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Nama : Aninditya Dewi Prabandari

NIM : 19036
Kelas : 2B
Dosen : Monika, S.Pd., M.Pd
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Hari, tanggal: Selasa, 13 Oktober 2020


EVS - Worksheet

Subject: My Body Class: 2nd

1. Name the following internal organs and their functions

Brain Functions:

i. The Brain regulates and coordinates most of the

body`s movements,behavior and functions such as
homeostatis heart rate,blood pressure, body fluid
balance and body temperature.
The Brain is also responsible for functions like
recognition emotions, memory, motor learning and
all other forms of learning.

Heart Function:

ii. The function of the human heart is as a tool or

organ to pump blood in humans. Blood pumped by
the heart supplies oxygen and nutriens to the body
and also helps to remove metabolic waste.
Muscles Function:

iii. The main function of muscles in humans is to help

a person move.
The function of human muscles is also to maintain
posture in order to be in the correct position when
sitting or standing.

Bones Function:
The first function of bones is that they provide a
framework for the attachment of muscles and other
tissues. Bones also function as a protector of
human internal organs. For example, like the skull
as a brain protector.
The next function of bones is to store minerals that
are essential for cell activity throughout the body,
namely calcium and phosphorus.
2. What are Internal Organs?
Answer: Internal organs are organs of the human body that cannot be seen from the outside.
Example: heart, lungs, liver, kidney, gall bladder, bladder, adrenaline, duodenum, stomach
pancreas, etc

3. What are joints? Write the names of different joints.

Answer: Joints are the parts of body that connect our bones so they can move, ben, etc.
Based on the nature of the movement: Joints Dead (Synarthrosis), Stiff Joints
(Amfiarthrosis), Joints Movement (Diarthrosis)
Based on the direction of movement: Slide Joints (Filed), Hinge Joints (Hinge), Roll
Joints (Condylar), Rotary Joints (Shaft), Bullet Joints (Ball and Socket), Saddle Joints

4. What are bones? Write the names of different bones.

Answer: Bones is the existence of an organs with a hard and rigid structure that forms the
skeleton of a human skeleton.
In terms of shape, bones can be divided into:
1. Pipe Bones (Such as the cubit and tibia)
2. Flat Bones (Such as the ribs, sternum)
3. Short Bones (The bones of the palms, wrists)
4. Irregular Bones (Sucs as the jawbone)
According to its location, the bones are divided into two:
1. The Skull (The head)
2. The Body frame

5. Fill in the blanks.

a. Bones give structure to the body.

b. Organ that helps us to digest food is mouth, tongue, esophagus, pancreas, liver, stomach,
small intestine, large intestine.

c. Our bones are covered with periosteum.

d. Heart is the largest muscle that is located in the chest area.

e. Brain is protected by a hard bone structure called Skull.

f. Elbow is a hinge Joint.
6. List any three joints that are used for the activities given

Law Mowning
Joints used:
A. 1. Ankle
2. Knee
3. Elbow
4. Wrist
5. Fingers
Joints used:
B. 1. Ankle
2. Knee
3. Elbow
4. Neck

Joints used:
C. 1. Elbow
2. Wrist
3. Knee
4. Ankle
5. Hip

Walking Joints
D. 1. Knee
2. Wrist
3. Elbow
4. Neck

football Joints
E. used:
1. Ankle
2. Knee
3. Hip
4. Toes
Dancing Joints
F. 1. Elbow
2. Wrist
3. Fingers
4. Neck
5. Knee

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