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Work in pairs and discuss what you would choose in the situations below and give reasons.

Use the
expressions from exercise 5 (would rather/would preforiprefer). meet online vs meet in real life > call vs
text > smartphone vs laptop > lose a wallet vs lose a phone > shop online on your mobile vs on a
computer > stop watching TV vs stop watching YouTube > iPhone vs Android phone > give up the phone
vs lose some friends

1. I prefer to meet in Real life because I can have a good conversation.

2. I prefer a call because I can get the message across better.

3. I prefer a smartphone because in this I can find the same as the computer and it is easier to carry

4. I'd rather lose my wallet because I don't have as much information as on the phone.

5. I prefer to buy online on the computer because it can better see what I am going to buy.

6. I prefer to let you watch YouTube because it takes a lot of time

7. I prefer the Android phone because this one If you receive any application or file from another phone
Since you can't on the iPhone.

8. I prefer to give up the phone because it is a material thing and friends are very important people

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