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Name: Tanvir Hossain Pion

ID:111 0992 045

ENG 105, Section:12

Homicide rate of five countries

The graph below shows the homicide rate per 100000 people over the time period 1983-2013. The
horizontal line gives the name of the countries and the vertical line gives the number of murder per
100000 people. We can see from the graph that; the general trend of murder rate is going down.
Although in case of France and England it is slightly increasing. Which may be due to economic
downturn. As the economy goes down, the stability of the society goes down, so crime rate increases.
As a result, murder rate also increases. Which also may explain the gradual decrease of murder rate of
India. As India continues to develop rapidly, the society becomes more stable so murder rate decreases.
On the other hand, USA has the highest murder rate of these country, this is probably because of lax gun
control. However, murder rate has gone down abruptly in 2003 and continues to decrease. Off all these
country japan has the lowest murder rate. That is maybe because of its homogeneous population and
stable economic situation.

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