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The people is ordering pizza

2. The chef is cutting the pizza
3. The woman is showing the pizza
4. The chef is massing the flour
5. The worker is carring the ingredients of Domino’s
6. Domino’s are showing the way they prepare the pizza
7. The worker is organising the flour in a packet
8. Domino’s are showing how they create their flour

In comparison with the traditional pizza of Colombia, the Domino’s Pizza is a little bit tastefully
than a traditional colombian pizza, but the traditional pizza has some experimental things that
make it much more interesting and better. Experimental things like a line in the borders of
“Bocadillo” at the same time, the traditional one has much ingredients in order of what kind of
pizza you order, it has more melt, more cheesse, a chesse that are completely soft and delicious.
Otherwhise, is important to see what kind of pizza you like te most. For me, is the hawaiana one’s.

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