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Structural Art : Post-industrial revolution structures that are efficient, economical and elegant.

Structural art has three ideals and each of these can be related to the ideals of the built urban

Efficiency: Is the conservation of natural resources.

Economy: Is the conservation of public resources.

Elegance: Is the creation of an attractive urban environment.

There’s a lot of confusion regarding the differences between engineering and architecture and
the role in the design of structures.

A simplified way to explain the differences between structural engineers and architects is this:

For engineers, the form controls the forces.

For architects, the form controls the spaces.

The study of history and criticism is not common in engineering education. There is little interest
in the recent history of engineering, therefore, society tends to see engineering as a work of
teams and technicians and committees of experts when in fact engineers are the airs of
centuries of technical progress achieved by outstanding minds.

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