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Writing Practice

1. It transpired that he did not aspire to the office himself but was
conspiring to overthrow the incumbent.
2. Intensive study of the actual conditions of the conflict ought to make it
possible to prevent the recurrence of this emergency.
3. Without a considerable body of experimental data it is impossible to
formulate physiological rules with reliability.
4 In the extremity, the sublimity and nobility of his character were revealed
with inspiring clarity.
5. The floods were a national calamity in which thousands were injured, to say
nothing of the financial losses inflicted on all the people in that territory.
6. It will probably require the services of many stenographers to answer all
the inquiries about the branches of this extensive business, and I myself shall
take care of those of great urgency.
7. One of the finest things a teacher can do is to inspire the student to make
proper use of his leisure time, to give some time to reflection and thought
8. Nobility of thought, adaptability of ideas, and generosity of nature—these
are the fundamental requisites for those who would have the real rewards of life.
9. His phraseology seems to call for an apology on his part; the other members
of the partnership were not backward in sending him a notification to that effect
10. He employed all his great ability in writing an interesting article on the
politics of this locality. As he wrote with authority, and had every justification
for what he said, his article had a certain degree of popularity with the majority.

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