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Of the five most important aspects of a job, paycheck size comes in a surprising
second. Address the other four job aspects that employees say matter to them and
you will decrease turnover.

Aspect Number Five: Using Skills and Abilities

Opportunities to use skills and abilities held the number one position in 2012, but it
has fallen to number five, according to the Society for Human Resource
Management's 2017 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement report. Give your
employees a challenge suited to their strengths and help them figure out how to
achieve it.

Aspect Number Four: Job Security

Job security held the number two slot in 2012 but has fallen to job aspect number
four as of 2017. Part of the reason may lie in the gig economy and the increase in
the number of self-employed workers.


Take a chance: discuss the gig economy versus a regular job with your employees.
If they find the flexibility and self-direction of gig work appealing, you can remain
competitive by offering job-sharing or flexible hours.

Aspect Number Three: Trust

Transparency prevents workers from leaving your company when rumors of
upcoming layoffs or closings fly. Keeping pending changes under wraps only fuels
speculation, and quashing a layoff rumor today only increases mistrust later when
the layoffs take place.


Don't sugar-coat or deny bad news. Share news of mergers and layoffs as soon as
possible so that employees can plan ahead. They will often reward your trust by
sticking with you through the entire process.

Aspect Number Two: Pay and Compensation

Rising in importance from its number-three spot in 2012, this job aspect is the only
salient aspect of the job with a bottom-line price tag. Employees understand that
hard times for the company may limit potential raises and bonuses. When the
company does well, though, so should the rank and file. Pay them more before you
give bonuses to management, especially upper management.

Aspect Number One: Respect

Of the five aspects, respect carries the most weight with your employees. It costs
nothing to show employees that you value respect as much as they do. Model
respectful behavior and make sure middle managers do the same.

Bella Vista Apartments, a senior living community in Mesa, Arizona, uses the
motto, "Open the DOOR to Customer Service." The letters stand for "Delight, Offer,
Own, and Respond." Every day, each employee strives to delight and inspire one
resident at a time. This concept is easy to apply to your employees.


Before the shift begins: make sure your employees have any passwords,
supplies, equipment or data needed to perform the day's tasks.

 Greet employees by name as they arrive.

 Avoid yawning when an employee speaks with you.
 Do not eat while talking with employees, especially if they are not eating as well.
 Put what you are doing aside when employees approach you.
 Make eye contact and turn toward employees to further emphasize your respect.
 Take employees aside when you have to correct them or discuss something that might
embarrass or upset them.



Photo Credits
 Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images

About the Author

by Taboola
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