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PRAISE LAUDATE, LAUDATE DOMINUM 287 REFRAIN (4 = BOT Eb Fm BIT EWG Cm Cm/Bb i Te en cet aie me ee ee an t Ab Fm AMTIED Db Ab Fm Bb da-te Do-mi-mm Ex-sul - te, ju- bi - Ia Ter nal- ly the same. May our liv ing be thanks- giv - Bb Fab GmvBb Fin? By Eb 1 (2, Finat Tw Vers] Ab Db Bb an-nos Do-mi - ni, om-nes gen - tes. an-nos Do-mi- ni, om-nes gen ~ tes. Joie-ing in your name now and al - ways. Joic-ing in your name now and al ~ ways. 7 [Rest (niFine “eat and music Christopher Walter b 197197, Chstopher Walker Published by OCP. All igh reserved 2287 LAUDATE, LAUDATE DOMINUM, cont. 2) PRAISE VERSES Db bm Bhm the faith — of we walk hand. in hand, Inthe name of Christ we_—will__-—_ spread. the seed: Buln the pow'r of Christ we pro. - claim one Lord. 1 Ca - mi - ma - mos jun - tos en a fe. de Cris - 10. 2.Con los po ~ bres com - par » ti ~ mos juz de Cris - 1, 3. Los. bau - ti - za - dos en un so lo Se- fon, Ebm Db Bbm Ebm/B>Bbm L light be = fore our asthe Lond has planned: 2. share the Word of + God with all those in 3 All who put on Christ. are by faith re I luz en rues - tra sen - da ese, don de 2 y sem - bra - mos la pa - la - bra del Se 3. res - tau - ra - dos 10 - dos por la fe en Go Fnvab Bbm Eb Dhsus4 Db 1. shin = ing the torch of faith in our and: 2, faith - ful in thought and word___ and deed: Bu shar - ing new life, sal. - va tion’s. re - ward I tor ~ cha de fe quej ~ Iw mi naal mun 2. fie - les en 0 - bay ues = tro pen = say, 3 al = can za - mos Ia. nue va vi day, PRAISE Bb 287-LAUDATE, LAUDATE DOMINUM, cont. 3) ByD Cm Gm Eb Ab Bb BWAb EWG DG 13, in the name of Christ 4 6. 13. en el nom ~ bre de Additional Verses In the Life of Christ, through the blood he shed, 4. Oigan al Seftor y siganle, we re justified, and by him are fed, vengan a alabar y comer de El, nourished by word and living bread alimentados con pan de vida, inthe name of Christ Jesus cenel nombre de Cristo, In the Church of God we are unified, 5. En la Iglesia estamos undo, by the Spirit's pow we are sanctified, santfcados por el Espirit, temples of grace, where God may abide: ‘morada de la gracia de Dios, by the pow'r ofthe Spirit porel poder del Espiritu. Praise to God the Father while ages run, 6. Siempre bento sea el Padre, Praise to Christ the Savior, God's only Son, siempre bento sea el Hijo de Dios, praise to the Holy Spirit be sung: siempre bendito el Espiritu Sanco, bmnes gents, landate. ‘omnes gents, laudate Ordination Verses 1. In the Church we answer the Savior’ eall, serving, as he showed us, both great and small, sharing the Lord's compassion for all: in the name of Christ Jesus. 2. In the name of Christ we baptize and teach, ‘ruth upon our lips in the way we preach, raising the cup of blessing for each: in the name of Christ Jesus

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