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Time allowed – 2 hours

Total marks – 100

[N.B. - The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Questions must be answered in English. Examiner will take
account of the quality of language and the manner in which the answers are presented. Different parts, if any, of
the same question must be answered in one place in order of sequence.]

1. What are the functions normally performed by the data communications software for efficient and error
free transmission of data? Discuss in detail. 8

2. (a) List some key events and conditions that should be captured and stored in the audit log by any system
(operating system, application, database, web server etc.). 5

(b) What are the data elements associated with each event that should be logged? 2

3. What are the features commonly offered by database management systems? Describe in detail. 12

4. (a) Explain the following two types of attack in computer networks:

(i) Spoofing; and 7
(ii) Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS).

(b) Describe the functions of (i) Firewall and (ii) Intrusion detection system which are used to provide
security in a computer network. 6

5. Discuss in detail the five important points to address the organizational complexities of a global ERP
implementation. 8

6. List the five core processes that constitute the Problem Management process. Describe, using a complete
process flow, the features and functionalities of a Problem Management System (PMS) deployed in a
typical online customer care center/help desk. 7

7. (a) Consider the internal network of a small IT firm. There are two departments in the firm. Each
department has a separate LAN with three hosts/workstations and a shared printer. There are two
servers shared by both the departments. The hardware assets also include three LAN switches, a
router and a firewall. A leased line has been procured from an ISP for Internet connection. Show the
ideal/standard topology of the network (i.e., the way devices are connected internally and to the ISP)
with a block diagram. 5

(b) What is OSI model? Write down names of the seven layers of the OSI model and describe high level
functions of each layer. 3+7

8. What are the effects of IT General Controls and IT Application Controls on internal control. Enumerate the
categories of these two controls with brief descriptions. 10

9. What are the main types of IT Audit? Describe briefly. 10

10. (a) What is COBIT? How does COBIT facilitate IT management? 2+3

(b) Describe some common threats to a computerized environment. 5

-The End-

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