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It’s March 1938 and the Spanish Civil War has been raging
for almost two years. The Republicans, aided by soviets, are
low on morale, and low at everything. So, the Navy High
Command, plans a daring operation, in which 3 soviet torpedo
boats along with some destroyers will attack the nationalist
fleet anchored at Palma de Mallorca. In support the
Republicans sent the bulk of their navy, including two
cruisers. The 3 torpedo boats returned to port due to bad
weather, but the Republican commander decided to carry on the
Unknown to the Republicans is the fact that the Nationalist
cruisers) left the port to escort a merchant convoy.
The Nationalist Cruiser Division commanded has two heavy
cruisers and a light cruiser. On the other side,
On march 6 at 0038 h the republicans have contact with what
seems to be the Nationalist Cruiser Division.

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