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A special day!

It was a hot August day like any other but something seemed to be special at that day
that made me believe that something would happen. Everything seems to going normally. I'm
going to do my daily shopping, clean the house and here's how time passes slowly but surely.
It's lunch time and I'm preparing to eat. I that afternoon I was going to meet my
girlfriend to go out in the park for a drink. I eat, go to the bathroom, take a quick shower, get
dressed, leave the house and get in the car.
I call my girlfriend and tell her to get ready because in a maximum of 45 minutes I will
get to her. I start the car but I can't leave because my phone rings. I answer without looking at
who is and I realize from the voice that it is my friend Mihai who invites me to go out. I explain
that I am going to meet my girlfriend and I add that we can all see each other later that evening,
especially since it was the weekend.
He says it's okay and that he talked to the rest of the gang so that that evening we could
all go to a restaurant to eat something and enjoy the wonderful weather outside on its terrace. I
answer that I agree, I ask him if it's okay around 8 pm, he confirms and tells me that he will send
me the address of the restaurant through a message a little later after he takes a shower. I greet
with him and go to my girlfriend.
I reach for her, call her to come down and she tells me that she will come down soon. I
wait but not long and it appears. I hit the crowds of the city, but that doesn't make me feel bad
about that special day. We arrived in the park. Without any specific plan we go to the first store
that sells ice cream, we each take an extra large one and walk without any direction on the alleys
of the park. Without realizing it was almost 8, I had received the message with the address of the
restaurant for some time, but being so relaxed, I didn't notice. I tell my girlfriend what is the plan
and she tells me that she agrees and that she will come with us to the restaurant that night. We
return to the car but due to lack of time and congestion we go straight to the restaurant without
going home to change. On the way I explain that I have a feeling that this day will be a special
one and she says that feels she same.
Wee arrived at the restaurant a little later and the whole gang of friends was already
there. Everyone felt good laughing, eating and drinking as they pleased. And now, out of
nowhere, one of us, comes at midnight with the best idea he could have, that everyone shuld
have a treep to the sea that night. Without thinking too much, we pay the bill. We quickly get in
the cars and start the GPSs with the Costinesti address. In a few hours we were already there
barefoot on the sand still hot after that hot day admiring the stars shining in the crystal clear
water of the sea and listening to music coming from clubs in the area.
We all agreed to stay until the next day because we were all free the next day and take
full advantage of our unexpected trip to the hot sands of the beaches.
We have the most fun that weekend and we all return home on Sunday evening happy,
relaxed and tired but delighted by this wonderful trip.
That day was really special and my senses did not mislead me, which made me have
one of my greatest memories.

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