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Life moves pretty fast if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you might
miss it.

R=(((x*R)/(x+y+R) +y)((y*R)/(x+y+R)+x))/((x*R)/(x+y+R)+y + (y*R)/(x+y+R)+x) +


elevul dima dintr-a saptea

Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
Plagiarism detector:
food :
water :
The tree of life
No country for old men
Gone baby gone
A serious man
Mr nobody
Dangerous mind
The Lobster
The legends of the fall
Enemy at the gate
Face off
The other woman
Sweet november
Shakespear in love
Pride and prejedice
The devil wears prada
First knight
Brave heart
Cinema Paradiso
What if
Remember me (2010)
Love, Rosie (2014)
Blue is the warmest colour (2013)
Submarine (2010)
A single man 2009
Raw (2017)
Juno (2007)
short term (2012) ??
Before sunrise //
reality bites //
Death Proof
gone girl ......!!!
She's The Man
Boy Meets World

10 Things I Hate About You (1999)

Annie Hall ( 1977)
Girl Interrupted (1999)
Mean Girls (2004)
The Princess Diaries (2001)
Lost in translation (2003)
Requiem for a dream (2000)
The Shining (1980)
Lost in translation
the social network
Heavenly Forest
about time (2013)
freaks and geeks (1999-2000)
50 first dates (2004)
Memento (2000)
Flipped (2010)
Blue Jay (2016)
Good Will Hunting (1997) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //
Room (2015)
Friends with benefits (2011) ?
Imperial Dreams
Dogma (1999)
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2011)
American Beauty (1999)
Full Metal Jacket
Reality Bites (1995)
Ghost in the shell (1995)
13 reasons why (2017)
Harold and maude (1971)
Pi (1998)
sixteen candles
pretty in pink
weird science
better off dead
real genius
Beginners (2010)
person of interest
atomic blonde
Hacksaw Ridge
Margin Call
A Brilliant Young Mind
21 (2008)
blade runner >>>><<
The to do list
The Gambler <><>
Upgrade (2018)


Orphan Black (my fav), Gypsy, Mr robot, iZombie, To the bone, Extremely loud and
incredibly close, Love 3d

it's the people no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can

Naponeon Hill - Foloseste-ti mintea pentru a te �mbogatii (Think and grow rich)
Esther si Jerry Hicks - Cere si ti se va da The Secret (2006) - regie Drew Heriot
Eckhart Tolle - Un pam�nt nou x
Alain de Botton - Statut si anxietate
Osho - Scrisori de dragoste catre viata
Neale Donald Walsch � Conversatii cu Dumnezeu x

The good place (netflix)

in cazul oricarei persoane a carui judecata chiar merita confidence, cum a devenit
asa? pentru ca persoana si-a mentinut mintea deschisa la critice a propriilor
opinii si conduita. pentru ca a fost in practica persoanei sa asculte tot ce putea
fi zis impotriva ei; si sa profite cat poate de mult de asta, expunandu-se propiiei
persoane, si ocazional altora. pentru ca a simtit ca singura cale in care un om
poate sa se apropie de stiinta unui intreg subiect este sa asculte tot ce poate fi
zis despre el de la o varietate de persoane si prin studiul tuturor modurilor in
care se poate uita la acel subiect by every character of mind.

you have this idea in your head that the only time you�re worthy of being loved is
when you�re at your best. you�re still worthy of being loved when you�re at your
lowest. you�re still worthy of being loved when you don�t want to go on anymore.
you are still worthy of being loved even when you don�t love yourself. you are a
human and therefore always worthy of being loved and don�t you fool yourself into
thinking otherwise.


te duci cu 2 indici
i = 1 -> stanga
j = 1 -> dreapta

daca sunt pozitive ->

j -> incrementezi->
suma actual = s[i]
suma actual = s + s[j]
suma actual = K => i++
suma actual = suma - s[i]

daca sunt si negative ->

2 for-uri
pozitionezi i-ul -> stanga si dreapta
for pt stanga si dreapta
verifici pt toate posibilitatile daca ai suma s pt stanga si dreapta
vector v suma prefixului , v[i] = v[1] + ... + v[i]

in primu for pun stanga

in al doilea dreapta
suma dintre stanga si dreapta cu S

1) precalculare vector de suma partiale v[i]

v[i] = suma tututror pana la i
v[i] = v[i] - suma + t[i]

for (stanga = 1; stanga < n; stanga++)

for (dreapta = stanga; dreapta < n; dreapta++)
if(v[dreapta] - v[stanga - 1] == K)
elem = dreapta - stanga + 1;

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