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Modified Lesson Plan

Name: Topic 4- Compare Numbers 0-10

Date: 11/13/2020
Subject: Math
Grade Level: Kindergarten

Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in
another group, e.g., by using matching and counting strategies.

Lesson Description:
(including higher-level questions and lesson differentiation)
Calendar and Number of the day: 52
Engage NY 27
Roll a virtual die projected on the board.
Ask students what number is represented on the die.
Take that many cubes out of the bag and line them up on the board.
Roll a virtual die again and have a student take out that many cubes.
Ask students how we can arrange the cubes to see who has more.
Arrange both groups of cubes into towers.
Ask students which group is more. (Make sure students say the full sentence, not just the greater number).
Give each student a dice and set of cubes. Have students work in partners to compare groups.
Tell students they will each roll a dice and build a tower with that many cubes. They will then decide which group
has more by seeing which tower is taller.
Display the independent worksheet. Tell students that they will count the cubes in the tower, write that number
above it, then draw a tower that has one more cube and write that number above it.
Send students to their desks to work independently.
Circulate and provide verbal encouragement as needed.

Students will build a tower with the number of cubes that is displayed on a dice, identify which tower is greater, and
then completed the independent worksheet by counting cubes in a tower and drawing a tower that is one greater.

ESOL/ESE Modifications:
Give verbal encouragement as directed by IEP. Give changes of environment by moving from carpet to desk.

Lesson Reflections:
The students are always so engaged when they can use manipulatives! Since this is not my first-time teaching with
unifix blocks, so I knew that in order to keep my students’ attention, I needed to allow them time to play with the
materials. When I first distributed the unifix, I displayed a timer for one minute and allowed my students time to
build. After the time was up, the students knew that it was time to learn. I also had my students put their hands on
their head when I was giving instructions to ensure that they were not playing with the unifix blocks instead of
listening. I liked being able to have my students work in pairs. We do not get to have this opportunity as much as I
would like due to COVID-19, but since all students had their own materials in this lesson, working in pairs was a
possibility! The students collaboratively worked to compare numbers and I heard many students using our
vocabulary terms such as “greater than,” “less than,” and “equal to.”

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