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Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 48:10 (2007), pp 1033–1041 doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2007.01811.

Early concurrent and longitudinal symptoms

of ADHD and ODD: relations to different types
of inhibitory control and working memory
Karin C. Brocki,1 Lilianne Nyberg,1 Lisa B. Thorell,1,2 and Gunilla Bohlin1
Department of Psychology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden; 2Stockholm Brain Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

Background: The aim of the present study was to investigate how three different types of inhibitory
control – interference control within task, interference control outside task, and prepotent response
inhibition – and two types of working memory – verbal and spatial – would relate to early symptoms of
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), both concur-
rently and longitudinally. Methods: Seventy-two preschoolers, 1/3 who had been identified as being at
risk for developing ADHD and/or ODD, completed neuropsychological tasks designed to measure
inhibitory control and working memory. Behavioral symptoms were measured through parental and
teacher ratings of the DSM-IV criteria for ADHD and ODD. Results: Our results suggest distinct types
of inhibitory control as being good predictors of concurrent and longitudinal symptoms of ADHD, rather
than ODD. However, no associations were obtained between working memory and ADHD or ODD
symptoms either concurrently or longitudinally. Conclusions: This study emphasizes the need to
isolate complex executive processes and break them down into components in order to properly
understand the neuropsychological roots involved in ADHD and ODD. Keywords: ADHD, ODD,
inhibitory control, interference control, prepotent response inhibition, working memory.

Executive control involves a complex collection of longitudinally related to preschool symptoms of

cognitive processes that are critical for the execution ADHD and ODD in a sample including children at
of goal directed behavior. Deficits in such executive risk for developing ADHD and/or ODD. The contri-
processes appear to be one of the important com- bution of different types of inhibitory control and
ponents in the causal neuropsychology of attention working memory processes to concurrent and
deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; e.g., Castell- longitudinal ADHD and ODD symptoms was of
anos, Sonuga-Barke, Milham, & Tannock, 2006; particular interest.
Wilcutt, Doyle, Nigg, Faraone, & Pennington, 2005). In reviewing the large number of existent defini-
Albeit not as consistent, executive control deficits tions of inhibitory control, Nigg (2000) makes a dis-
have also been found in oppositional defiant disorder tinction between executive and motivational
(ODD) and conduct disorder (CD) (e.g., Oosterlaan, inhibition, with the former – further subdivided into
Logan, & Sergeant, 1998; Moffitt, 1993; Séguin, motor inhibition and interference control – being
Boulerice, Harden, Tremblay, & Phil, 1999), sug- better supported as a correlate to ADHD. Barkley’s
gesting that impairment in executive control is not a (1997) influential theory of deficient inhibition as
unique marker for ADHD. Recently, there has been central to ADHD acknowledges a similar distinction
an increase in the number of preschool children between inhibition of a prepotent motor response
receiving an ADHD diagnosis (Sonuga-Barke, Auer- and interference control. According to Barkley
bach, Campbell, Daley, & Thompson, 2005), which (1997), it may be interference within the task, rather
has led to a lively debate about the nature and than interference in the form of distraction outside
developmental significance of preschool ADHD. the task, that is important in relation to ADHD.
Consequently, the need for longitudinal studies to Working memory can be defined as a system that
investigate pathways between potential risk factors is used for temporary storage and manipulation of
and later manifestation of the disorder has been information involved in many higher cognitive func-
emphasized (e.g., Nigg, 2006). However, most previ- tions (Smith & Jonides, 1999). Current definitions of
ous studies have focused on school-aged children working memory are largely influenced by the theo-
and have not included longitudinal data. The present retical framework by Baddeley (1992; Baddeley &
study aimed to investigate if two primary executive Hitch, 1994), separating verbal and visuo-spatial
control functions, inhibitory control and working short-term storage processes and the central exec-
memory in the preschool age, are concurrently and utive, which operates on the contents of storage. The
meta-analysis by Martinussen, Hayden, Hogg-
Conflict of interest statement: No conflicts declared. Johnson, and Tannock (2005), evaluating evidence
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Journal compilation Ó 2007 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA
1034 Karin C. Brocki et al.

on verbal and visuo-spatial working memory in sample including children at risk for developing
relation to ADHD, suggests that impairments may be ADHD and/or ODD. Overall, it was predicted that
stronger for visuo-spatial working memory, but the significant relations would be obtained between the
authors conclude that further studies on the nature inhibitory control measures and concurrent and
and specificity of impairments in ADHD are needed. 2-years-later ADHD and ODD symptoms. It was
Although some studies have reported working further predicted that inhibitory control would relate
memory impairments in children with ODD and/or primarily to ADHD symptoms, irrespective of ODD.
CD (Séguin et al., 1999), there are also studies which The inconsistency in previous findings based on
have come to the opposite conclusion (Oosterlaan, preschool children offered no base for predictions
Scheres, & Sergeant, 2005). with regard to relations between working memory
Compared to the evidence showing impaired and ADHD and ODD symptoms. Further, whether
inhibitory control and working memory in ADHD, the different types of inhibitory control and working
ODD and/or CD in the school-aged years memory would relate to ADHD and ODD, indepen-
(Castellanos et al., 2006; Martinussen et al., 2005; dently of one another, formed an open question.
Oosterlaan et al., 2005, 1998), little is known about
the role of executive processes in the expression of
these disorders in the preschool period. The most
consistent evidence for executive control deficits in Method
association with ADHD symptoms in the preschool Participants and procedures
years holds for impaired inhibitory control (e.g.,
A total of 72 children (60 boys and 12 girls) participated
Berlin & Bohlin, 2002; Sonuga-Barke, Dalen, Daley,
in this study. In order to obtain a sample of children
& Remington, 2002; Byrne, DeWolfe, & Bawden,
scoring across the full range of ADHD symptom sever-
1998). With regard to working memory, findings are ity, 1/3 of the children were recruited from local Child
not as consistent. Some studies do report deficits in Health Care Centers on the basis that the children had
working memory (e.g., Mariani & Barkley, 1997; been identified by child psychologists as being at high
Sonuga-Barke, Dalen, & Remington, 2003; Thorell & risk for primarily developing diagnosable ADHD and/or
Wåhlstedt, 2006), whereas others report no associ- ODD. The sample was supplemented by a group of
ation between working memory and preschool ADHD normal children chosen to be proportional to the risk
symptoms (e.g., Sonuga-Barke et al., 2002). There is sample in terms of boy to girl ratio as well as age. These
a scarcity of empirical studies investigating the children were randomly selected and recruited through
relation between executive control and ODD in pre- the local birth register of Uppsala County, Sweden. No
children in the study were receiving psychostimulant
school, but the few clinical and non-clinical studies
medication for ADHD at the time.
available in the literature suggest that impaired
At Time 1 (Age: M ¼ 5 years, 5 months; SD ¼ .69),
executive control should primarily be considered an the children were tested individually at the Department
associate of ADHD rather than of ODD (e.g., Kalff of Psychology, Uppsala University. The 7 tasks being
et al., 2002; Speltz, DeKlyen, Calderon, Greenberg, analyzed in the current paper were part of a larger
& Fisher, 1999; Berlin & Bohlin, 2002; Sonuga- battery designed to tap various executive functions. In
Barke et al., 2002, 2003; Thorell & Wåhlstedt, 2006). an attempt to avoid possible fatigue effects, the tasks
Longitudinally, Berlin, Bohlin, and Rydell (2003) were administered during two sessions over a period of
found for a normal sample that inhibition measured 1 to 2 weeks. The tasks within each session were
at age 5 predicted ratings of hyperactivity and inat- administered in a randomized order. Each session las-
tention at age 81/2. Further, Brophy, Taylor, and ted approximately one hour with a break halfway
through. At the end of each session the children
Hughes (2002) showed that hard-to-manage pre-
received a gift worth approximately $7. At Time 1,
schoolers exhibiting symptoms of ADHD had poorer
questionnaire data from the children’s parents and
inhibitory control than the control group at age 7. teachers were collected for 72 and 68 of the children,
However, to our knowledge no longitudinal studies respectively. Reasons for attrition were that parents did
have, as yet, investigated the extent to which not give consent to contact the teacher (n ¼ 1) and the
preschool executive deficits are specific to sub- teachers were not willing to fill out the questionnaire
sequent ADHD, ODD and/or CD, by controlling for (n ¼ 3). At Time 2 (approximately 2 years after Time 1
comorbidity in the analyses. measurements; Longitudinal gap M ¼ 2 years,
2 months; SD ¼ .28; Age: M ¼ 7 years, 6 months;
SD ¼ .47), questionnaire data from children’s parents
Aim of study and teachers were collected for 66 and 65 children
respectively. Reasons for attrition were that the family
The aim of this study was to investigate how three
had moved out of the area (n ¼ 2) or that the family no
different types of inhibitory control – interference
longer wished to participate (n ¼ 4). Further, parents
control within task, interference control outside did not give consent to contact the teacher (n ¼ 1).
task, and prepotent response inhibition – and two Information about parental educational status (on a
types of working memory – verbal and spatial meas- 5-step scale) was collected as a measure of social
ures – would relate to concurrent and 2-year longi- background and will be taken into account in the
tudinal symptoms of ADHD and ODD in a preschool analyses (see Preliminary analyses).
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Preschool ADHD and ODD symptoms: inhibition and working memory 1035

Measures figure) appeared on the screen, but to make no response

(‘no-go’) when an infrequent stimulus (a red figure)
appeared. The same stimuli were used for the second
Time 1 measurements part of the task, but the children were then instructed
to press a key every time they saw a square, and to
Interference control. Following Barkley’s (1997) notion of inhibit their response every time they saw a triangle,
two types of interference control – interference inside vs. irrespective of color. Altogether the task included 60
outside of the task – as being of different importance for stimuli, with a ‘go-rate’ of 77%. Thus, prepotency within
the expression of ADHD symptoms, we included both the task was provided by the majority of the stimuli
kinds of measures. Within-task interference with a being ‘go-targets’ (see Berlin & Bohlin, 2002, for more
verbal response was studied using a Stroop-like task information). The score derived from the task was
which did not require reading skills. This task was number of commission errors (pressing the key when a
originally used with one picture pair (day–night) by ‘no-go’ target was presented).
Gerstadt, Hong, and Diamond (1994), in which conflict Spatial working memory. In this computerized task,
was provided through the demand to say the opposite to children were shown a matrix on the screen, depicting
what is shown in the picture (i.e., to say night when the a pig sty containing 16 windows. The children were
day picture is shown on the screen). In this study, 2 informed that pigs would look out of the windows and
picture pairs were used (i.e., day–night and boy–girl; see the goal of the task was to try to remember their loca-
Berlin & Bohlin, 2002; Brocki & Bohlin, 2004, 2006 for tion. Each pig was displayed for 1000 ms and the time
more information). Number of correct responses on this between each stimulus was 750 ms. The children were
task, with 48 being the maximum number, was used as given two trials at each span length. One point was
a measure of interference control within task. This awarded for each correctly identified location and the
version has also been used by Thorell & Wåhlstedt total number of points was used as a measure of spatial
(2006), who report adequate test–retest reliability for working memory. This task has previously been used by
this version (r ¼ .84, p < .0001), on a sample of twenty- Thorell and Wåhlstedt (2006), who report adequate
two 4–5-year-olds, tested two weeks apart. test–retest reliability, r ¼ .69, p < .001, using 30
The Knock and Tap subtest from the Developmental children aged 4–5 years, tested about 2 months apart.
Neuropsychological Assessment Battery (NEPSY; The task is a preschool version of the visuo-spatial
Korkman, Kemp, & Kirk, 1998/2000) was used to working memory task used by Klingberg and colleagues
assess within-task interference control of a motor in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) stud-
response. It is a task where the child is instructed ies and studies of diagnosed ADHD children (Klingberg,
to knock on the table when the examiner taps on the 2006; Westerberg, Hirvikoski, Forssberg, & Klingberg,
table, and to tap on the table when the examiner knocks 2004).
on the table. In a second task, the child is to tap with Verbal working memory. This task is a modified
the side of the fist when the examiner knocks with the version of the Digit span subtest of the Wechsler Intel-
knuckles and vice versa, and not to respond at all when ligence Scale for Children, 3rd version (WISC-III;
the examiner taps with the palm. The score is the total Wechsler, 1992/1994), and involves the experimenter
number of correct responses (maximum 30 points). reading series of unrelated nouns (e.g., flower, dog,
Split-half reliability for the Knock and Tap subtest chair) rather than digits to the child. The child is then
based on Swedish children is .88 (Korkman et al., asked to repeat every block of words in exactly the
1998/2000). same, or the opposite, order in which it was read (Word
The Statue subtest from the NEPSY battery (Korkman span forward and backward). Like the Digit span sub-
et al., 1998/2000) was used to assess interference test, the test starts with a span length of 2, with 2 trials
control in the form of resistance to distractions outside at each span length, and the test is terminated when the
the task. It assesses the capacity to sustain a position child has failed both trials at any given span length.
and to inhibit motor responses to distractors. The child Both measures were used to indicate verbal working
is to maintain a body position and remain silent, with memory, with backward span presumably representing
closed eyes, during a 75-sec period, while the examiner a higher level of difficulty (cf. Engle, Tuholski, Laughlin,
tries to provoke reactions by producing sounds (e.g., & Conway, 1999). The total points across all trials were
dropping a pencil on the table, knocking on the table, or obtained for forward and backward span, respectively.
coughing). Movements and vocalizations in response Based on the scores from 24 children between the ages
to distractions as well as spontaneous reactions are of 4 and 5 years tested two weeks apart, adequate test–
recorded throughout the 75-sec period. The score is the retest reliability for Word span was reported by Thorell
number of 5-sec intervals the child is able to stand still, and Wåhlstedt (2006), r ¼ .67, p < .001.
with his or her eyes closed, and keep silent (maximum Intelligence.1 IQ was measured using the Block
15 points). Reliability data for the Statue subtest is not Design and the Information subtests from the WISC-III
available for Swedish children (see Korkman et al., (Wechsler, 1992/1994). These subtests have been
1998/2000 for test–retest based on American children). shown to correlate highly with the full scale IQ (Block
Prepotent response inhibition. A computerized go/ Design: r ¼ .93; Information: r ¼ .95; Groth-Marnat,
no-go task was used to test the child’s ability to inhibit a 1997). An aggregated measure of standard scores (i.e.,
prepotent response. This task consisted of a blue the raw scores corrected for the child’s chronological
square, a blue triangle, a red square, and a red triangle
presented one at a time on a computer screen. During 1
The intelligence tasks analyzed in this study were measured
the first part of the task, the children were instructed to
12 to 18 months after Time 1 measurements (Age; M ¼
press a key (‘go’) when a frequent stimulus (a blue
6 years, 4 months; SD ¼ .68, N ¼ 67).

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1036 Karin C. Brocki et al.

age) on the Block Design and the Information subtests

9. Word Span
was used as measure of intelligence.




Time 1 and 2 measurements

Verbal WM
Ratings of ADHD and ODD symptoms. At both Time
1 and Time 2, parents and teachers completed a ques-

8. Word Span
tionnaire containing items from the DSM-IV criteria for


ADHD (APA, 1994). This measure has been well vali-

dated and is frequently used within ADHD research

Table 1 Inter-correlations between IQ, the Inhibition Measures and the Working Memory Measures, Adjusting for Age and Social Background, N ¼ 66–72
(e.g., DuPaul, Power, Anastopoulos, & Reid, 1998). Nine
items are composed to assess inattention. Six items are
composed to measure hyperactivity, and 3 items are

Spatial WM
composed to assess impulsivity. The questionnaire

7. Pig sty

Note. N ¼ 61–66 for analyses with IQ, WM ¼ working memory. aStandardized and aggregated measure of Stroop-like and Knock and Tap tasks.
further contained 8 items from the DSM-IV criteria for

oppositional defiant disorder (APA, 1994). Each item on
the ADHD and ODD scales was scored on a 4-point
scale ranging from 0 (never/seldom occurring) to 3 (very
frequently occurring). The ADHD and ODD rating

Prepotent response inhibition

measures represent averages across items. Internal
consistency as measured by Cronbach’s alpha was high
with regard to parent and teacher ratings of ADHD as

6. Go/No-Go
well as ODD, with coefficients ranging from .87 to .97.

The questions in the ADHD and ODD scales were

phrased to represent the child’s current behavior. The
two ADHD symptoms domains (i.e., hyperactivity/
impulsivity and inattention) were highly correlated at
both Time 1 and Time 2 (r ¼ .76 to .84). Further, ADHD
and ODD symptoms were significantly correlated at
both Time 1 and Time 2 (r ¼ .69 to .75). Correlations
between parent and teacher ratings for ADHD and ODD
Interference outside task

at Time 1 were r ¼ .87, p < .001 and r ¼ .33, p < .01

respectively, and for Time 2 r ¼ .89, p < .001 and r ¼
.67, p < .0001, respectively. Mean scores across parent
5. Statue


and teacher ratings for ADHD at Time 1 as well as for

ADHD and ODD at Time 2 were used in the analyses.
However, because of the weak correlation between
parent and teacher ratings for ODD at Time 1, these
particular scales were analyzed separately.
4. Interference

within Taska


Preliminary analyses

Interference within task

The analyses throughout this study are based on raw

scores, therefore all results are presented adjusting
for age. Further, due to significant correlations
3. Knock
and Tap

between social background and several of the


behavioral and neuropsychological variables,2 all


analyses are also adjusted for social background.

Table 1 shows the inter-correlations between the
measures of inhibitory control, working memory and
2. Stroop-
like task


IQ. A moderate to strong positive correlation was

obtained between the Stroop-like task and the Knock

*p < .05, **p < .0l, ***p < .00l

and Tap task. Therefore, these two measures were

standardized and averaged, and the aggregated
1. IQ

score is used to indicate interference control within

task. As some of the performance variables and



Correlations between social background and ADHD at Time 1

(r ¼ ).31, p < .01), and parent ratings of ODD at Time 1 (r ¼
).23, p ¼ .06), and go/no-go commissions (r ¼ ).33, p < .01)

and Word span forward (r ¼ . 23, p ¼ .05).

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Preschool ADHD and ODD symptoms: inhibition and working memory 1037

Table 2 Descriptive Statistics for Age, IQ, Executive Measures, and Behavioral Ratings, N ¼ 66–72

Variable Minimum Maximum M SD

Age (months) Time 1 49 84 66 .69

Age (months) Time 2 84 107 91 .47
IQ 4 17 10.93 2.67
Interference control within task (Stroop-like Task + Knock and Tap) )2.98 1.02 ).01 0.89
Interference control outside task (Statue) 14 30 27.42 4.03
Prepotent response inhibition (Go/no-go commissions) 0 15 3.21 2.69
Working Memory
Spatial working memory (Pig sty) 0 48 17.7 10.39
Verbal working memory (Word span forward) 2 8 4.84 1.20
Verbal working memory (Word span backward) 0 5 2.62 1.39
Behavioural Ratings
ADHD T1 0 2.70 0.92 0.70
ODD T1 (parent ratings) 0 2.75 0.68 0.58
ODD T1 (teacher ratings) 0 2.38 0.44 0.61
ADHD T2 0 2.64 0.81 0.71
ODD T2 0 2.19 0.47 0.51

Table 3 Concurrent and Longitudinal Relations from Inhibition and Working Memory Measures to ADHD and ODD Symptoms,
Adjusted for Age and Social Background. Figures Within Parentheses Represent the Relations Adjusted for Comorbid ODD and
ADHD Symptoms, Respectively N ¼ 62–72

ADHD Symptoms T1 ODD Symptoms T1a ADHD Symptoms T2 ODD Symptoms T2

Interference control within task ).41***().27*) ).39***().12) ).48***().41***) ).30**(.10)
Interference control outside task ).53***().46***) ).34***(.09) ).45***().45***) ).21(.22)
Prepotent response inhibition .36***(.23b) .35***(.10) .39**(.27*) .29**(.00)
Working Memory
Spatial working memory ).03().15) .10(.17) ).01(.09) ).09().13)
Verbal working memory (Word span forward) ).13().00) ).12().06) ).15().10) ).11(.00)
Verbal working memory (Word span backward) ).03(.00) ).08().05) ).13().10) ).08(.02)
ODD ratings at T1 denote teacher ratings only. No significant correlations were obtained between parent ratings of ODD at T1 and
any of the inhibitory control or working memory measures.bp ¼ .07.
*p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001

ratings of ADHD and ODD symptoms were skewed Concurrent relations between inhibition, working
(skewness ranging from ).04 to )1.63, kurtosis from memory, and symptoms of ADHD and ODD
).11 to 2.12), logarithmic transformations were
Table 2 shows descriptive statistics for executive
conducted. Analyses with these more adequately
measures, IQ, and symptoms of ADHD and ODD for
distributed variables did not change the level of
the total sample. The concurrent and longitudinal
significance in any of the analyses. For ease of
relations from inhibition and working memory meas-
interpretation, all results presented below are based
ures to ADHD and ODD symptoms, adjusted for age
on raw scores. Finally, all analyses were performed
and social background, are presented in Table 3.
with ADHD symptoms divided into hyperactivity/
Figures within parentheses in Table 3 represent the
impulsivity and inattention, respectively. The results
relations adjusted for comorbid ODD and ADHD
showed a very similar pattern of findings for the two
symptoms, respectively.
symptom domains, therefore all analyses below are
Interference control within task, interference con-
presented based on the mean score across hyper-
trol outside task, and prepotent response inhibition
activity/impulsivity and inattention (i.e., ADHD
correlated significantly to symptoms of ADHD at Time
symptoms). Attrition for specific measures varied
1. These relations remained significant when con-
between one and five children, due to some children
trolling for teacher ratings of ODD symptoms (pre-
failing to complete a specific task.3
potent response inhibition, p ¼ .07). The inhibitory
measures also correlated significantly with teacher
ratings of ODD symptoms at Time 1, but when
Specification of attrition for each task and whether attrition
was for healthy ¼ H, or children at risk ¼ R. N ¼ attrition for:
partialing out the effect of teacher ratings of ADHD,
Stroop-like task (4 R, 1 H); Knock and Tap (2 R, 0 H); Go/no-go these relations no longer remained significant.
(0); Statue (2 R, 2 H); Pig sty (1 R, 0 H); Word span forward (1 R, Further, no significant correlations were obtained
0 H); Word span backward (3 R, 0 H). between parent ratings of ODD at Time 1 and any of
Ó 2007 The Authors
Journal compilation Ó 2007 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
1038 Karin C. Brocki et al.

the inhibitory control measures, regardless of control we made a difference variable (ADHDT2 – ADHDT1)
for ADHD symptoms. where scores below zero, reflecting decreases in
No significant correlations between the two types ADHD symptoms over time, were set to zero. First,
of working memory and symptoms of ADHD and Pearson correlation analyses were performed
ODD were obtained at Time 1. between the neuropsychological measures and the
change variable. Interference control, prepotent
response inhibition, and verbal working memory
Longitudinal relations between inhibition, working
were found to be at least near-significant predictors
memory, and symptoms of ADHD and ODD
of increase in ADHD symptoms (p ¼ .03 to .09).
Similarly to the concurrent relations, the three types Second, a multiple regression analysis with these
of inhibitory control correlated significantly with three variables as predictors and the variable
ADHD symptoms at Time 2 (see Table 3). These reflecting increase in ADHD symptoms as outcome
correlations remained significant when controlling was performed. The results showed that only
for ODD symptoms. Interference control within task prepotent response inhibition contributed uniquely
and prepotent response inhibition also correlated to the prediction of an increase in ADHD symptoms
significantly with ratings of ODD symptoms at Time over time, ß ¼ .25, p ¼ .05.
2, but when partialing out the effect of ADHD
symptoms, these relations no longer remained sig-
nificant. Again, no significant relations were ob- Intelligence
tained between the working memory measures and
IQ was significantly related to combined parent and
symptoms of ADHD or ODD at Time 2.
teacher ratings of ADHD symptoms at Time 1 and
To investigate whether the three types of inhibitory
Time 2, r ¼ ).44, p < .0001, r ¼ ).32, p < .01. IQ
control contributed with common or independent
was also significantly correlated with parent ratings
variance in explaining ADHD symptoms at Time 2,
of ODD at Time 1, r ¼ ).31, p < .01, and combined
these measures were simultaneously entered into a
parent and teacher ratings of ODD symptoms at
multiple linear regression analysis, with the inhibi-
Time 2, r ¼ ).26, p < .01, but not with teacher rat-
tion measures as predictor variables and the ADHD
ings of ODD at Time 1, r ¼ ).09, p > .05. With regard
symptom score as the outcome variable. The
to correlations among IQ and the inhibitory control
regression model was significant, F (5, 56) ¼ 7.28,
and working memory measures (presented in
p < . 0001, R2 ¼ .39, with all three types of inhibitory
Table 1), significant correlations were obtained
control predicting ratings of ADHD at Time 2
between IQ, the Stroop-like task, Knock and Tap as
independently of one another, (ßInterfer.Within.Task ¼
well as with interference control within task (i.e.,
).34, p < .01, ßInterfer.Outside.Task ¼ ).27, p < .05,
composite across the Stroop-like task and Knock
ßPrepot.resp.inhib. ¼ .26, p < .05). Together, interfer-
and Tap), interference control outside task (i.e.,
ence control within task, interference control outside
Statue) and verbal working memory (i.e., Word span
task, and prepotent response inhibition explained
backwards). Controlling for IQ when predicting
34% of the variance in ADHD symptoms. When
ADHD and ODD symptoms from measures of
conducting the same multiple regression analysis
inhibitory control and working memory did not
with control for ODD symptoms, the two types of
change the level of significance of contributing vari-
interference control still made independent contri-
butions, although the effect of prepotent response
inhibition was only marginally significant (p < .09)
and the explained variance was reduced to 19%.
A similar multiple regression analysis was con-
ducted with ODD symptoms at Time 2 as the outcome Motivated by the mounting need to identify early
variable and the inhibitory control measures as neuropsychological risk factors in developmental
predictor variables. The regression model was syndromes, this study investigated the influence of
significant, F (5, 56) ¼ 2.90, p < . 05, R2 ¼ .21, with different types of inhibitory control and working
none of the inhibitory control measures contributing memory processes on concurrent and 2-year lon-
with independent variance. Together the three types gitudinal symptoms of ADHD and ODD in a sample
of inhibitory control explained 11% of the variance of preschool children. Overall, the findings showed
in ODD symptoms at Time 2. A similar pattern of that three distinct inhibitory processes, interference
results was obtained when conducting the same control within task, interference control outside
multiple regression analysis with control for ADHD task, and prepotent response inhibition, made
symptoms, with none of the inhibitory control meas- independent contributions to concurrent and
ures making independent contributions and the 2-year longitudinal symptoms of ADHD. Con-
explained variance in ODD symptoms being reduced versely, relations between measures of inhibitory
to 1%. control and ODD were eliminated upon adjusting
To investigate whether early neuropsychological for ADHD symptoms. Further, variations in work-
function could predict increase in ADHD symptoms, ing memory did not contribute to the explained
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Preschool ADHD and ODD symptoms: inhibition and working memory 1039

variance of ADHD or ODD symptoms in this age of ADHD has not been addressed in previous stud-
period. ies. Thus, this study takes the role of inhibitory
control as a potential neuropsychological marker
for ADHD a step further, by suggesting potentially
Concurrent and 2-year longitudinal relations
distinct inhibitory pathways between risk and
between inhibitory control and symptoms
later-developing ADHD. Indeed, the results showed
of ADHD and ODD
that interference control within task, interference
Regarding the concurrent relations between inhibit- control outside task, and prepotent response inhi-
ory control and ADHD symptoms, similar findings bition predicted independent parts of the variance in
have been reported in the very few previous studies ADHD symptoms two years later. These results
of preschoolers that have controlled for comorbidity contrast with Barkley’s (1997) proposition and the
(Berlin & Bohlin, 2002; Sonuga-Barke et al., 2002, previous empirical findings of, for example, Leung
2003; Thorell & Wåhlstedt, 2006). Together, these and Connolly (1996) that it is interference within
results extend findings on elementary school-aged task rather than interference outside the task that
children to preschool children, in terms of inhibitory seems most important in relation to ADHD. These
control being primarily related to ADHD, whereas the inconsistencies could be a result of the different
relation to ODD is caused by the large overlap be- developmental levels of the samples studied (pre-
tween ADHD and ODD (e.g., see Oosterlaan et al., school vs. school age). In other words, it could be
2005; Waschbusch, 2002 for reviews). It should, speculated that the relative importance of different
however, be noted that some studies of school-aged types of inhibitory control in relation to ADHD dif-
children have concluded that inhibitory control is fers as a function of age. This is an issue that awaits
not specifically related to ADHD, but is also a neuro- empirical testing and should be of interest in future
psychological correlate of ODD and CD (e.g., Oos- studies examining ADHD from a developmental
terlaan et al., 1998; Sergeant, Geurtz, & Oosterlaan, perspective.
2002). This inconsistency in findings could be a
result of having only studied group differences, not
Concurrent and 2-year longitudinal relations
taking into consideration that children with ODD
between working memory and behavioral
often have elevated levels of ADHD symptoms. These
problem symptoms
symptoms at the sub-clinical level can be related to
neuropsychological deficits and need to be controlled In contrast to inhibitory control, working memory
for dimensionally by using ADHD and/or ODD did not correlate with concurrent or longitudinal
symptoms as a covariate (e.g., Nigg, Hinshaw, Carte, symptoms of either ADHD or ODD. These results are
& Treuting, 1998). in line with findings from the preschool study by
The fact that our results showed very similar pat- Sonuga-Barke and colleagues (2002), whereas most
terns of associations between the neuropsycholo- studies of older children have found associations
gical measures and the two ADHD symptom between working memory and ADHD symptoms
domains should be commented on. These results (e.g., Martinussen et al., 2005, Martinussen & Tan-
may be taken to contrast with findings on school- nock, 2006; Willcutt et al., 2005). Although the
aged children suggesting that impaired executive current study does not specifically address neuro-
control is most strongly associated with inattention psychological correlates of ADHD as a function of
symptoms (e.g., Chhabildas, Pennington, & Willcutt, age, a developmental explanation for this inconsist-
2001; Willcutt, Doyle, Nigg, Faraone, & Pennington, ency seems plausible, given the fact that working
2005). The apparent contrast may, however, be memory processes are not sufficiently developed at
understood by referring to the results reported by preschool age (Gathercole, Pickering, Ambridge, &
Brocki and Bohlin (2006). They showed reciprocal Wearing, 2004). In line with this developmental
associations between the two ADHD symptom reasoning, Barkley (1997), in elaborating his hybrid
domains and executive deficits in the late preschool model of ADHD, suggested that inhibitory control is
and early school-age years, whereas executive dys- the ‘first’ impaired neuropsychological component in
function was related only to inattention in older ADHD, which in turn ‘sets the stage’ for impairments
school-aged children. in later-developing, more complex executive func-
tions, such as working memory and planning.
Corroborating Barkley’s hypothesis about develop-
Relations between different types of inhibitory
mental change in ADHD are findings by Brocki and
control and ADHD symptoms
Bohlin (2006) demonstrating that poor inhibition
While our overall results give support to existing was most clearly associated with ADHD symptoms
data suggesting a strong link between preschool for children in late preschool and early school age,
ADHD symptoms and inhibitory control (Sonuga- whereas poor functioning with regard to later-
Barke et al., 2002; Berlin & Bohlin, 2002), the developing and more complex executive functions
question of independent contributions of different such as working memory was associated only with
types of inhibitory control to the explained variance inattention symptoms for older school aged children.
Ó 2007 The Authors
Journal compilation Ó 2007 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
1040 Karin C. Brocki et al.

It should be noted, however, that some preschool developmental disorder with deficits in underlying
studies do report relations between working memory neuropsychological components possibly varying
and ADHD (Mariani & Barkley, 1997; Sonuga-Barke with child age.
et al., 2003; Thorell & Wåhlstedt, 2006). Discrep-
ancies in results for working memory and ADHD in
preschool children are not easily explained, but may Acknowledgement
be attributable to variations in samples and type of
This study was supported by a grant from The Bank
measures used. Relating to the possibility of results
of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation.
being task-specific, it should be acknowledged that
the working memory measures used in the current
study may not have been optimal. This explanation
Correspondence to
especially relates to the spatial working memory
measure primarily tapping into the storage compon- Karin C. Brocki, Department of Psychology, Uppsala
ent (i.e., short-term memory) of the working memory University, P.O. Box 1225, SE-751 42 Uppsala,
system. However, this explanation is less relevant for Sweden; Tel: +46 18 471 22 24; Fax: +46 18 471 21 23;
the lack of relation between backward word span Email:
(commonly thought to be a working memory mea-
sure) and ADHD symptoms. It is currently unclear
both empirically and theoretically whether short- References
term memory measures actually do capture working
American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic
memory in young children (Engle, Laughlin, Tuhol-
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Journal compilation Ó 2007 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.

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