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Usman Murtaza


Q1. The case introduces three companies of very different sizes with three different onboarding
approaches. What differences do you see in their approaches? What similarities?

The similarities are easy to spot as all three firms do their best to get their new hires informed in what the
companies do and to get their new people involved in work right from day 1.
The difference is that Sun Microsystems use a videogame for their orientation program, which might be a good
way to get new people comfortable right away, because something different will be expected from someone on
the first day. Sun is different, they believed that the orientation is important as long as their new employees start
to be productive. Newcomers to the El Paso company meet and follow on their first day of acquaintance with
reunion about a month later.
Zimmerman Advertising conducts employee orientation on the computer. Orientation requires members to log in
and visit and learn about new services about the company interactively.

Q2. Are there important ideas missing from all three approaches? If so, what are they?

One of the things missing out is the benefits from all three approaches. When new employees get information
about benefits and what time frame they have register for benefits. When do members meet with company HR
and Finance representatives? HR and finance are both important entities for career and salary, but nor is any of the
3 different companies mentioned. The other noticeable thing missing from their orientation is whether or not new
employees get shown around the company. An important part of getting oriented into a company is learning the
people you work with and where they work so you can start creating a network within the company. It's a great
way to feel like you're part of a company from the first day at work.

Q3. Which approach sounds best to you? Why?

The one that sounds best to me is Sun Microsystem’s approach to orientation. Only because it is so far from the
norm. They really thought outside the box when they developed the game approach. Very interesting!

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