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Anthropogenic Activities


Cutting down trees have positive and negative influences on the hydrological cycle. One positive
influence is that water readily reaches the surface and is not intercepted by any vegetation.
However, deforestation has many drawbacks to the basin. Lack of trees implies that there is less
transpiration and therefore less condensation and rainfall. Trees absorb water and favours
infiltration and percolation to the groundwater.

In addition, vegetation reduces excess runoff which eventually leaves the drainage basin rather
than being stored within the basin.


Buildings intercepts and stores considerable amounts of rain water and lessen water reaching the
drainage basin.

More people mean more road and pavement construction; therefore, less infiltration (reduces soil
and high runoff which reduces groundwater and hinder flows respectively. Rivers can be dried
out or diverted in order to introduce new settling areas.

Pollution (Industrial Activities)-

Smoke from industrial gases can provide condensation nuclei and therefore more rainfall
entering a drainage basin.

Homework: How does pollution influence the Hydrological Cycle? Can you think of
another human factor that influence the Hydrological Cycle? Explain

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