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Unit 2 Vocabulary

1. Assembly- a gathering of people.

2. Bail- Money or property an accused person gives to the court that guarantees they show
up for trial.
3. Bill of Rights- the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution that outlines citizens’
rights and protections from the government.
4. Civil Rights- personal rights that ensure equality among citizens. 
5. Counsel- a person trained in the law who assists people with legal matters and during
court cases, an attorney or lawyer.
6. Double Jeopardy- being put on trial more than once for the same crime.
7. Due Process- fairly applying the law and protecting the rights of an accused person
before he can be denied life, liberty, or property.
8. Eminent Domain- the power of the government to take private property for public use. 
9. Grandfather clause- a part of state constitutions that allowed people to vote only if their
father or grandfather had been allowed to vote. 
10. Grand Jury- A group of citizens that examine evidence against an accused criminal and
determine whether or not to charge them with a crime and put them on trial. 
11. Grievances- complaints. 
12. Jim Crow- name given to segregation laws in the South. 
13. Just Compensation- fair payment.
14. Literacy test- A test given to people to prove they can read and write before being
allowed to register to vote.
15. Petition- to ask (usually through a written formal request) 
16. Poll Tax- a tax required in order to vote. 
17. Press- the media (newspapers, tv news, etc.) that report news to the public.
18. Probable Cause- Evidence that indicates a crime has been committed. 
19. Search Warrant- An order from a judge that allows law enforcement to search and seize
a person or property.
20. Segregation- the separation of blacks and whites in society.
21. Suffrage- the right to vote.

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