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The work begins with the description when the Manager of the performance sits

before the curtain on the boards and looks into the Fair, a feeling of profound
melancholy comes over him.

The following is a description of the lives of two girls: Rebecca and Emilia. Both
young ladies finish boarding school for well-bred girls. Emilia is the daughter of
a very rich and famous Esquire.

In the work, the image of a girl became an indicator of English upbringing and
pulchritude. Emilia has established herself as a decent girl. She did not know
covetousness and envy. She always helped her friends if they asked for help. The
only drawback that was observed in the girl was a lack of intelligence. Rebecca is
the opposite of Emilia. She is the daughter of an artist and a dancer. Despite the
fact that she is very pale and small in stature, she could get any man with her eyes.
She was very witty, did not hesitate to use caustic phrases, could predict any
behavior of people. In addition, Becca was ready to go to any turpitude, just to
ensure a decent life in which she would not know poverty and financial

Emilia became very attached to Becca during her senior year. After the girls
receive their boarding school graduation certificates, Emilia invites Becca to stay
with her. All members of Emilia's family immediately feel sympathy for the girl
from a dysfunctional family. Rebecca tries to win the heart of Emilia's brother,
Joseph, who is a typical Englishman who has a fortune, a title, and a good
inheritance. Lazy, squeamish and stupid Joseph falls in love with Becca and is
ready to make her a marriage proposal. By chance, Joseph realizes that Rebecca is
not the love of his life, and goes on the run, burning with shame for his behavior.

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