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ANTIMICROBIAL AGENT8 AND CHEMOTHERAPY, Mar. 1977, p. 462-469 Vol. 11, No.

Copyright C 1977 American Society for Microbiology Printed in U.S.A.

Bioavailability of Tetracycline and Doxycycline in Fasted and

Nonfasted Subjects
University of Wisconsin Center for Health Sciences, School of Pharmacy* and Department of Medicine, and
the Veterans Administration Hospital, Madison, Wisconsin 53706
Received for publication 22 November 1976

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The influence of various test meals and fluid volumes on the relative bioavail-
ability of commercial formulations of doxycycline hyclate and tetracycline hy-
drochloride was studied in healthy human volunteers. Serum levels of tetracy-
cline were uniformly reduced by approximately 50% by all test meals, whereas
serum levels of doxycycline were reduced by 20%. The reduction of tetracycline
serum levels will likely be of clinical significance. The bioavailability of each
drug was almost identical from an oral solution and from capsules in fasted
subjects. The rate of doxycycline absorption was reduced when capsules were
administered with a small volume of water, but the overall efficiency of absorp-
tion of both drugs was essentially independent of co-administered fluid volume.
The use of 8-h serum data provides a reliable estimate of drug bioavailability for
tetracycline and, to a lesser extent, for doxycycline.
Although the tetracycline antibiotics may be tissue distribution (5, 10) and apparently longer
bactericidal to some microorganisms at high biological half-life of doxycycline (11, 22), this
concentrations, their activity is primarily bac- lipid-soluble compound appears to have several
teriostatic (14). It is therefore important that advantages over other tetracyclines. From the
circulating levels of these compounds be main- results obtained with dairy products and also
tained above the minimum inhibitory concen- specific heavy metals, it is generally considered
tration (MIC) for pathogenic organisms during that food has less influence on the absorption of
a course of treatment. In view of this, there has doxycycline than that of other tetracyclines. In
been considerable interest in factors influenc- this study, the influence of solid test meals and
ing the absorption of tetracyclines after oral fluid volumes on the bioavailability of doxycyc-
doses and the degree to which these factors line and tetracycline was examined in healthy
affect circulating levels of antibiotic. human volunteers under controlled conditions.
Inhibition of absorption of the tetracyclines
due to chelation by heavy-metal ions is exten- MATERIALS AND METHODS
sively documented (8, 12, 16, 20, 21). Inhibition
by antacid preparations is also well estab- Subjects were four male and two female healthy
lished. The latter effect appears to be due to a volunteers. Male subjects were aged between 21 and
combined influence of heavy-metal ion chela- 36 years (mean, 26) and weighed between 66 and 98
tion and also a decreased dissolution rate of kg (mean, 77). The two female subjects were aged 19
tetracycline (2) or the dosage form in which it is and 22 years and weighed 55 and 70 kg. All subjects
contained (9). Milk and other dairy products were shown by medical examination to be in good
inhibit the absorption of tetracyclines to vary- physical condition with normal blood and urine lab-
oratory values. There were no histories of drug al-
ing degrees. Rosenblatt and associates (22) re- lergies.
ported that doxycycline absorption was reduced Protocols. The protocols followed were similar to
by about 20% in the presence of skimmed milk, those described previously (26; P. G. Welling, H.
whereas the absorption of demethylchlortetra- Huang, P. A. Koch, W. A. Craig, and P. O. Madsen,
cycline was reduced by about 70%. Mattila and J. Pharm. Sci., in press). Subjects were advised
associates (18) reported 50 to 60% reduction in to take no drugs for 1 week preceding the study
bioavailability of tetracycline, oxytetracycline, and no drugs other than the required doses of doxy-
and methacycline in the presence of whole milk cycline and tetracycline during the study. Sub-
whereas the absorption of doxycycline was not jects were fasted overnight before each treatment
and were permitted to eat no food, apart from test
significantly affected. Interactions influencing meals, until 4 h after dosing. On the moming of a
the absorption of tetracyclines have recently treatment, subjects drank 250 ml of water on aris-
been reviewed (19). ing, at least 1 h before dosing. Drugs were admin-
In view of the above, and also the superior istered at 8 a.m., and blood samples (-4 ml) were
taken from a forearm vein into Vacutainers contain- respectively. Fitting of individual data sets to the
ing no anticoagulant immediately before and at 0.5, equation was improved in many cases by incorporat-
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 24, and 32 (tetracycline) or 48 (doxy- ing a lag time, to, to represent the time elapsed
cycline) h after dosing. Serum was separated and between dosing and appearance of antibiotic in se-
deep-frozen until assayed. Assays were done within rum. Statistical comparisons were carried out as
48 h of sampling. described previously (25, 26; P. G. Welling et al., in
Treatments. The tetracycline study immediately press).
preceded the doxycycline study. All subjects re-
ceived all treatments in both studies with one excep- RESULTS
tion. One male subject vomited when taking doxy- Serum levels. Mean serum concentrations of
cycline on an empty stomach. This subject was the two tetracyclines, together with statistical
therefore replaced by another of similar age, weight,
and height for the three doxycycline fasting treat- comparisons between treatments, are given in
ments. Subjects received single 500-mg doses of tet- Tables 1 and 2, and the data are summarized in

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racycline (hydrochloride) (Achromycin, lot 416-411, Fig. 1 and 2. Similar serum profiles were ob-
Lederle) as two 250-mg capsules or single 200-mg tained from all fasting treatments with both
doses of doxycycline (hyclate) (Vibramycin, lot agents. Absorption was delayed slightly when
51408, Pfizer) as two 100-mg capsules. Test meals capsules were administered with a small vol-
were prepared and standardized as described previ- ume of water. This delay, reflected in the ab-
ously (26). Each drug was administered as the fol- sorption rate constant and time of peak height
lowing treatments: treatment 1, two capsules with (Tables 3 and 4), was significant (P <0.05) for
250 ml of water immediately after a standard high-
carbohydrate meal; treatment 2, two capsules with doxycycline but not for tetracycline.
250 ml of water immediately after a standard high- Serum levels of tetracycline after the high-
fat meal; treatment 3, two capsules with 250 ml of carbohydrate and high-fat test meals were re-
water immediately after a standard high-protein duced to about one-half those in fasted subjects.
meal; treatment 4, two capsules with 25 ml of water Serum levels were reduced further after the
on an empty stomach; treatment 5, two capsules high-protein meal, but differences in serum lev-
with 250 ml of water on an empty stomach; and els between nonfasting treatments were signifi-
treatment 6, the contents of two capsules dissolved cant only at 3 and 6 h.
in 250 ml of water taken on an empty stomach. Serum levels of doxycycline were reduced by
All subjects received the same treatment at the
same time, and at least 2 weeks were allowed be- approximately 20% in nonfasted subjects. Dif-
tween each treatment. Capsules were swallowed ferences between fasting and nonfasting levels
whole. were significant during the first 4 h after dos-
Asay. Serum tetracycline and doxycycline con- ing, but not at later times. Doxycycline serum
centrations were determined by the spectrofluoro- levels after the high-protein meal appeared to
metric method of Kohn (17) as modified by Wilson be somewhat lower than other nonfasting lev-
and associates (27). Assays were carried out using els during the first 4 h after dosing, but the
0.5 ml of serum, and volumes of all solutions and differences were not significant.
reagents used in the assay were suitably adjusted. Results of the pharmacokinetic analysis are
Fluorescence was read on a Perkin-Elmer model
MPF-4 instrument. The excitation wavelength was summarized in Tables 3 and 4. The adequacy of
maintained at 395 nm, and emission was read at 525 the simple one-compartment open model to de-
nm. Both excitation and emission slits were set at 10 scribe the serum level profiles is indicated by
nm. Fluorescent response was linear over the con- the high coefficients of determination, r2. De-
centration ranges of 0.1 to 5.0 ,lg/ml and 0.4 to 7.0 spite the large differences in tetracycline serum
,g/ml for tetracycline and doxycycline, respec- levels in fasted and nonfasted subjects, there
tively. Standard solutions of both compounds were were no significant differences between treat-
prepared and measured with each batch of un- ments in absorption rate constants or times of
knowns to allow for slight instrument drift. peak serum levels. With doxycycline, however,
Interpretation of results. Individual serum anti-
biotic levels were fitted to equation 1, which is ap- significant differences in these parameters
propriate to the pharmacokinetic one-compartment were observed in some cases between fasting
open model, as described previously (25, 26; P. G. and nonfasting subjects.
Welling et al., in press). The major differences in the effects of food on
both drugs were those associated with overall
C = VD (k e-t - e-kt) (1) absorption efficiency. For tetracycline, peak se-
rum levels, areas under serum level curves
from the time of dosing until 2, 8, and 32 h and
In this equation, C is the concentration of drug in to infinite time, and FDIV values (the fraction
serum at any time t after dosing, F is the fraction of
the doseD that is ultimately absorbed into the circu- of dose absorbed expressed as a concentration in
lation, V is the apparent distribution volume of its overall distribution volume) were all signifi-
antibiotic in the body, and k and K are first-order cantly greater in fasted than in nonfasted sub-
rate constants for drug absorption and elimination, jects. With doxycycline, however, despite a

; eq eq C0 C0 Cq

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02, FAT
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*W 250 ml

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s IS 24
TOE (Ors)
FIG. 1. Average serum levels of tetracycline.

* 2, FAT
A 4 1FASTING 25 Rd
E A 5 FASTING 250 ml

8 2


24 36 48
TIE (hous
FIG. 2. Average serum levels of doxycycline.

tendency for these parameter values to be reported values. Serum half-lives of doxycyc-
larger from the fasting treatments, differences line were somewhat shorter than those re-
in values between fasted and nonfasted treat- ported by some previous workers (11, 22), but
ments frequently failed to reach significant lev- were similar to those recently obtained by Ao
els. and associates in normal individuals (1). The
Serum levels, peak level values, times of accuracy of some of the reported longer doxy-
peak levels, and serum half-lives in fasted sub- cycline half-lives has been questioned by Gi-
jects in this study were similar to previously baldi (13).

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DISCUSSION relatively short sampling periods may be inade-
quate for accurate bioavailability testing. Barr
The results obtained in this study show that, and associates (3), however, showed that re-
although the absorption of orally dosed doxy- sults obtained from single-dose studies, using
cycline and tetracycline is impaired in the pres- 10-h serum or 48-h urine sampling periods, ac-
ence of food, the degree of impairment is far curately predicted tetracycline serum levels
greater in the case of tetracycline. The small during multiple doses of various commercial
influence of food on doxycycline absorption is products.
advantageous in view of the gastric irritation The present study utilized only single doses,
that may occur when this drug is taken on an but comparisons of data based on short and long

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empty stomach. Subjects in this study fre- postdosing intervals are instructive. Correla-
quently reported transient nausea within 30 tion coefficients between areas under serum
min of taking doxycycline in the fasting treat- level curves and also between 2-h, 8-h and peak
ments, and one subject had to be withdrawn serum levels and 0- to 32-h or 0- to 48-h areas
because of this. These symptoms did not occur are given in Table 5. With tetracycline, good
when doxycycline was taken with food and correlations were obtained between all listed
were not observed at all with tetracycline. parameters, and it appears reasonable to sug-
The results also show that, for both drugs, gest that the use of serum levels or areas under
inhibition of absorption is largely independent serum level curves measured at short postdos-
of the type of meal. It is interesting that the ing time intervals provides a reliable estimate
high-protein meal, which contained a higher of tetracycline bioavailability characteristics.
proportion of heavy-metal ions, tended to pro- Agreement between the various parameters is
duce somewhat lower serum levels of both tet- not quite as good with doxycycline, but 8-h
racycline and doxycycline than did the other serum levels and 8-h areas correlate quite well
nonfasting treatments. with the 0- to 48-h areas.
In other studies we demonstrated impaired Clinical significance. The in vitro MICs of
absoxption of amoxicillin trihydrate (P. G. most tetracyclines to susceptible bacteria range
Welling et al, in press) and, to a lesser extent, from 0.2 to 12.5 gg/ml (15, 23). Organisms with
theophylline (25) when these drugs were ad- an MIC of 0.5 ug/ml or less are considered
ministered in solid dosage forms with small highly susceptible, those with an MIC of 0.5 to
accompanying water volumes. This may be at- 2.5 ug/ml are considered moderately suscepti-
tributed to their relatively low water solubility. ble, and those with an MIC of 2.5 to 5 ,g/ml are
Both doxycycline and tetracycline were ad- considered slightly susceptible. Doxycycline
ministered as water-soluble salts in the present tends to be more active against many patho-
study, and changes in water volumes had only gens than tetracycline (22).
a small influence on their overall serum level Based on our single-dose data, the mean tet-
profiles. racycline serum levels during a multiple-dos-
Several dosing and sampling methods have age regimen of 250 mg every 6 h would be
been used to measure the bioavailability of tet- approximately 4.5 ,ug/ml if the drug were dosed
racycline drug products. Brice and Hammer (6) on an empty stomach (24). If the same regimen
and Blair and associates (4) compared the bioa- were followed but the doses were taken with
vailability of various oxytetracycline products meals, mean serum levels would drop to 2.4 ,ug/
based on serum or blood level data collected ml. The nonfasting regimen might thus result
through 6 h after single doses. Davis and associ- in insufficiently high circulating levels of anti-
ates (7) measured blood and urine tetracycline biotic for activity against less susceptible orga-
levels during a 96-h multiple-dosage regimen nisms.
and concluded that single-dose studies using With doxycycline, the mean serum levels ob-
TABLE 5. Correlations among areas under serum level curves and also between serum levels and
areas from 0 to 48 h (doxycycline) and 32 h (tetracycline)
Correlation coefficient
Doxycycline Tetracycline
Area 0 2 h vs. area 0 8 h 0.75 0.93
Area 0 2 h vs. area 0 48 (32) h 0.35 0.89
Area 0 8 h vs. area 0 - 48 (32) h 0.77 0.95
Peak serum level vs. area 0 -. 48 (32) h 0.87 0.83
2-h serum level vs. area 0 48 (32) h 0.46 0.87
8-h serum level vs. area 0 48 (32) h 0.88 0.98
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