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Scan the NoXenophobia billboards and complete the grid

Names Origin Job

Answer the following questions :

What do all these people have in common ?

What is the message behind this campaign ?

Translate :

For 20 years I have been lifting people's spirits I have been a committed trade unionist

Match the prompts .

This series of posters ...

They come from various places around the world, are men or women....
We can read some details about who they are and where they come from,
Britain is a multicultural society, .....
After WWII Immigrants were mainly citizens of the former British Empire,.....
After the 1970s, the situation gradually deteriorated, .....
It even worsened after the terrorist attacks of 2001 in NYC and 2005 in London, ....
This campaign was probably launched in order to fight persisting prejudice,....
It aims at reminding citizens that....

..... changing the way people regarded immigration.

.... , young or older, working in different fields
..... meaning that several ethnic groups live together in the same country
...... leaving former immigrants to belong to the poorest communities in Great Britain
...... cultural diversity should be seen as a source of wealth, rather than as a threat.
..... aims at fighting against prejudice and discrimination against immigrants.
..... and show how well immigrants can integrate
.... from India or the Caribbean, providing a variety of new cultures, skin colours and religions.
...... as well as a quote that sums up their contribution to the British society.

Read the caption below the 'Unique London' poster . Which evolution does it reveal ? Why ?

This poster evokes an increase of ....

This evolution is clearly a consequence of ...
London's specificity is ....
It advocates ...

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