS Spring/Summer 198 OAD IN THE HOLE is a p gram emonstrate vector oe o Santa anh a 18 PRINT AT @.8;"TORD IN THE H TO CONTINUE. oue® Po PRUSE 580 28 AT 1,8; "(sixteen oraPp 75 CLs nie? 3 Let eet 3 AT 2.15: "BY 92 FOR De2 TO 19 49 AT 3.18; "DAVID HANSON 180 PRINT AT E.D:i"(oraphic 6)" ” 118 NEXT D SQ PAUSE 100 120 LET Ee2a 6@ PRINT AT 7.@:"IN THIS GAME: 130 FOR D=2 TO 19 YOU MAKE THE TOAD MOVE INTO THE 148 PRINT AT E.Di"C@raPhic 7)" HOU BY PRESSING THE CORRECT N 158 NEXT D UMBER KE‘ PRESS NEMLINE 169 LET Det ‘THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS Spring’Siomer 1983 178 FOR E=2 TO 19 189 PRINT AT E.D:"Caraphic 8)" 190 NEXT E 208 LET Dean 219 FOR E=2 TO 19 220 PRINT AT ED "(eraPhic 5)" 230 NEXT E 248 LET E=20 250 FOR Ded TO 16 STEP 3 262 PRINT AT E.Di"CoraPhic R)" 278 NEXT D 239 LET Det 290 FOR E=5 TO 17 STEP 3 309 PRINT AT E,Di"(oraphic RD" 319 NEXT E 320 PRINT AT 1.1: "CoraPhic 2)": AT 1,20; "Csraphic 4>"sAT 20,1)" araphic 2)":AT 20.20; "CorsPhic 1 " 938 PRINT AT 20,0; "0"sAT 17,0;" L"GAT 14,05 "2" AT 11,0) "3"5AT By O:"4" NAT 5.8) "S"sAT 2.05 "4" 340 PRINT AT 21,/1:"8 1 2 3 aS Ke 258 LET Am="” 360 LET Be="S OR P<@ THEN GOTO 720 740 PRINT AT 4.21) "RIGHT "iP 750 PAUSE 100 768 PRINT AT 2.21;"UP 7" 778 INPUT 9 77% IF G>5 OR M<@ THEN GOTO 760 780 PRINT AT S/21;"UP "10 798 PAUSE 180 800 PRINT AT 17-2/D8:AT 18 JAT 19,2308 B19 LET Rec o¥P +1 I 615 LET S=3%*0 $20 PRINT AT 19-S.R+1: 899 PRINT AT 18-5,R+1;B8 849 PRINT AT 17-8, R+iiA@ 850 PAUSE 100 870 PRINT AT 1.211" * 890 PRINT AT 2,215" &; 899 PRINT AT 4.21:" « 999 PRINT AT 5.215" = 910 IF K<>S OR J¢>R THEN PRINT AT 0.21; "HARD LINES" 915 IF K=S AND J=R THEN PRINT A T @,21; "WELL DONE" 920 PRINT AT 2.21; "THE TOAD" 939 PRINT AT 3-21:"HAD TO " 940 PRINT AT 4.21: "MOVE " 959 PRINT AT 5.21; "ACCORDING" 969 PRINT AT 6.21;"T0 THE " 978 PRINT AT 7.21) "VECTOR" 980 PRINT AT 8.21) "TRANSLATION" 990 PRINT AT 19.24) "(oraphic SPACE :graphic 52" 1900 PRINT AT 11,24: "Coraphic @) SPACE SraPhic 53" 1910 PRINT AT 19.25)H 1920 PRINT AT 11,25/1 103 PRINT AT 16,21; "PRESS RUN" 1040 PRINT AT 17,21, "AND THEN" 1058 PRINT AT 16,21) "NEWLINE" 1@6@ PRINT AT 19,21) "FOR ANOTHER 1079 PRINT AT 20,21) "TRY" THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS SprigStmmer 1989 SDs UNT thing hidden in a grid. 3-D | Hunt is the first we have had Q front of the cube. Beneath it isa strip § — | presenting depth, the right-har a — of the strip being the front of the ube. The computer hus a choice 29positions in which tohideitsel Enter a number for the line, | nother for the column, and a thir SOR lasasers + or the depth. Your position will be é splayed and so will three letters to = how the relative position of the 2 computer : A report of NWE, for example would indicate that your first ai secand numbers should be less, ur third should be grea as ates “in front of ee If one of the report figures does | appear, assume that you have hit rect value. A black square ows you have found the fugitive required is displaye me fi 1 Allen of Wigar er. Graphics note 6—Inverse hyphen Nine graphic As z 8—Graphic D An interesting X-1 from Pu re ONE-ARMED — BANDIT OME ARMED SANDIT™ Ni Skies Bult ex a. ee GeiNT CWO ES) 46 < THEN GOTO 55 (ape es) oe (are ess TS Bee 208 If N=-2 THEN PRINT AT @.0;5 i Then Stor $88 REM Jackpot 305 PRINT at G.@: “JACKPOT: 310 Ler Kase ore $28 PRINT AT @,o0:K 325 Pause Soe) 350 pacer ar 38a erin St 35 Ip INKEY we J GRMOLE ee Ne Free Let ses+ F YOU are too lazy to stand up ae aE 3 INKEY gon ve [int ste One-ermed Bandit S22 Te Hievescec TEN Berysy, ‘a fruit machine simulator for the 398 oe Ea as 16K ZX-81, submitted by Andrew Bes ene CET Jackson and Paul Jenner of 322 c THEN LET & Warrington, Chesbire o7i Tr Lie Then cer 5 arrington, S28 If Loe THEN RETURA The aim is to line-up the lettors $45 7F Roose" then Let displayed cn the three tele If you 238 REN START oF NUDGE manage a jackpot, you aro given the 299 sie 4 chance to take a fifty-fifty gamble e382 Baca at with your winnings (Y/N), You can ets THEN EEFuen win five pence, or lose 10. Five points er THEN LET R=Re can also be won for a diagonal line. 616 IF INKEY@="G" THER LET AsA- Cccasionally you are given & Sa ee coin y caciecereicat ‘nudge” option—ie.,—the chance to son? - change three letters. To move up the ,ole IF INKEY THEN reel one place, press 1; for reel two, *e20 rr inmey THER press 2; and press 3 for reel three. To asi leet Spel? eee te move reel down one place, press Q, a = = Pee W or E. If you do not wish to nudge, G80: 2P" INKEV «+ TREM LET Malte hit IF INKevs TREN GOSUB 10 ‘The program usually will wait for ‘some kind of input, so if in doubt hit (TREN RETURR . a key; in desperation, hit RUN. 1388 THER RETIN Graphicsnotes: igor 1000—Inverse ABCDEABCDEABC. 4go8 DE. 1005—All inverse spaces, except for inverse hyphens after AS(A) and AS(B) “ THE REST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS HARACTER MAKER change the character set of the 1K ZX al. It will i fen change letters in program listings int blocks of strange patterns. The main program is ® mai ‘codo routine set up using the POK’ command. After running the main rouline remove it line by line but do not use NEW When the program is in memory type-in one of the demonstration programs. They will show contin: uous patterns on the screen, You can also make your own programs which create patterns on the screen which hange at random. The program was sent by Allister London, of Sleaford, Lincs 1@ POKE 17@00,62 2 REM DEMO PROGRAMS 10 LET S@=RNDS255 28 POKE 17902/297 28 FOR A=a To 265 29 BRINT cHRs 8; | 3@ POKE 17005/73 38 PRINT cHRS AS 58 Goro 15 49 POKE 17004 ;202 58 NEXT A 58 POKE 17901 ;-122 8@ Ler z-usR ?17@e0) CHART will provide you with pieces. When you have finished, y co-ordinate will move you to a means of displaying your per- INPUT “-1” and the program will the next stage of the routine centages ina really pro- move to labelling the different which enables you to title your ssional way. A circle is shown on slices. A grid is drawn around the display. screen; you are asked to input your screen and you enter your label This useful program was submit rercentages and tho computer will and then its x and then its y co- ted by Paul Smith of North Harrow slice the pie info aporopriately-sized ordinates. An entry of 32 for the forthe 16K Spectrum. THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS Speine/Siomer 18 CHART | COVERT 7 GOOD, interesting game, which ‘takes slightly less A which add to the same total, For example, if a three and a five are and the total of the numbers remain ing is displayed. After a number of than 3K of memory on the thrown, any) combination of two plays a ranning-average of th 2X01 is sont by John Eli of numbers adding to eight canbe romulning totals is chown Elis says Winborse, Dorset. He says itis eliminated that ater mach practice his average Dasedon sold French gameknown The chosen numbers are entered. for 10 games wat The program's ss Shut the Box, togetherand the program checks for ser trendly The aim is to eliminate each of illegal moves, The game continues —_To help with the graphics, in lines uers trom ne to nineby hrow- unl is impossible to ake n 30andS0 Whew rw 27 inverse spaces Ing two dce.The fal thrown can ove; no number canbe eliminated 0 there are spaces in 240 he 638 MEET ° $38 LER rie, 23 a5 cero S3 Be wages 288 Ebr 15 70.5 gs Tea cbSRE £38 GPP th oie Then ver tere | EE ae PRINT AT 16.7) “YOU HAD 7. Be oom mms 288" Cer roperoret errs: 2 memes 228 F250 vous guennce ce >) me dee patar GPSS S! “ERERE Ri Ke 333 ilo. 338 Sofo 2388 7.7s0NOU many DICE SBR RERTE =o 228 BPUT OR. cen pers $8 de apo THEM 85h! : rex 128 Basttf at P8utRBLLeo nt = eet 5g LET grENT cRWoxeD «2 328 EtURN 358 Z ogee BEE smut THE pox | iso eee PRINT IBUECT OF THE GF oe Ee nGHeeRS’ By TRcAoSsGELE oo ee SAND COVER”, “ANY COMBINATION Se NUMBERS THAT GIVE THIS To 19.0 Fac #5 FSR 22,70 ven os dyes Bnd BFR: 46: tekRSS at S58 (ee $57.08. 83.73 al #3 teas Bae rouse «re 383 ERrareay TS5R.E908 ERM oo Eee, BRENT “vou,caN ony use enc 328 GOTO 220 See PRINT Afr YOU uant To cover 338 fer 3 400 IF Ne THEN GOTO 512 LUCK + 288 BH ae $93 core eg a 358 Pett 97 30'%4 a $39 E88," #cbncaarucarzons: ais HOST TREKKER is a gen. uinely challenging game requiring quick thinking and quick cursor fingers as you chase ghost around the haunted house ‘You begin as an inverse V in the top left of the screen and change direction anti-clockwise with 1 and clockwise with @. Both you and the ghost leave a trail which you are not allowed to cross in your attempt to corner the wayward wraith. If you have sufficient luck and animal cunning to corner the fugitive phantom, you will be con. ratulated and your time displayed. A demanding game for the expand ed ZX-61 from Alistair Crowe, of Llandudno, Gwynedd. Graphics notes: 110—Thirty-two inverse full stops 130—Inverse A, graphic shifted M inverse V, graphic shifted N 0 & 400—Inverse full-stop. 410—Graphic A. 530—Inverse “Congratulations, you have caught the ghost. It took you... time units, 880—You hil a trail and have been killed 500—For another go, press any key CHE FOR a=@ TO 21 iT - (RND2297 & > ReINT (RNDEEr +2 tet 26 238 Gato Sse 32e Cet AAs CINKEY $="0") ~ CINKEY * ane To 22 7 135 Rout eta (RMD EA6) +2 HT tRRDed) €2 THKEY qth TENE say €2 NT Ee THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS Sprig Summer 1985 for the 1K ZX-61 from f Ipswich, Suffolk (6) = (72 = g(a) = a -mmm Teco = me ae. 20°. 200 =" we. 22) ss. 15) =" 5-2. iw. Qos ....- Gs = (a6) «a7 22e PRINT 2: Pais aoe LET xe ih. t) 308 YF adse78 THEN CLS; LET a= eo BoRDER 2: PAPERS: ink Bt ots BSH HRB So3- a, 2 : a “ ‘ i. ket om 23 3r Mica ayctint, 4c 4 Be ge sinew Gees ao $85 GF bie THEN LET h-20 30—La ir tie ae 388 Bethi ar By) wt ar vs 395 ar usth,s) 27,0 When LE sie painy AT’ 8.8; *Score "Ts 3% 901,58 460° S6 ksth 5) <6" THEN LeT ‘Sts Fee8 Wei eee tae Then Let Sanb a2) iBpay BAB ER (BAGS S825 TM THEN LET bob-2 45 ir ‘int NET Jellymen, which bears son semblance to a Spacman routir at has « charac own, Your monster is controlled by al cursor keys and must travel round us of 50 points for the larger pelle rman ghosts wait to attack you A running score is kept and the gam ‘ops when a monster catches you. (16K ecaramn) ‘Graphic G 15—Graphic B 20--Graphic ¢ 25—Graphic D ‘pp hey et (AND 32) FUE BND Ke AnD Ks xs THE BEST-OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS Spring I: REST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS Sprig " | G DAVIES of Hereford has sent a frivolous bul funny ! see, ame for the 16 is complete with sound da running score. It would I for keeping children enter. twined on wet winter afternoons. For graphics in lines 1040, 1460 1640 and 5030 enter 0 in graphics mode NCLAIR PROGRAMS Spring/Summer 18 DAMBUSTERS. game. for Ave 28a Droning” over ‘Hamburg in the flak-riddled Tindal epoca sooo over his sights, the Barnes-Wallace special already spinning in the bomb bay—and everybody humming the a You have 10 dams to bust and the foxle eeitogest Bertani beret pm dripigt a 320. The position of the dam is randomised and the bomb is released with any key. The program uses only 2K and there should be plenty af room for elaboration of the graphics. Submitted by R Larham, of Chatteris, Cambridgeshire. The reviewer managed to account for only seven. Graphics notes: 600-Graphic shifted A inverse asterisk, graphic shifted A. sero IRM S see sis DAM") A;TAB a2 uber 138 PRINT AY 29,F, CHR 139 in Sae az He! ro 128 MY GTO 83 ster 2 18 TF H>Ga THEN GOTO Aa 220 Sf osae THEN coro ae 330 aeTunN. S16 PRINT AT 4,4; "Tors. onnS DE sROvED OS S28 RESS NEWLINE For 538 THEN BO <8 Soo PRINT aT as.-; “MEM Bip Ler s-a94 820 830 Fen 2a8 20 Baa ‘THE REST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS SprigStommer 1989 MUSIC @ MACHINE Mz MACHINE is the Mises frivolous program we have received. It is from Jason Fitchew of Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. It uses the FAST commands on the ZX-81 to gener a kind of musical scale through the TV speaker. ‘The scale is to be found on keys 1 ‘0 6 and is the kind of basso: profondo associated usually with Count Dracula hunched over the organ keys in the crypt at midnight Tune the dial slightly off-station to start the background hum, turn up the volume and shake to that vam pire beat. Graphics notes: 68, 180 and 243—Inverse. & 127 IF INKEYS="¢ GoTo vet 2 138 °GoTo vat “so é ie 25 5 38 or is5 « F ist BS 3F INKEYs="6" THEN coro a Be07 agi 78, feeva” THEN BOTS ve 38°coro cove ~*~ ‘39: 28 Bane Agg IF THKEVSe%a" THEN 6 00 42 Stow oe $3 Sb8b aZblar mkev e 58 Fast 5 oes | Bp. FP inceveevan Then cop 22g Q3F INKEYS="6" THEN GOTO UAL chiar muneveena” THEN 188" coro cope ~@ $8 tr THKey. eH cop Bie East © Sgr THKE The 28 Cay | eB 3F INKEYS="6~ THEN GOTO Wea 32% Stoy 30 coro CODE “ t- 47 | aes ne fo (N-2) — REY Oe S5@ PRINT “x SIGMAIN-x 388 PRINT “VY Sicnain-a)= ~ (ashe PE (F 26) 35 (9aRD “CORRELATION COEFF ICE FRESGR (1-585 “:08SOR (1-Ses THE REST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. SpringSaonme 189 ematics homework, Lineal re- gression calculates those tricky problems using the ZX-81. It relates both x to y and y to x, as well as giving the probable errors involved. From Martyn Whitwood, of Rotherham, South Yorkshire. E YOU are struggling with math Merseyside, has sent two pro: ams for calculating factors The first will find all the factors of a given number and the second w provide its prime factors. In both cases the machine waits a number to be input and then prints the appropriate answers (1K 2X-B1) je MINETT of Birkenhead, HOLES ACK HOLES is an uncompli fed game for the IK XZ-81 for which you are required to manoeuvre your speeding space aft through a whole cosmos of the omnivorous megastars Chango course with keys & and 5 when you crash the length of time you survived will be displayed. Sent by James Hatchell of Guildford ee ieee TRELT aN specially for all avid stargazers After the lengthy process of entering it, press RUN and NEW LINE and a menu is provided, listing 10 groups of stars. Pick which one you wish to see and the group of starsis shown, along with its name, The list available is the same as that sent by the weiter of the pro- gram but others can be added or sub- stituted according to taste The main idea is to provide some kind of record of a particular constel lation, so it is essential to save the program on cassette. Kevan Cheyne, aged 10, of Hartle pool, Cleveland, wrote the program for @ school project on stars. No doubt the next project will be to raw a picture of Patrick Moore a ONSTELLATIONS is a program es a | Sge PLOT 26.3 | 32 PRIVT voonsreLiarzo: $82 Gtgt 22-2 32 PERE nN meNL $3s bear 323 | 38 Bezne 22: BeRprzws B28 GtSt 23:33 | 35 PRINT SS@ PLOT 47,29 38 Sei eee BEST 23:29 | 33 Bae ees ots. 43 PRINT 602 BRINT TAB ae, “cancer 33 BRINE 228 BEST 28:33 3 ROENE 58 Biot gecas \ Pe - 640 PLOT 10°33 | 42 PRINT. 848 Beer 28/23 $8 SEE a S35 BEST 28:38 $8-FP aea05 a>10 ten coro © ase | $8 2578 ‘4.980 s 398 Ste ee Tag. 20, Ltenn $38 ctor #3728 33:22 i28ebtGt 36:53 a2:3 S2QMELST Bo:32 32:8 3s Exo 53:8 32:7, #82 Goro ies 3843 388 ceo tap ae, “LYRA eee | 212 Eat 32:32 St 99.82 212 2 2: | 8g BES Be:3° #3:35 S| gee beer 3a:2° 3235 oie ber 32/2 338 o85 ELST 3245 34:38 333 cree ee 35:28 388 BRinr TAB 20,"B00TES 35:33 3S BRaeT tre 33:92 aig Bley 32:83 eH age Btgt 38.38 ee | 338 Bter as at 382 SRInT tae ae, “AaurrcA” | a5 beet gei8 it g8;32 358 Stet 84/2 #5733 aon ook es 33:3 #82 BRivr zae,20. -Lerus 33:25 ig Bear 32 22:38 238 BEST 22739 Senior ori teiae 2002 PRINT TAB 18, “THE LITTLE bo fae eLor 48:37 te $35 SESt 32:20 13 $ 3s iz 1280 PRINT AT 32.0, "To Hi ” $38 StSt 24°33 1304 FOR saa 78*488 ea eae 388 Stor 38:33 2295MIF INKey. 3) INEN Ler so | $88 cer 22°33 HSESEE GNREVSICE: THEN EBEy s2gmerr° 2220 Next Ss 3 i His Bos See etgir “tag_aa.“Peancus reese #93 SESHT oe digo Seu THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS Spriap/Suoiner 19 o in the p es bets on the likely winner, starting with 00 The race ts complic HE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. Spriny/Sum you HAVE UP FIRST ENTER “ae S IF Kim THEN GOTO 2040 aosbe"enee pew vur THEN GoT THEN GOT HE REST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. Spring/Sunmmer 1083 USEFUL program for heli- copter pilots and long-dlis- (ance crows, is how DG Chapman describes his U.K. Map routine for the 1K ZX-81. AA hand books and the like generally list towns with # four-figure reference number which refers to the rockilometre, squares which make up tho National Grid, Tnput a pair of those numbers— eg, SKS7NW32—and the computer will caleulate the distance in miles between the south-west comers of thorelevant squares on 26.2% Tao cope oy B30 ot? “ase psxsstnsnSenunenuarincay Tees sen #iTNONINDSS SUSESRSENZHY ork oretera TUT INPUT 5s TEP EstEstcope ~** To cove SOSUB CODE “cus Cer ren Cer bec LET Ce=es1coDe “B* To CODE sOSuB cope CET Usaes. pL Bsicove “se 196 LET H=AES aL Bs icone 228 PRINT. Sgigtte 2 Stop Big IF cs=asin oro 320 EXT FOR C=coDE “8 To CODE * IF NcsCODE “ LET NgN-coDe Nexr 398 RETURN Necope “= “SRSRSM RuREHMREE CLAANy SODE “Bs eu 7-vAL es(cooe “my (1C-B3 CODE _“™ ¢u “UAL 6sicooe “= y NT (SOR (veeoeneeoiy iBecl fo 432° TG" s TO 107 STEP To NeCODE “#") T “ THEN GOTO 27 ‘THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. SpringSummer 1983 THE ASSOCIATION OF LONDON COMPUTER CLUBS PRESENT Software, Hardware, Peripherals and bits } forall Micros FREE unbiased advice fromthe club stands Robots and other club projects The popular bring and buy sale will again be held on Saturday (only) ‘Turn up with what you've got! A great day out for all the family PRICE OF ADMISSION £1.50 £1.00 Children 10am-6pm TOBOOK A STAND RING 01360002! THE REST OF SINCLATR PROGRAMS Spring/Summer 1089 QUICKSILVA eh and aed Pear cae) PIXEL GAMES fiat Autilogy of 16K programmes that er sd rand To) | Say eae 2x1 + Jax RAM : Zeal s lecpam &3 | Baiticem a5 5 | Pease sence | | i a MANAGEMENT GAMES 16K = ZX81 Spectrum AIRLINE Ae = FARMER « aa a EPECTRUM 1 AND 4K PRICES Ge) ck SCION Ia (MAIL ORDER! GO'ORDER Please state computer type and send DONT MISS THIS INCREDIBLE OFFER! 50 GAMES £9-95! CASSETTE 50 FOR YOUR: MICRO AS SPECTRUM Zxe1 LYNX DRAGON ATARI CASCADES HOUSE oa0 Bi bancaves tan Gerpic AB Ltanooco im OWENT MINIMUM SIZE COMPUTER REQUIRED ONLY fm S.WALES NP54PA THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS We’ve got big ideas about you and your Sinclair = Because we know you're always looking for FieS~ _new ideas to make the most of your Sinclar computer, we're making sure younever run out of steam! ‘Just announced is our latest magazine for the real enthusiast ~ Sinclair Projects magazine, full of fascinating schemes to tax your skills and reveal the practical potential of your Sinclair in applications like controling lights, upgrading computer graphics, household security, and many more. «Whether you're new tocomputing, or anold hand, you're certain to be an enthusiast. That's why we introduced Sinclair User magazine for the latest news, techniques andenhancementstomatch your enthusiasm(now withnew "Spectrum User’ supplement!)Next, its companion magazine, Sinclair Programs, became an overnight success with 40 NEW programs, ready for you to key, in every issue. Demand was 50 great that we are now publishing monthly. Now the exciting new Sinclair Projects completes your store of possibilities with ahugeincrease in computing potential for you toexplore. Sinclair Projectsis publishedevery other month, sowith these three mmagarines there's always something new to test your Skil. But nere's the best news: when you - Subscribe to all three Sinclar magazines, you get the first three. issues of new Sin Clair Projects absolutely free! ‘We know you've got big ideas about yourSinclair. Make sure you live up to them with threefold computing pleasure. Fill out the order form now and we'll send you the latest ideas-packed Sinclair Projects - hot off the press Mail to: ECC Publications Limited: 30-31 | London N1 8B ington Green, Sinclair User/ Spectrum User; Sinclair Programs; Sinclair Projects Yes—I'd like to subscribe to: Sinclair Usery 12 issues ~ price £11.00) Sinclair Programs (12 issues ~ price £13.20) Sinclair Projects (6 issues ~ price £6,60) Remember you get the first three issues FREE if subscribing toall j three magazines! enclose achequefors (deduct £3.30 rom totalcostif subscribing toall three publications) Please chargemy creditcard Cardname Number = it Name $i es Bs 2b as Address ee ee ae ——e Signature eee a {This ole applies WOOK wba Only Overseas ales vaiable on Fequee ws THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. SpringSianmer 1980 ” Go o 8 Qo So & @ @ @ 9 @ THE NEW SPECTRUM NOW WITH Pe SWITCH-TYPE JOYSTICK PORT (31 LEY CANS 4 ‘GOMPLETE your SPECTRUM with out Mult nd Generator an Tow-cast purchase you sdent sounds wath musi ec a lacs: The autout and volume of e develope HiPie IRTANT TO NOTE ‘processor independent The ADD-ON contains ts owns D-ON' simply plugs straight onto the back of PECTRUM No Soldering is reauired COMPLETE YOUR SPECTRUM NOW!! JovsTioxs (roveNTOMETER eS coor swoor. ovr 7 MACHINE COOK PROGRAMMERS, ReSzov ware . a NOW ONLY E455 | VAT STAR TREK 48K 16K Spectrum GOLF Bingo Prin GNASHER 16K THE ULTIMATE Maz ZUCKMAN | FROGGER 2X81 (16K) 2X81 (16K) EAT THE DOTS, BEAT THE | quive FROG GHOSTS IN THIS ADDIC: | Scnoss THE ROAD. THEN. five GAME. CLEAR THE | CROE: THE RIVER BY. SCREEN OF DOTS TOEARN | Sumpina ONTO TURTLES A BONUS Lire AND A | AND LOGS to REACH FRESH MAZE-FULL OF | SareTYIN A FROG HOME DOTS WHEN THE CHASE | Fite ALL Five FAOG REVERSES, CATCH A HOMES TO EARN A NEW GHOST AND SEE ITS EVES! RETURN TO BOX. TALL MACHINE CODE (10K) + AUTHENTIC ARCADE ACTION + HIGH-SCORE "HALL OF FAME “TITLE/DISPLAY ATTRACT MODE SCREEN WITH MORE HAZARDS, ‘MOVING CARS, LOGS, TuRTtEs. + ALLIGATORS, DIVING TURTLES + SAVE BABY FROG FOR BONUS. + ALL MACHINE CODE fran} ONLY £5.95 INC PEP “SPECTRUM 18 48K VERSIONS AVAILABLE SAME PRICE* (N" Photographs ahow 2X81 versions! DJL SOFTWARE IS TWEED CLOSE, SWINDON, WILTS SN2 3PU TRADE ENQUIRIES WELCOME ONLY €5.951NC PEP ‘THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS Sprin/Suoer 108 the volume of your order est note and key 4 for the When you notes have been played, the cc puter will continue to play the ga until you Wher IMON may be simple but this game for the unexpanded ZX- is complex; you must increase hear the ZX-B1 make its nc hen you must guoss, using keys 1 ta 4 of the keyboard, the corr h and played. enter key 1 for the high in incorrect note ens you will nd the proper hich you had uence of the nd incorrect fire by entering a number f the fearless ZX-81 al to 30, corresponding to positions from left torighton the screen As a member of the Corps you must stop the When you have entered your guess, your spaceship will travel across the screen and drop its bomb: The number which app of the alien after you have correct position of the jcreen and the alien a bump above the la ave 20 shots in you in front ed is the The program was sent by Robert Courtney. of Isleworth, Middlesex. non and each one must count. You THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS SprinySimmer 1985 42 DIM aca oer aieos Ler er so3 Ler Tero heer = PEN start Ler 35 IF 2 THEN PRINT "OLEEN 281 PRINT Bez PRINT cP Fee vituace 223 PRINT 218 PRINT TAB 9 {PRINT ‘214 PRINT reenter 303 Ie tt oe Lice ite ie nT aa: STARVED INT TAB 15~<04 SPRING NY RO UCP ce "= FLOODS PEneLE, MENDING THE DYKE HE BEST aie TF AL sResROCe ‘ai4 FOR Fes 41S Te INT AS¢OR9 THEN GOTO 4: te Hex iF ocpsissae Ses next F oo pene pr eta te 1 LET TeP 20 oma aii ose TP ICCPSsDCRSSaLPNE THEN G enna Seo LET GP ap ¥1.2 | Sos Lev CcPseInT COLDS). Bee LET fe roemcroat ns Sib : | Sif Te WP N@ THEN LET Moe Ce eee ir abled 19 If aPNe Teen LET cP ome fee here rhe faa PRINT Hee DF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS FUNC DON B-YEAR PLANS. a Se ee Good hick, your highness. and thanks to Andrew Johnson of Amer- laissez faire and the dictatorship of the people. You can try them all, sham, Bucks, who submitted this Kingdom gives you a rural realm excellent listing (16K Z.X-B1). to regulate and five years in which to increase your personal wealth and protect your people against flood, famine and the depredations of the ruthless local banditry. Youare first given instructions for the game and asked to input your name, age and sex, Depending on the information you supply, you will be dubbed king, queen, prince or princess and then asked to decide how best to divide your available workforce in the season ahead. Consider the crops or your subject will starve. Bear the bandits in mind r your minions aro murdered, | Delay on the dykes and they will drown, Itis reasonably difficult. Our 1,000 | subjects were reduced to single figuresafter the first year. ‘Any number can play and you have five years in which to justify your kingship and to amass as much money as possible by the judicious selling of surplus grain, monelar Fyn THEN LET WeaneCP) jase REN ONE THPYABT 30> 1eee See Emoea mins THe RET 1898 CET GCP mac >—IIe Tr MCEDON THEN LET Weir) OR MEN PET 109p Tr kon THEN LET MP >=M«P>-< ner se20 potio 45 #190 Pore: te ese For mo ter zeroes Privy AT 20,0)"CONGRATULATI ieea FoR a LET gcemcrr sions OU ARE THE HIN teo8 ERIN A CoP “Corarhtc AY reTuRw ee or Te came WITH eu ieso next deo ev OFF | "728" cOT0 10086 1opo Te Valesoce> THEN Let Kent 2810 TF INT eLe1 THEN RET cee ea a: TIL BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS SpringSiomma 183 1 Gass LET VeiNT Si08 PRINT S130 LET ec P mace ork boxe F0R Fao? 10 16 STEP Sie PRINT °THE Most YOU CAN HAV $149 RETURN foae PRINT AT 1B.FO'T ElARE TINT CHP SK) Pe0a FoR Fe TOR dese NeXT 4:28 PRINT "SACKS" pore cus doce FoR Fat To K Giks PRINT sou Wany 00 vou MANT 7920 PRINT “PLAYER "OF Sore PRINT AT 10,16)"Caraphic 4) “TO BUY?" Fase PRINT aise tweur 1 Fea PRINT "YOUR MANE PLEASE 208 PRINT RT 19.26: "Conmphie 1) Alea IF TOCRKPI4) THEN GOTO 414 7euq INPUT NACE me) Jost PRINT NaCF> ese PRINT AT 10.16)"Ceraphic 2) 4178 PRINT Jose PRINT «i 5 4890 PRINT Jose PRINT "YOUR AGECAPROX)? 2108 PRINT AT 10,16: "CorePhic 2> 4199 PRINT "THAT WILL COST #*/TX fare INeUT ee Big pow Peis 19 27 4200 LET MCP yeNCR>~FENA 2140 Next 4220 RETURN Cece 1B cove Hig ba imran 348 RETURN sore Let Kava Ae tee reer eee Sen eu Sony Ge ccscee "Then coro seve Sees Ler m Sore Ler eetar caioes ets Sere farts eee anette ot $258 fon foi to Be Sere PRINT, “you ony Have “INT Beem Let neawms-cthree o-sPntc 8 ‘ose SerouL tele)" sRcrs. Stiqwerse SPAGE inert toe, SPACE 49d2 NET psevou wave. $874 IF IWwEvan"* THEN GOTO SOs 3st 72) SPE SEN Sas “Foen Youn vie Ze7s-coTe Seee fone Next F Ce oe wy sone Besa CET JIN (RND#S 745 Ee ‘face Seine » Soca Pein ts snore SeccommeT. eae MTU $050 PRINT eeea guvinG SATE SISELPRINT “aj? A SACKOMILL M S08 SAVE "KINcDON Piet ome ae S018 Pun 1 sT OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS Spring/Summer 1982 “ AeCGH ; a EROSSES” =a R SCOTT of Goldalming, Sur rey, has sent the kind of pro. gram Mr Spock plays on long, inter evenings. 3D Noughts and displays 1s cube and 27 positions for the Xs and Os, the 2D version, the game ued until all the posi the object being completed row ions are fille obtain the he player who starts has an advantage. as finally he occupies one space more than his opponent and so, to level matters, the first player is prevented from occupying centre square on his first attempt m checks for that and moves, as well ag set other ie board, indicating whos: turn is next, and giving the correct score throughout entered by keying-in altter, thon a number NE. “A” indicates he cube, “B the centre rear, Eniesing “R" will me (10K ZX-81) DIM AC27> 88 LET RCZ=VAL RSC DIM c¢185 z> DIM RC1a> 98 NEXT _Z DIM C27 > 100 FOR Z=1 To 27 | DIM C27) 105 LET ACZ>=B | LET 2eB1dezea14az—E14e 119 NEXT 2 eizieasizieesizieiaiezziaie2ziat 118 LET Sei 622" 128 LET Net 35 LET Yen"aseea6i2iziz1e18199 17a CLS 4o4a4io1oieisisisezozezoaveseis1 175 cosua 1¢0¢ 414 189 IF Sei THEN PRINT AT 2,6) 42 FOR Z=1 To 27 "x" TO Go" 45 LET X¢ZomVAL X@(2kZ-1 TO 2" 195 IF Se-1 THEN PRINT AT 2,0)" 2> oenan neces | SO LET YCZ.=VAL YeC2KZ=1 TO 2k — 19@ PRINT AT 20,14) z ‘ | “ss Next z 208 INPUT 28 | 60 LET cam-e2eaososasesesasie: 205 IF Ne2a THEN GOTO 100 | | sasasiat2ziaiaisis" 219 IF 28¢12="R" THEN GOTO 100 65 LET RB="010301029204090109 215 IF ZeCi =A THEN LET 2nd 10889109993060912" 220 IF 28¢19="B" THEN LET Z=9 | 78 FOR Zi TO 16 225 IF _28¢13="0" THEN LET Z=16 75 LET CCZ>mVAL CaC2k2-1 TO 2k 295 LET ZeZ+VAL zec2> 2> 24@ IF ACZ><>@ THEN GOTO 390 THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. Spring/Seramer 189 tos 245 IF N=1 AND Z=14 THEN GOTO 3 30 250 LET ACZ)=S 255 LET N=N+i 260 IF S=i THEN PRINT AT YCZ))x (22: "Cinverse X>" 265 IF Se-1 THEN PRINT AT YCZ2, X(Zdi "Cinverse 0)" 278 GOSUB Sao 275 LET Se-S 288 GOTO 188 399 PRINT AT 20/14) "ILLEGAL TRY AGAIN" 395 GOTO 200 500 FAST 505 LET S¥=0 518 LET SOmd 515 FOR Z—1 TO 13 S2O LET WeAC 14-2 +A 14 4AC 1442 525 IF ABS We3 THEN GOSUB ae0 592 NEXT 2 535 FOR Z=1 To 18 B40 LET WeACCCZ9-RCZ> 4A O62) D+ AC COZ IHRE Z >? 545 IF ABS We3 THEN GOSUB 800 550 LET Ve28-C¢2) S55 LET WAC V-R¢Z9 4A W HAC VERO 2>> ‘56@ IF ABS We3 THEN GOSUB 820 S65 NEXT 2 572 PRINT AT 20,9)" 1914 PRINT AT 7-2: "CoraPhic Sise ven SPACES); “ithree SPACEsioraph ic Siseven SPACEs:ansPhic @)" 1Q1E~PRINT AT 3.2: "Ceraphic Sise ven SPACES }:4i¢three SPACE: hic @2:SPACEs5)¢five SPACES 1/6" 1Q18 PRINT AT 9-2: "CeraPhic Tice ven SPACES): /)¢three SPACES) @raP hic Siseven SPACES) @raPhic 8)" 1029 PRINT AT 16.2:"CoraPh: hree SPACEsi4.(three SPACES)” SPACE: 5; SPACE: (oraPhic 8) three PACES 0:83 ¢ three SPACES: araphic > 1022 PRINT AT 11.2) "Caraphic 5. even SPACES 1/iCthree SPACES: ara Phic @iseven SPACES: 9raPhic ©»! 1924 PRINT AT 12,2) "4i¢five SPAC Es))S) SPACE: /i¢three SPADES 216: ¢ seven SPACEsi9raphic 8)" 1026 PRINT AT 13.2: "Coraphic 5 even SPACES): /:Ctheee SPACES a Phic seven SPACES: oraphic 2)" 1028~PRINT AT 14.2) "Caraphic Sis even SPACES): 7)Cthree “si @raphic Bi7:8iCFive 73919" 1030 PRINT AT 15.2: "(oraphic Sif our SPACEsithree /sifour SPACES Graphic 8:four SPACES: @raphic 6 inverse SPACE: @raphic 7 1932 PRINT AT 16,2) "CoraPhic Sit hree SPACES): 7:Cfive SPACES) PACE:Coraphic Githree SPACES 259” 1934 PRINT AT 17,2: "coraPhic Sit hree vsieight SPACEs:oraPhic aa raphic Grinverse SPACE. graphic 7 y" 1036 PRINT AT 18.2: "7i five sraph ic Ga:8i¢Pive 9raPhic 62>/9" 1990 RETURN ow 04 ‘THE REST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. Spriny/Sumner 1982 S ROLL is a machine code pro correspond to the compass points stration routine in Listing 2. If the Jgram to move the display across NW. N, NE, W, E RUN the program and the machine SW, S and SE. direct command “GOTO 10" is then entered, the versatility of this scroll the screen in any ono of eight directions. Enter Listing 1, keying code will be POKEd into the REM program will be demonstrated. Sub- 26characters in theREM statement statement, Then delete lines 101070 mitted by Stephane Crainic, of Par in line 1. The variables St to S9 and replace then with the demon- (16K ZX-81 TING 1 333504444404aacgssses5sscece5 et teenssesecesses983 ea aTTiT Ti sease22eS S2228832 meee : eei3 ; TRE (Wek Agar +3 38 LET ag2*sneGeers11220019010 98 FhaMRED FESSTHEN GOTO 20 1pgsce ope SaniessssasaceassestiS Rela iRccnia: ens ei iBsegs20eatesecessesnecsaeesacs3 . SegigrecoanaceetiseassseeissoceS seusererezesoeeioasiersesssartse ro 32 i2Rgbleos igssee acces svere rosoaey ao as doSvoraceriariseiesecsscoass Seed Saesscoureacucupesscbossscacsces THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. Spring(Sroer 1980, IGHER-LOWER is an excel- lent gambling routine based loosely on the TV game hosted by Bruce Forsyth. It involves trying to guess if the next card in a series will be higher or lower than the pre ceding one. In this version you need to have all five in correct order to win the round and the money. ‘Aces are a sure winner, since they can count as high or low. Two cards the same are decided on suit, and if you win the odds are increased. Also included isa GambleCollect routine which will double the odds if you gamble successfully The display shows the five cards, face down and up, with appropriate- ly garish flashing instructions. A ¢ program, well thought-out and presented, {rom Neil Streeter of Hastings, East Sussex. (16K ZX-61). phic 210 Four inverse Xs, Tase PRINT AT 6, OD eeel Woe AND THE Beis ir coo ocex-2) THEN Goro 2 823 & ear 2 Beary Blew mo son coe) Te || Ee ane tae 2850 Let srreaStnné Benmccos 8 g beh eg sterner | BB ak ag Hen BStkr,ar_30 8 || =aae Seca 35,a7°NE-2.7 06h 2700 || "Hg gee} 328 SeTHMAETEE —-0 || HEB ERE Sar 3,0; -o00s: HR08"2F omeven"o" rwen coro 212 ; ied ron =i 123 Buse core ase, 383 EBSA IZ BLS SPEAR 20.2, 2 BERR ona ers mm eee wer y S888 SSE RE ag. 2: nee BRE BY 18:37:00 os Shue orate nF 38,8, EERE COLLE fer xex BRINT AT 16,8; "EIGHER Low LET AASCODE INKY SO oo PRINT AT 16,8; "HIGHER MoU! B°Sea0. S59 PeInr aT 18.8)" PET a2SaS°RnS este THEN cor 2089, 3F Ae44 AND RNDG.S THEN GOT B8Ba. 8020"tr aaae then coro 5200 3838 LET opps songs te 3838 BRENT RY;" > 4 Seas Goro.563 3388 Per stake=sraKe ser son0s INKEYS Rp aarti Tote PRINT AT 7, (x-2) 4642; "OD se ‘THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS Spring/Summer 1982 ‘ORD PUZZLER is not so much a game as a game generator. The object is to make word puzzles like those which appear in puzzle magazines, where a series of words is hidden in a grid of random lotters, The words can be vertical, re- N | 1507 aa) «) | (8) | 90 BIN Getis 188 CLS 116 PRINT ne" | Th, (LONGEST * 120 PRINT 12" LETTERS 128 PRINT iBe INPUT iB? iBe LET INPUT cus East us z 2 For S21 BOSUB leaDe ie usa One IF €<1 OR LET ageug on IF GStl.erc OAS THEN GoTS 2 LET x(a ou cet Yas oc NExT A REM. «20K “PLEASE INPUT 215 THEN a So-pur 17 IN FOR K=i Let osc REAT ER 410 REM *:GET NEXT 420 NEATH 425 REN ee ** ise stow versed or obvious The ingenious progeam requires a list of up to 15 words each-of up to 12 letters, in order of length and diagonal, but rarely pressing NEWLINE TO to start. The screen goes blank as the computer oes into fast mode to re-arrange the RE_GENERATOR+ BLACKBURN 1595: 15) YGUR "3 SIN ORDER OF LENG @IRST. SMALLEST LAS. UP TO aS BIN Us(is.Len Asi Lyias DIRECTIONS +STA T (Rwo esr +a THEN GOTO 26 WORD Fe UORDSOUARE COMPLETE eae ae ‘THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. SrineStmer 1083 letters and hide the words in a square of 15 by 15 letters. Eventually the word puzzle is shown on the screen and the game is to find the input words which are listed by the side of the square, ‘The grid can be printed so that a number of puzzles with different words can be made al the same time. ‘The dimensions of the square are set by the variable Gs(15,15) which can bealtered to provide other sizes. Word Puzzler is from Andrew Blackburn, of North Hykeham, Lincoln, [450 ror 1 TO 19000 INKEYS 460 PRIN (5.0. Raiemaamriper: 70‘ ConT INUE™ 480 IF Ag="c 485 PRINT At Seo PRINT LE OF YOUR". | Tourer eae | Soo" melT ts THEN ¢ “PLEASE INEUT “UGRDSOUARE @; “PRESS “NCH oro 495 o.K. URES THE TIT 549 IF o$iA.B) A,B) sches (rnT "THEN LeT ose (RNC E26) #357 S50 PRINT Gsia.B). | Seo NEXT 6 $28 PRINT. S0Q Next 889 Brinn ar 22 “ts SPACES)"; Ustad INPUT "hone | es TO COPY THE DBCREEN: UT 22,0)" (32 SPACES)” THEN eas GoTo "sea Somntl Sadhddanet SSBT Ry suauexnt UNBINGIPMUEED VILYREONGTRIBCE UXETRNHGUAGY OHI SPANDOUPUDTeT CY SPNJRCMOJESNauY EKYGRENBJPRRN SSEECAPHHFOL ISO SCRYHKVUORE THOS EUCHZEECTXEESRT NESGFTUAREPP OAL UreaucHiPanozUT | RUURCNPUDGGMEKS PUYDHLUUSGH TUNG AOTUGRETNIRP LUA EXAMPLE UORDSGUARE PROGRAM EXIES COMPUTER SarTuaRe Reet a HENORY SGREEN USING THIS THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS SprigeShommer 1988 TETRA 109 AVID JOFINSON of Belper, Derbyshire, has sent a new ver sion of the traditional arcade |} ine of Breakout, Two layers of bricks have to be pul verised using a ball which bounce walls and a bat controlled by the p Tren points are scored for every brick hit and a bonus ball is given for each screen | cleared. You start with three balls and ‘control the bat by pressing Q for lef and P for right. (16K ZX°8]). peter AT x Ye" Cer tenet Te nid THEN cosue S09 TF hme on xo THEN Gosue 72 TF Led. THEN coro PRINT AT 18,11)" 8A: PRINT AT 10:11 Cer ete 32 Let nae. 40 PRINT “Carathic Evthirty or arhic 73) praphie RD" ‘43 PRINT AT 0,7 ("HIGH o03" /AT 0. 25-cLEN He? He a5 PRINT ‘Sithirts IF Yege_ THEN LET Pee Vel THEN CET Ped Beer Iker KEY PRINT AT RE 0) \ Ssthirty a! PRINT et vse SE ass 3 Gas 970 440 PRINT AT 10,11) "GAME OVER ° ruse 4e4 | 3a roe rea 10 2 Be Petar scpreshic Sithirts es ces.oramrac 8) 10s -90nUs om 32 near ys 2 Gr PEEK (RELK seapecasenPee | tae Ley eco ‘720 RETURN 58 Let Secvcennceitnres oramni 730 LET sveete «3s, Seace> 752 OF sbas0' fren coro coee THE DEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS Cr (OR ALL who are trying to shifted 7 anda shifted space follow- Chords is a good learning aid. By er the top of the screen, Despite some chords having com- 1210. plicated titles, the program can deal _ In line 1110 there are two sets of with them by using a code for the double quotes, shifted Q, after TAB different elements, such as thenole, 26. whether in major or minor and Chords wassent by Paul Hopgood, whether diminished ornot. The code of Wantage, Oxfordshire. It was one is shown on the screen beneath the of the runners-up in the May com- keyboard petition in our companion publi- To help in printing, the keyboard cation, Sinclair User, and neods the lino 1030 contains a shifted 8 then a 16K RAM pack. Line 1070 is made up of a shifted fering the name of a chord, the 8,30 shifted 6s and a shifted 5, and in notes which comprise it are dis- lines 1100 to 1200 there are played ona piano keyboard shownat spaces for letters in the second set of doubles and 32 shifted 7s in line + DISPLAY SET UP NOTE TABLE 28; "CHORD NAME 7 Todor POSITION sn PESTRENTERE iv DEPRES ER? UGB ae ecn-" THEN LET NOD aNC ‘De +=. CHORDS 333 Finan Bose 1450 | obBBag 358 SE Lal ooy THen e079, 298, oan | 338 Gen = SPRINT CHOR B28 ERI 2 ah” Btacess 338 coe we, Feet 388 PSS 338 Sete 33 SEH een BNOTE™; TRE 26) "A-6 SHARE"; TAB 26," SPRINT “BE FLAT"; TAB 26;". npr ~ 8 stuenaree/Tee ae: shine - a navon"; Tae ze; mn PRINT ~® MINOR"; TAB 20; 7N : i u i 5 # is Fe g # g ae: #3 5 = 5 a 33 : 5 - = eee be Show neamaeS onessubeosarcureme: WWagaaauaas tee rE ERR aU saoon fanqacsseeas A RUGHENTED"; TAB 26; B DInIWIsHED”; TAP 2s BsmcH TAB ae “e SEVENTH"; TAB 26; "7 § oUIT"; TAB 26; “0 ye 85. ' “Bes Foe" B88" aie. Bis" BH. BRINT POSTTION®® = 2) THEN LET Nea a Pep EHMGUOR CHORD eEHEE® (Brantss SHORE Cer NtS)en{a3 $3 LET Nigise RETURN ares CHORD eeere® IxTHeseeees 2 y ¢ 5: 2 VENTH ee ee® ROUTINE Rs ® 4 GazzeSzz249-z2z2-465z0 ‘Soa Robe soDOES bs oe errasreenmarr crane: FORAAAGARAA IT aA Sass assy Panesbscandcacareae! ¢ THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. SeringSunme DECEPTIVELY simple but frustrating game has been sent A by Keith Paterson of New: market, Suffolk. When run, two walls are displayed with an O between them. The O can be used to eliminate the walls but asiit does so it eaves a trail of Os behind it when moving vertically. No trail is left when moving horizontally PRUsE CLS FOR x PRINT PRINT PRINT BT As IF B38 on ooase Bb o GonesOoUMEY Bw ongae ooo 2 z 3 2 3 | 2 (BND ¥B) > | = FOR 8-8 °TS Ze | 188 Rint Ar FB, | 128 PRINT Ar 46, 45/ tSe Te" Hie tne‘ cet Mets ia@ If Thkeve="p™ OR MiiS THEN PRINT AT-M, a6, 7." ga rr esis ANS Ht=r THEN GoTo 1 Ye ir INKEYSs"P" OR H<18 THEN a Tease ge, 15;¢ Raa THE REST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. SpringSummer 1983 ver Z IF INKEY$="S" THEN LET = Ir INKEYS="6" THEN LET “ga Ee meKEVe="T" THEN LET the object is to finish with one O on the screen. Despite lengthy attempt by the Sin Programs reviewer, that proved impossible but Paterson maintains that it can be done with a little thought and concentration, The O is moved by the cursor key in the usual dire tions. It can r ai the 1K ZX-81. wi s FHEN 2,85" Bi@° THEN LET eae iF Abas On Ate THEI S PRINT AT A-1,8;" oe eer sare a8 OR THE 1K ZX-81, Ships is a simple type of missile which a tar Pees aaa ae ees oar ere ar coe scenmeaare me paohaereaae coincide, When a hit is made in the Suelo oe ae eerie a eo Str ae ate a ane oe 2 re m4 MAUG is an Adventure game Since on a circular mezo of The object is obviously to find a dragon called Smaug and then kill On the way you risk being transport ed to othor caves by Ores or catching sight of a dreaded Balrog, whfch is fatal instantly Having slain thedragon, you must, steal the Arkenstone which assists you by protecting you from Ore porting and also warns of impending Balrogs. Smaug has no graphics built in yet but perhaps that could be the next development for interested readers, The program requires 5K and was submitted by Mrs CM Corns of field. THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. Spring/Summer 108 the card jum of 4K RAM on thi The program is a very good simula- tion of the game which is played with the computeras the dealer. lick and T for twist, with the answer as to whether you wish to play again after the end of a game being a Y or N. No betting is involved—only the satisfaction of having beaten the computer. help with the graphics for the five spaces between the quotes. onntoon sent by Paul Mapstone, of London N? ‘THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS SprinySmmer 1547 DD DMN Z32 5 + ame a s a a a a a a 8 A tr £ a = a Tr DIN? coza THEN wory 2240 Per ots 2i Bero 1840 Cet onened Sei ate Trew GOTO 12860 Goro Sree. BRint a 7,25: 07 Ge Nba THEN GOTO 3290 deeeae ee OaIO a = ners) ovz0 209444444 18} Tk_Ors2et THEN GoTo s8eo i rat © 5 tae set 3838 Fon Gea 75)8 3o38 beint AT C+u.c;aetuAL TSN, spenvers score = 97 Span NET 2989 RETURN, acy S. 30: 958 BRINT ar as.15;~sesPonTooNe 3 Et Gre Cer Neg eust Bogus 2020 eres “82x CARD TR eerve aeek pie LET ON be she <8 Cetr Br Se, a;cpLavers scon 334g gato Se00 2923 BOTRr AP! 1s.a8;"rrve CARD T PRINT AT 27,2; “STICK OR THE RICK" : ie pT «22 THEN COTO 605 fen SeTs ACe=s eT ned ts SET plnt 232 THEN GoTo 67e 88> as) ~ RIVE CARD TR ter? is = Bevan aa derths. 3685 ar cava ryen. gory. o700 Bi" TP i24you wave Rue Meu e "Vout Te TNney Gnen 2595 Te inne Sbro 709 ie ENMEY$Des: LeT cates LET Neen es Gesus 20e0, EerUB apy an Soro. sea. Ge Ress THEN GOTO 2400 REN SSFOEALERS TURN rs THEN GoTo sss¢ JE _INREva= he THEN STOP fey aie ter Est a TE? oe ogg Toes cove. 1128 S558 Baber ar = ee cent : syne, enmorTs | ‘i ‘THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS. SrineSummer 1989 GOMRUTER COMBA S “3s FIRST question often "Tosca about a new machine is ‘Does it play Space Invaders! Though @ 1K machine has consider- able difficulty getting anywhere near, Computer Combat for 1K Z:X-8t is @ type of mini space invaders but with only one invader and one base and amuch slower rate of firing The object of the game is to hit the invader as many times as possible before it lands or you run out of missiles. Twenty-five missiles normally are given but that can be altered by changing the value of Bin line 8 You receive five points for hitting itbut lose ones you miss. Use keys 5 and & to move left and right respec: tively and key 0to fire. The invaders’ missiles are shown as an asterisk and yours as across. The program is good for beginners, as it is easy to understand the function of each line as there arenone of the usual POKES ‘and PEEKS or other complicated functions. If you want to got more memory, enter in direct mode the following BEFORE entering the program POKE 1699828. follownd by NEWLINE NEW followed by NEWLINE The program will run continu- ously until the BREAK key is used Computer Combat was sent in by 15-year-old Anthony Wells, of totnes, Devon B=UAL "25: 18 LET S=PI-pr 25 CET M=sPI-pr 26 CET XsvAL "a6" 25 Cer y=pi-pr +2 “B@" THEN GOTO VAL (RND £53 155 GoTo 25 ") #3= CINK “S133 &@ IF INKEY$="@" THEN GOSUB 14 3 AGE giF BcsvAL “@" THEN GOTO UAL 35 GOTO VAL "se" 288 PRINT AT 12,19, “SCORE=";5 215 PRINT AT Mx: * 138 Te Nya tev Hen Ley _ses—a 386 if Xs24v THEN PRINT AT H,x- Xe2eV THEN LET Ss “Sse sual ss PAUSE VAL “Se i5e GOTO VAL “4e 355 ERINT AT, aicy;cuns 23 160 HEN GOSUB UAL "172" iss 278 " 1@~PRINT AT 18,5) "Cinverse SPA CEiten SPRCES:five @raphic Fs)" 20 LET S<8 25~LET TaD 20 FOR Fel TO 20 35 PRINT AT 14,5) "Cseventeen S PRCE: 4Q°LET A®INT (RND#SB D418 56 LET B=INT HD*SB +10 6O~PRINT AT 14.5)R) "4" 8) "—") INPUT MN IF NeR+B CORRECT: IF NsA+8 THEN LET T=T+1 m THEN PRINT AT 14,1 THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS Spring/Siromer 1085 38 IF NOOA¢B THEN PRINT AT 14 12)" WRONG" 100 IF N¢>A+8 THEN LET S=S+i 119 IF N¢>A+B THEN PRINT AT 543, "Ceraphic 3)" 129 IF S=1@ THEN GOTO 2a0 PAUSE 5 20 NEXT F 188 PRINT "SCORE “iT 125 STOP 200-FOR G=iz TO 219 PRINT AT 9.6 YeTYD" 220 NEMT G 238 PRINT "YOU ARE DEAD” SEMAPHORE ates EMAPHORE has sharp graphics feach yourself with the help of an animated instructor supplied by Dr GA jeffery of Stanley, Co Durham Press any letter and the litle man in the middle distance will give the appropriate semaphore signal, while FUNCTION induces someth which looks like an al vertical take-off, but is really the signal for Attention. 16K ZX-81 Te FoR wc1a_70 as 5 8 cor x as 2385 38 kest 386 is 332 286 ao 38a, "Ponine or act a are 183 => 336 fnenSprint ar 442 get 38 ’2Be fren peat ar $40 geper's 286 reint at Sat 35 ee cece aoe 3 08 Ys ate 2 hae 3 Be 2 : 5 13 3 38 3 ee a Js z 326 5 is. i: 330 $ saa 3 3 2 a 2, 1a 2 a 3 ses S 338 78, 238 et i 3 : 8 rn iS aL BR or id ! ns. penne tier AT o aren nee ee Shier et enMeaint at HEN PRINT AT a aia a9 een are er THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS SprinySiommer 1948 PROGRAM which allows the 10K ZX-81 to be used as a word processor has been sent by K J Moore of Shocburyness, Essex. It was a runner-up in the May competition in our companion publi- cation, Sinclair User, It allows the user to enter text directly on to the screen; the prin position can be moved to any point using the cursor keys and up to 10 screensof text can be entered When run, a brief list of instruc tions is given and to continue press NEWLINE, when ‘Seren 1’ will appear. Press NEWLINE again and you are ready to enter toxt. Moore advises that when the pro: gramis run for the irst time theuser becomes used to entering text on the screen before proceeding to press PROCESSOR Ea USE THE KEY-5 “GRAPHICS"" F eDIT"" FOR F B§i19, 22,59) Nei 7636 JS; °SCREEN “SN $x" 7,,7HEN oor 208 ET AsGUSE INKEY FP ASSS AND A’Tis THEN GOTO es 22 THEN GoTo ane IF If Relies ano Geo THEN LET 6 paaae acheees THEN cosuB seco ANG aelis THEN GOS; AND OPise THEN Go THEN GoTo 280 THEN Gosus-eee0 THEN Goro 240 THEN GoTo, Zea THEN GOSUB sse0 2 THEN GOTO 288 Let opase PRE Facto 433 Next c — . ERP Getevacos then coro ais S THEN TF ENKEYS<>"" THEN GoTO See xh Gea THEN GOTO Sose ter°Gea PRINT AT LC)" RETURN ‘oe BRENT Ar L.c) "ae Fe RFS THEN LET A=128 ie Stilton "aves ANG Atra25 55r8 ‘S508 FE VAgjis8 THEN LET aaneiss a. List scree @. LIST SCREEN N Ut “3. LIST SCREEN x TH! sa. LIST SCREEN X TH! S-2Rinr ‘SPRINT screen 1 SEREEN Nun 7.PRINT SCREF! SCREEN x TH SSP URRT 2 THE BEST OF SINCLAIR PROGRAMS Sprin'Sanmer 1883

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