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Journal of Applied Microbiology ISSN 1364-5072


Characterization of polyhydroxyalkanoates accumulated

by a moderately halophilic salt pan isolate Bacillus
megaterium strain H16
B.B. Salgaonkar, K. Mani and J.M. Braganca
Department of Biological Sciences, Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus, Zuarinagar, Goa, India

Keywords Abstract
Bacillus megaterium strain H16, halophiles,
polyhydroxyalkanoates, polymer Aim: Characterization of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) accumulated by
characterization, salterns. halophilic bacteria isolated from solar salterns.
Methods and Results: Twenty-six halophilic isolates were obtained from solar
Correspondence salterns of Goa, India. They were screened for accumulation of PHA by Sudan
Judith M. Braganca, Department of Biological
black B, Nile blue A and Nile red stains. Strains H15, H16 and H26 were
Sciences, Birla Institute of Technology and
selected based on their intensity of Nile blue A/Nile red fluorescence. On the
Science Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus,
Zuarinagar, Goa 403 726, India. basis of phenotypic and genotypic characterization, the three isolates were
E-mail:; identified as Bacillus megaterium. Growth kinetics and polymer accumulating capacity of strain H16 were studied in E2 mineral media with 2% glucose
with/without NaCl. In the absence of NaCl, strain H16 accumulated PHA to
2013/1611: received 10 September 2012, 400% (w/w) of cell dry weight (CDW) at 42 h of growth, whereas in presence
revised 21 December 2012 and accepted 2
of 5% w/v NaCl, the culture showed longer lag phase of up to 24 h and
January 2013
accumulated a maximum PHA of 39% (w/w) CDW at 54 h of growth. The
infrared spectra of both the polymers exhibited peaks at 17339 cm 1
characteristic of C=O. Scans of 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) showed
a doublet at 25 ppm corresponding to methylene group (-CH2), the signal at
53 ppm corresponded to methine group (-CH-), and another signal at
13 ppm corresponded to the methyl group (-CH3). Scans of 13C NMR showed
prominent peaks at 20, 40, 67–68 and 170 ppm, indicating the polymer to be
homopolymer of 3-hydroxybutyrates. The polymer is stable up to a
temperature of 160°C.
Conclusion: Three moderately halophilic isolates (strain H15, H16 and H26)
capable of accumulating PHA were isolated from solar salterns of Ribandar
Goa, India, and identified as B. megaterium based on phenotypic and
genotypic characterization. Strain H16 accumulated polyhydroxybutyrate in the
presence and absence of NaCl up to 40% of its CDW.
Significance and Impact of the Study: This strain would be better suited for
production of PHA at industrial level due to its tolerance to high
concentration of NaCl.

et al. 2009). Research on PHA is gaining momentum due

to its varied applications. It is an eco-friendly green
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are a family of polyhydr- material, completely biodegradable and biocompatible
oxyesters synthesized by numerous microorganisms from thermopolyester with material properties similar to plas-
various carbon sources as intracellular carbon and energy tics, which are obtained from nonrenewable petrochemi-
storage compounds to overcome stress under nutrient- cal sources. PHAs from diverse sources with various
limiting conditions (Steinbuchel and Schlegel 1991; Tian chemical structures find attractive applications in medical

Journal of Applied Microbiology 114, 1347--1356 © 2013 The Society for Applied Microbiology 1347
Characterization of polyhydroxalkanotes B.B. Salgaonkar et al.

and surgical fields such as bone plates, sutures etc. room temperature (28°C) for 48 h and analysed for the
(Pachence and Kohn 2000; Sudesh et al. 2000; Anderson total viable bacterial load. The colonies from the plates
and Wynn 2001; Chen and Wang 2002). Other applica- were picked and surface-streaked several times until pure
tions include water resistant coatings on cardboard or culture was obtained. The isolates were labelled as halo-
paper, food processing industries and as additives in cos- phile series (H1–H26) and were thereafter maintained on
metics (Poli et al. 2011, Anderson and Dawes 1990, Stein- halophile agar slopes/plates at room temperature (28°C)
buchel and Fuchtenbush 1998) or 4°C.
PHAs are synthesized by several bacteria and few mem-
bers of archaea (e.g. family Halobacteriaceae). Halophilic
Screening of halophilic isolates for PHA production
organisms such as genus Halomonas, Salinibacter, Bacillus,
etc. belong to the eubacterial domain have been isolated The ability of the halophilic isolates to accumulate PHA
from saline environments (Ventosa et al. 1998; Lim et al. was tested using E2 medium (Lageveen et al. 1988) con-
2006; Wang et al. 2007; Xue et al. 2008; Echigo et al. taining 2% (w/v) glucose as substrate with or without 5%
2012). Members of the genus Bacillus have also been (w/v) NaCl. The isolates were spot-inoculated and incu-
known to accumulate polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), which bated at room temperature (28°C). Accumulation of
is the simplest biopolyester (homopolymer) of the PHA PHA was monitored for every 12 h for 2 days. This was
family (Labuzek and Radecka 2001; Shamala et al. 2003; carried out by either prior incorporating 50 ll of Nile
Singh et al. 2009; Mizuno et al. 2010). Bacillus spp. are red stain [001% (w/v) stock in DMSO] into 100 ml of
used widely in various biotechnological applications such media or flooding the culture grown plates with Nile blue
as surfactants, antibiotics, flavour enhancers, etc. (Ruiz- A [005% (w/v) in absolute ethanol] and incubating in
Garcia et al. 2005). the dark for 20 min. The stain was decanted and plates
One of the major challenges faced by PHA industry is were exposed to UV light (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Segrate,
to reduce its production cost, which include media steril- Milan, Italy). Bright orange fluorescence was graded and
ization and polymer extraction from cells. Halophilic recorded (Kitamura and Doi 1994; Spiekermann et al.
micro-organisms belonging to domain bacteria (e.g. 1999).
Halomonas boliviensis) and archaea (e.g. Haloferax medi-
terranei) are considered as attractive organisms for PHA
Cell staining (Sudan black B and Nile red)
production than their nonhalophilic counterparts. As
these organisms are salt loving, their production media Sudan black B staining was done as described by Murray
contains high salt, which reduces the cost required for et al. (1994). The stained smear was observed under
media sterilization (Lu et al. 2008; Quillaguaman et al. 1009 oil immersion lens of phase contrast microscopy
2008, 2010; Ibrahim and Steinbuchel 2010; Legat et al. (Olympus BX41, Tokyo, Japan). For Nile red staining,
2010). cell smears were made from 42-h-old H16 culture grown
This paper mainly focuses on the isolation and screen- in E2 media with 2% glucose. The smear was washed 2–3
ing of potential PHA-accumulating halophilic strains times with sterile distilled water, dried and stained for 15
from salt pans of Goa, characterization of the isolates by –20 min with 001% Nile red in DMSO. The excess stain
morphological, biochemical and 16S rRNA analysis as was drained and the stained smear was washed 3–4 times
well as characterization of the polymer obtained. with distilled water and air-dried. The cells were exam-
ined using propidium iodide (PI) filter 109 lens of
fluorescence microscope (Nikon T1 SM, Tokyo, Japan.).
Materials and methods
The entire procedure was carried out in the dark.
Sampling, isolation and maintenance of halophilic
bacteria Identification of halophilic isolates (H15, H16 and H26)
Saline water and sediment samples, approximately Morphological and biochemical characterization
0–10 cm from the surface, were collected from the solar Distinct/promising polymer producing isolates were
salt pans of Ribandar Goa in the month of April 2011, selected and studied for its morphology and biochemical
during the salt harvesting phase (Mani et al. 2012a,b). characteristics. Gram’s reaction and scanning electron
Sediment samples were diluted (10 4, 10 5 and 10 6), microscopy (SEM) were carried out according to Mani
and 100 ll of each was surface spread plated on halophile et al. 2012a; except for the desalting step. Endospore
agar media, which is a nutrient agar supplemented with staining was carried out according to Schaeffer and Ful-
10 mol l 1 NaCl and 005 mol l 1 MgSO47H2O (Roe- ton (1933). Isolates were streaked on the halophile agar
bler and M€ uller 2002). The plates were incubated at medium and incubated at room temperature for 24 h.

1348 Journal of Applied Microbiology 114, 1347--1356 © 2013 The Society for Applied Microbiology
B.B. Salgaonkar et al. Characterization of polyhydroxalkanotes

Colony characteristics and pigmentation were deter-

Characterization of polymer (PHA)
mined. Biochemical tests like production of acid from
various carbohydrates and hydrolysis of various substrates Spectrophotometric identification of PHA (crotonic acid
were conducted according to Bergey’s manual of System- assay)
atic Bacteriology (Sneath 1984). Purity of the polymer was determined by crotonic acid
assay. For this, the polymer (PHA) was dissolved in hot
Genotypic characterization CHCl3 such that the final conc is 10 mg ml 1. 05 ml of
Genomic DNA was extracted according to Pospiech and this suspension was added to 45 ml of conc. H2SO4,
Numann (1995). 16S rRNA gene fragment was amplified mixed well and heated at 100°C in boiling water bath for
using 27(F) 5′-AGAGTTTGATCMTGGCTCAG-3′ and 10 min so as to convert PHA to crotonic acid. PHA was
1492(R) 5′-GGTTACCTTGTTACGACTT-3′ under the fol- determined as crotonic acid and quantified by spectro-
lowing conditions: initial denaturation at 94°C for 5 min photometry at 235 nm against reagent blank (Law and
followed by 30 cycles of denaturation at 94°C for 30 s, Slepecky 1961). A standard curve with commercial Poly
annealing at 52°C for 30 s and final extension at 72°C for [â-3-hydroxybutyric acid] natural origin (Sigma-Aldrich
1 min and 15 s. The final extension was kept at 72°C for Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, India) was plotted to
10 min. Amplified product was subjected to electrophore- quantify the PHA in our samples.
sis on a 15% agarose gel and was found to be approxi-
mately 14 kb in size. The purified product was sequenced Infra red spectroscopy
bidirectionally using an automated DNA sequencer The infra red (IR) spectra for PHA samples were recorded
(Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA.). on Shimadzu FTIR-8201 PC. for polymer dissolved in hot
CHCl3. The CHCl3 solution of these was directly applied
on the window and the scans were recorded in the range of
Growth kinetics and PHA accumulation
500–4000 cm 1 and a resolution of 4 cm 1.
Growth kinetics and PHA content were determined as
follows. Starter culture was obtained by growing the cul- Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
ture in 50 ml E2 broth with 02% glucose as sole carbon The 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) scans 13C
source contained in 150-ml Erlenmeyer flasks. Two per- NMR spectra of the PHA polymer were recorded after
centage of this starter culture was used to inoculate suspending the PHA in high purity deuterochloroform
500 ml of E2 medium supplemented with 2% (w/v) glu- (CDCl3). The 1H NMR spectra of sample was obtained at
cose contained in 1000-ml Erlenmeyer flasks. Absorbance 400 MHz using a model Bruker Avance 300 NMR spec-
at 600 nm, cell dry weight (CDW) and extraction of the trometer (Rheinstetten, Germany). The 13C NMR spectral
PHA from the culture broth were carried out after every analysis was performed at 80 MHz. Samples dissolved in
6 h. CDW was determined by centrifuging 5 ml of the chloroform (1 mg ml 1 solvent) were used for analysis.
culture samples at 12 857 g for 15 min, pellet obtained The chemical shift scale was in parts per million (ppm).
was washed twice with distilled water and dried at 70–
75°C until constant weight was obtained. The amount of Thermogravimetric analysis of polymer
accumulated polymer was quantified by concentrated To evaluate the melting temperature (Tm), a
sulphuric acid hydrolysis method by recording the absor- Thermogravimetric (TGA) analysis was performed with a
bance at 235 nm using UV-visible spectrophotometer DTG-60 (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) Differential Scanning
(Law and Slepecky 1961). Calorimeter. Approximately 13 mg of the polymer was
subjected to thermal analysis with the following thermal
cycle: heating from 30 to 180°C at a heating rate of
Bench scale production of polymer and extraction
10°C min 1, isothermally held at 180°C for 5 min, then
For bench-scale polymer production, halophilic culture cooled to 100°C at a rate of 50°C min 1and re-heated
Bacillus megaterium strain H16 was grown in 2 l of E2 to 500°C at 20°C min 1.
medium with 2% (w/v) glucose. Cells from the culture
broth were harvested at 36 h of growth by centrifugation
at 12 857 g, 15 min and 4°C. The PHA was extracted
from pellet sodium hypochlorite method of Rawte and
Screening of PHA producing strains
Mavinkurve 2002 with one modification. The cell pellet
harbouring the polymer was extracted in four times A large number of orange, yellow, brown, white and
its volume with sodium hypochlorite containing 2% cream colonies were obtained after plating of the brine
chlorine (v/v). and sediment samples on halophile agar medium.

Journal of Applied Microbiology 114, 1347--1356 © 2013 The Society for Applied Microbiology 1349
Characterization of polyhydroxalkanotes B.B. Salgaonkar et al.

(a) (b)

Figure 1 Fluorescence exhibited by moderate

halophilic salt pan isolate Bacillus megaterium
strain H16 by Nile Red staining (a) Colony
and (b) cell.

Twenty-six halophilic isolates were picked and purified

Characterization of promising isolates
by repeated sub culturing. These strains were screened for
PHA accumulation of which three isolates (H15, H16 Morphological and genetic characteristics
and H26) were selected based on their high fluorescence The cells of H15, H16 and H26 were Gram positive rods
intensity with Nile red/Nile blue when exposed to ultra occurring in singles, pairs and short chains bearing
violet (UV; Fig. 1). The cells of these three cultures also endospores (Figs 2 and 3a). On nutrient agar (NA) and
showed bright red fluorescence when observed under PI trypticase soy agar (TSA) the bacteria grew as cream
filter of fluorescence microscope. All the three isolates colonies with serrated edges (Fig. 2a). They were capable
also showed presence of brown black granule when of growing in NaCl concentration up to 75%, at temper-
stained for lipids with Sudan black B. ature of 15–45°C and pH of 60–100 (Table 1).

(a) (b)

Figure 2 (a) Isolated colonies depicting the

colony morphology of H16 isolate on nutrient
agar plate obtained by quadrant streak
technique. (b) Endospore staining of H16
isolate observed under phase contrast

(a) (b) (c)


10µm 10µm 60µm

Figure 3 Morphological changes observed in H16 isolate when grown in (a) nutrient broth (maintenance media) and E2 media with 2% glucose
(b) and 2% glucose plus 5% NaCl (c).

1350 Journal of Applied Microbiology 114, 1347--1356 © 2013 The Society for Applied Microbiology
B.B. Salgaonkar et al. Characterization of polyhydroxalkanotes

Table 1 Morphological and biochemical characterization of moder- acid from glucose, sucrose, fructose, maltose, sorbitol,
ately halophilic bacterial strains H15, H16 and H26 mannitol and glycerol. All were methyl red positive and
Cultures Voges–Proskauer negative except for H15 which was
Voges–Proskauer positive. They hydrolysed starch,
Characteristics H15 H16 H26 skimmed milk and gelatin confirming their ability for
Pigmentation Cream Cream Cream amylase, protease and gelatinase activity (Table 1).
Cell morphology Rods Rods Rods The 16S rRNA sequence obtained was analysed for
Arrangement Paired/chain Paired/chain Paired/chain related taxa using BLAST search tool and Multiple
Gram character Positive Positive Positive Sequence Alignment was performed using MUSCLE. MEGA
Motility + + + 5.0 was used for the construction of phylogenetic tree by
H2S production
neighbor-joining method with bootstrapping for 1000
Catalase + + +
Oxidase + + +
replicates and the tree displayed for 100 (Tamura et al.
Nitrate reduction 2011). The highest similarity values between our strains
Carbohydrate and B. megaterium was 98–99% similarity (Fig. 4). The
utilization sequences are deposited in EMBL Nucleotide Sequence
Glucose + + + Database with accession numbers H15 (HF564606), H16
Sucrose + + + (HF564607) and H26 (HF564608).
Fructose + + +
Ribose Growth kinetics and polymer accumulation study of
Mannose halophilic isolate Bacillus megaterium strain H16
Mannitol + + +
Maltose + + + E2 medium without NaCl
Arabinose As all the three strains were phenotypically and genotypi-
Galactose cally identical, further studies were carried out using
Sorbitol + + +
strain H16. The time course of growth and accumulation
Glycerol + + +
Substrate hydrolysis
of polymer by H16 culture is presented in Fig. 5. Growth
Starch + + + of the organism increased steadily with a lag phase of
Skimmed milk + + + 12 h followed by the logarithmic phase till the 36th hour
Gelatin + + + and finally the stationary phase that lasted till 78 h. Accu-
IMViC mulation of polymer though started at the 6th hour (lag
Indole phase) of growth showed maximum accumulation in the
Methyl red + + +
early stationary phase, that is, 42nd hour (400% of Poly-
Voges–Proskauer +
mer of CDW), after which a decline in the polymer level
Growth optima was observed (Fig. 5a).
Temperature (15–45°C) + + +
pH (60–100) + + +
NaCl (0–75%) + + +
71 H16 HF564607
70 H26 HF564608
+: positive/growth/utilization; : negative/no growth/non utilization. 85 H15 HF564606
17 Bacillus megaterium D16273
62 Bacillus lentus AB021189
The size of the cells in nutrient media (NA) is 15 Bacillus simplex AJ439078
Bacillus aerophilus AJ831844
15 9 30 lm whereas in production media (E2 with 2% 47 Bacillus subtilis AJ276351
90 79 Bacillus licheniformis CP000002
glucose) the size reduced to 09 9 21 lm (Fig. 3a,b). The
62 Bacillus cereus AE016877
cell changed its morphology drastically in production media 92 Bacillus thuringiensis D16281
with 5% NaCl, that is, from rods to spheres which are Bacillus smithii Z26935
Clostridium butyricum AJ458420
approximately 24 lm in diameter (Fig. 3c). Cells were also Escherichia coli X80725
seen to be clumping together when the culture was exposed
to the double stress of excess glucose and NaCl (Fig. 3c). 0·02
All the three polymer producing strains showed very
Figure 4 Phylogenetic tree showing the position of polymer accumu-
similar biochemical characteristics. They were chemoorg- lating moderate halophilic salt pan isolates strain H15, H16 and H26
anotrophic and produced catalase and oxidase. They pos- based on the 16Sr RNA. Neighbor-Joining tree was constructed with
sess aerobic metabolism with O2 as terminal electron MEGA 5.0 with bootstrap values for 1000 replicates and displayed for
acceptor and did not grow anaerobically. They produced 100. Escherichia coli is used as outgroup.

Journal of Applied Microbiology 114, 1347--1356 © 2013 The Society for Applied Microbiology 1351
Characterization of polyhydroxalkanotes B.B. Salgaonkar et al.

(a) 45 (b) 2·0 45

2·0 Without NaCI With 5% NaCI

1·5 30 30

15 15

0·5 0·5

0 0
0·0 0·0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Time (Hours) Time (Hours)

Figure 5 Growth kinetics and PHA accumulation studies for strain H16 in E2 media supplemented with 2% (w/v) glucose (a) absence of NaCl
and (b) presence of 5% (w/v) NaCl. (■) OD 600 nm; (●) CDW (gr 1) and (▲) PHA% (w/w). CDW, cell dry weight; PHA, polyhydroxyalkanoates.

acid, which gave a distinct peak at 235 nm similar to that

E2 medium with NaCl
of the standard PHB (Fig. 6; Sharma and Mallick 2005).
When the culture was subjected to growth in same media
The peak increased with the growth of the culture during
supplemented with 2% glucose and 5% (w/v) NaCl, it
the growth cycle till it reached the late stationary phase
showed a lag of 24 h followed by logarithmic phase at 30th
(Fig. 6).
hour and attained stationary phase at 54th hour. Polymer
The infrared spectra of all polymers exhibited peaks at
was accumulated maximally at 60th hour (early stationary
17339 cm 1 characteristic of C=O (Fig. 7). Scans of 1H
phase), which was 39% (w/w) of its CDW (Fig. 5b).
NMR showed a doublet at 25 ppm corresponding to
methylene group (-CH2), the signal at 53 ppm
Characterization of the polymer corresponded to methine group (-CH-) and another sig-
nal at 13 ppm corresponded to the methyl group (-CH3;
The accumulated polymer was extracted from the cell
Fig. 8). Scans of 13C NMR showed prominent peaks at
pellet using sodium hypochlorite till a white precipitate
20, 40, 67–68 and 170 ppm, which represent the methyl
was obtained. This precipitate was washed with diethyl
(-CH3) group, methylene (-CH2-) group, ester (-O-CH-)
ether and dissolved in hot CHCl3. On addition of con-
group and the carbonyl carbon (-C-) group, indicating
centrated H2SO4, the polymer was hydrolysed to crotonic

(a) (b)
1·000 1·000
Without NaCI 235 nm With 5% NaCI
PHB 54 h


42 h


300·00 400·00 500·00 600·00

24 h nm.
42 h

30 h
18 h

190·00 300·00 400·00 500·00 600·00 –0·100
190·00 300·00 400·00 500·00 600·00

Figure 6 Spectrophotometric scans of crotonic acid of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) obtained during different phases of growth from culture
H16 grown in E2 mineral media with 2% glucose (a) without NaCl and (b) with 5% NaCl.

1352 Journal of Applied Microbiology 114, 1347--1356 © 2013 The Society for Applied Microbiology
B.B. Salgaonkar et al. Characterization of polyhydroxalkanotes




2358·8 1456·2
75·0 1668·3
70·0 1541·0

65·0 3213·2

60·0 3255·6
3294·2 1645·2

40·0 3566·1
Figure 7 Infrared spectra of polymer 4000·0 3500·0 3000·0 2500·0 2000·0 1750·0 1500·0 1250·0 1000·0 750·0 500·0
obtained from culture H16. h16 2/glu w/o Nacl 1/cm




H16 (CDC13)

Figure 8 1H nuclear magnetic resonance

(NMR) Spectra of standard
polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA; inset) and H16
polymer. 8·5 8·0 7·5 7·0 6·5 6·0 5·5 5·0 4·5 4·0 3·5 3·0 2·5 2·0 1·5 1·0 0·5 ppm

the polymer to be homopolymer of 3-hydroxybutyrates

(Fig. 9) (Bonthrone et al. 1992) .
The TGA–DTA thermogram of polymer (Fig. 10) is Ribandar salterns cover an area about 12 dm2 and are
shown in Fig. 11. The TGA plot shows approximately located on the banks of the river Mandovi, Tiswadi tal-
67% weight loss in the temperature range of 160–250°C. uka, north Goa, India (Mani et al. 2012a,b). The salt
Corresponding to this weight loss, exothermic peaks in pans show varied salinity based on the phases of salt
the range of 175–280°C were observed. No weight loss or production process. During the nonsalt production phase,
heat change was observed in temperature range of the salinity of salt pans is 3–4%, whereas the salinity
35–160°C; this confirms the stability of the polymer up reaches up to 30% during salt production phase (Mani
to a temperature of 160°C. et al. 2012a). Halophilic micro-organisms belonging to

Journal of Applied Microbiology 114, 1347--1356 © 2013 The Society for Applied Microbiology 1353
Characterization of polyhydroxalkanotes B.B. Salgaonkar et al.

H16 (CDC13)







Figure 9 13C nuclear magnetic resonance

(NMR) Spectra of standard
polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB; inset) and polymer
200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ppm obtained from strain H16.

105 30

90 15

75 0



100 200 300 400 500
Temp (°C)

Figure 10 Polymer film obtained from 2 l of 42 h old strain H16 Figure 11 TGA-DTA analysis of polymer. (—) % TGA and (---) DTG.
culture grown in E2 medium supplemented with 2% (w/v) glucose as TGA, thermogravimetric analysis.

for novel micro-organisms with versatile biotechnologi-

domain bacteria and archaea are known to inhabit solar cal potential. In this study, three PHA producing bacte-
salterns. Although research on solar salterns has been ria named H15, H16 and H26 were isolated from solar
extensively focussed on the family Halobacteriaceae, some salterns of Goa, India, and were identified as B. megate-
species belonging to genus Bacillus such as Bacillus aid- rium. The isolates were able to grow in NaCl concentra-
ingensis, Bacillus qingdaonensis, Bacillus salaries, etc. have tion up to 75% (w/v) but showed optimum growth at
been recovered from these econiches (Lim et al. 2006; 5% NaCl. Therefore, the isolates were referred to as
Wang et al. 2007; Xue et al. 2008). moderate halophiles. As all three isolates were identified
Research on PHAs has gained momentum worldwide as B. megaterium, further studies were carried out only
because of its biocompatible and completely biodegrad- with strain H16. Biochemically, all three strains (H15,
able nature. Hence, PHAs could reduce the pollution H16 and H26) showed similar results except for strain
problems associated with nondegradable synthetic H15, which was positive for Voges–Proskauer (VP) test.
plastics obtained from nonrenewable petrochemical The isolates could utilize both glucose and starch as
resources. Extreme and unexplored econiches are a hub sole carbon source, but consumption of glucose was fas-

1354 Journal of Applied Microbiology 114, 1347--1356 © 2013 The Society for Applied Microbiology
B.B. Salgaonkar et al. Characterization of polyhydroxalkanotes

ter than starch. Hence, for further studies, glucose was corn steep liquor produced by Bacillus megaterium ATCC
used as substrate. The growth kinetics and polymer accu- 6748. Agric Engg Int: CIGR EJ X, Manuscript FP 07 030.
mulation studies revealed that the isolate H16 showed Chen, L.J. and Wang, M. (2002) Production and evaluation of
PHA accumulation in E2 medium in presence and biodegradable composites based on PHB-PHV copolymer.
absence of NaCl. Although the culture was able to grow Biomaterials 23, 2631–2639.
in salinity up to 75%, it showed longer lag phase but Echigo, A., Minegishi, H., Shimane, Y., Kamekura, M. and
shorter log phase when grown in presence of NaCl. Strain Usami, R. (2012) Natribacillus halophilus gen. nov., sp.
H16 accumulated PHB in presence and absence of NaCl nov., a moderately halophilic and alkalitolerant bacterium
isolated from soil. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 62, 289–294.
up to 40% of its CDW. This compares well with other
Gouda, M.K., Swellam, A.E. and Omar, S.H. (2001)
reports with Bacillus spp., which accumulated 30–46% of
Production of PHB by a Bacillus megaterium strain using
PHB per CDW (Gouda et al. 2001; Shamala et al. 2003;
sugarcane molasses and corn steep liquor as sole carbon
Vazquez et al. 2003; Valappil et al. 2008).
and nitrogen sources. Microbiol Res 156, 201–207.
The infrared spectra of the polymers in presence and
Ibrahim, M.H.A. and Steinbuchel, A. (2010) Zobellella
absence of NaCl exhibited peaks at 17339 cm 1 charac- denitrificans strain MW1, a newly isolated bacterium
teristic of C=O (Fig. 7). Scans of 1H NMR showed suitable for poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) production from
peaks corresponding to methylene group (-CH2), glycerol. J Appl Microbiol 108, 214–225.
methine group (-CH-) and methyl group (-CH3; Fig. 8). Kitamura, S. and Doi, Y. (1994) Staining method of
Scans of 13C NMR showed prominent peaks represent- poly(3-hydroxyalkanoic acid) producing bacteria by Nile
ing the methyl (-CH3) group, methylene (-CH2-) group, Blue. Biotechnol Tech 8, 345–350.
ester (-O-CH-) group and the carbonyl carbon (-C-) Labuzek, S. and Radecka, I. (2001) Biosynthesis of PHB
group. These results confirm the polymer to be a homo- tercopolymer by Bacillus cereus UW85. J Appl Microbiol
polymer of 3-hydroxybutyrates (Figs 9 and 10; Chaijam- 90, 353–357.
rus and Udpuay 2008). The polymer was found to be Lageveen, R.G., Huisman, G.W., Preustig, H., Ketelaar, P.,
stable up to temperature of 160°C. Eggink, G. and Witholt, B. (1988) Formation of polyesters
by Pseudomonas oleovorans; effect of substrates on
formation and composition of poly-(R)-3-
Acknowledgements hydroxyalkanoates and poly-(R)-3-hydroxyalkenoates.
Appl Environ Microbiol 54, 2924–2932.
This work was supported by University Grants Commis-
Law, J.H. and Slepecky, R.A. (1961) Assay of poly-
sion, India (UGC) Major Research Project No: 34-500/
ß-hydroxybutyric acid. J Bacteriol 82, 33–36.
2008(SR). BBS and KM would like to thank Council of
Legat, A., Gruber, C., Zangger, K., Wanner, G. and Stan-
Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India, for
Lotter, H. (2010) Identification of polyhydroxyalkanoates
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