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Love is the strongest and purest emotion of all, but also one that can cause hatred and

to be born. Loving a person deeply can be the most exquisite form of self-destruction in the
whole universe. However, fragile and weak human souls are bound to get consumed by
hatred rather than love which was once the greatest source of their happiness. Alas, a
frightening, yet romantic combination is formed, similar to a double-edged sword. Although,
true love does not waver no matter how frightening it might get. The destructive aspect of
love can be viewed as a gift since it is, after all, a way to evolve. Destruction is a horrific way
of forming new beings. Love itself is an enticing and raw way of destruction. Frankly, it is
the most elaborate, yet delightful method of self-harm. Sometimes, love is simply not meant
to connect two individuals in this world, for they are destined for far greater than this
temporary soil soaked with blood and tears. A love which is destined for the afterlife. A love
which is stronger than all of the souls that wandered through this world. Without a shadow of
a doubt such is the love between Catherine and Heathcliff, who only found salvation after
reuniting in death. In life, their love was prevented by many obstacles, yet they never stopped
loving each other. Perhaps, their love was not the most righteous one, nevertheless their souls
merged and got eternally connected to one another. Love is a simple and beautiful feeling,
but the simplest things are sometimes the most complex things to the human mind since it is
coping with seemingly irrational emotions. Souls roam around the world like lost travelers.
They indulge into destruction and call it "love". That love pains you when you are apart from
your beloved, ends up being the most dangerous. Though, such love is undoubtedly genuine
and rare. However, one should be prepared for the possible heartbreak as the consequence.
Heartbreak is to be expected if one chooses to consider someone their main source of
happiness. Love can certainly be more destructive than hate. Hatred has the power to destroy,
but love has the power to create destruction out of the purest energy on Earth. Love ends up
being the most beautiful gift in existence if one is willing to bare the pain. Alas, self-
destructive behaviour is merely a desparate call for salvation, a desperate need for warmth
and connection. Sometimes such a call will tragically have to wait untill it ascends to the
afterlife. The pain of this life transforms into the joy and tranquillity of the afterlife. In the
end, the suffering turns out to be worthwhile.

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