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I have learned the similarities and differences of St. Augustine and Plato's concept about the soul.

They both believe that the soul is immortal.

Also, I learned that the indications that show that we hated our bodies like Plotinus is we are not
perfect. We all have imperfection and insecurities in other people. We have different flaws and different
uniqueness. Sometimes, we refuse to have a physical likeness that is painted or sculptured as we
wanted to have no permanent record of our physical self. We neglect our physical health and it result
sometimes to sickness.

Lastlt, I believe that the self is the sense of who we are and it is the perception of our behavior,
abilities, and unique characteristics. Ourselves is composed of the soul and body while St. Augustine
believed that the self is a unified perspective of body and soul. He describes the body as a “snare” or
“cage for soul. Also, he considers the body as a “slave” to the soul and sees their relationship as
contentious. We both believe that the self is composed of body and soul and the soul is immortal.

I have learned that our thinking self is the ability of ourselves to make our own decisions, it is a self-
thinking entity, a non-material and immortal while physical self is referred to our body, it is a non-
thinking entity, it is material and mortal. 

In addition, I have learned that we can learn in the ideas of other people and the idea of having our
physical self and thinking self is unique. We can make our own decision because we have a thinking self
that helps us to think and guide us to make a good decision in life. Also we have a physical self that gives
perception in our physical abilities and appearance.

I Learned that our personal identity is depend on our consciousness not on the substance. A person is a
thinking thing that can reason and reflect.

Also, I learned that the relationship of consciousness and the thinking process is the consciousness is the
essential part of thinking process and consciousness is always accompanied by thinking. Also,
consciousness helps us to be aware that we are thinking.

For Locke, we can discover the nature of personal identity by were going to have to find out what it
means to be a person.

I have learned that that we have a unified and continuous self or soul that we used our imagination to
construct a fictional self but this fictional self is not real.

Also, I have learned that self is a bundle or collection of different perception. We have a fictional self
according to Hume’s but we only constructed it by our own imagination. Also, we have conscious self
and unconscious self. 

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