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This is the life of a full-time working, full-load law student.

The demands imposed by professors to law students are impossible to be done in 24 hours. You have
to read at least two reference books, a multitude of cases, a few reviewers to tune it up, and finally,
reread them all again for mastery. After mastering the cases, you have to take your pen and scribble
in numerous case digests, which can take an eternity to finish. As far as the seniors’ rule of thumb go,
they tell us that for every unit in law school, three hours of study must be spent at home.
It is no myth that there are a lot of law students who are working full-time. Being all Bachelor’s degree
holder, we are all already capable of earning quite well, and a few of us take the chance and earn. Frankly,
being in law school may be a temporary career killer. It’s difficult to balance law school and work. Either
one of it needs to be sacrifice. It’s either you excel in lawschool and not performing well at work or you
perform excellently at work and may fail at lawschool. It is indeed true that lawschool and work are like a
jelous girlfriend. Both demands time and one wants to be chosen as a priority. However, as they say, it
will all be worth it in the end. Getting that “atty.” before my name will be my ultimate professional return
over all the sacrifices during my law school sojourn and being an state auditor as well.
One of my law professor once said that “The race is not won in the start but in the finish line.” Today is
not yet the finish line on the race of becoming a lawyer. But most of all, this is not the start. One
kilometer dash is over but there is the next that is very crucial and that would be the bar.
This race would not be wonderful without the presence of my classmates who in one way or another has
given me so much to remember in lawschool. Thank you for being one of kind.
To my professors who have been the guiding torch whenever the path seems so dark. I gave credits to
them for sharing all the legal wisdom for us to overcome the hurdles in lawschool. Thank you so much.
And above all to God for giving me the chance to celebrate life at its finest and tonight is one of the best.

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