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From my point of view starting a neighbourhood watch scheme is not an

effective measure against thieves because simple people with no training or
weapon are vulnerable.
2. Installing CCTV in the whole building is a recommended measure because
thieves can be detected easily and with little effort.
3. Another measure that I find good is hiring a private security to patrol the
area at night because there are trained men with weapons and can deal with
large groups of thieves.
4. Installing a burglar alarm on the main entrance to the building is a measure
that can be avoided by burglars and so it’s ineffective.
5. Installing iron bars on ground-floor and first-floor windows can be good, if
the burglars are ‘old fashioned’ or inexperienced, because the doors can be
opened with a lockpick very easy.

Question 1
I believe that this is a decision that every person thinks about. We are told that
the state will protect us, will defend us. However, the reality is different. There
are a lot of examples in which the state did nothing to save citizens, and there
are a lot of examples in which ordinary people took justice in their own hands.
For example, in Estonia, a girl was killed and raped, and her father took justice
in his own hands killing the murderer. Personally, I will let the justice work

Question 2
Spray-painting or graffiti on walls is a form of expressing art. However, this
form of art is done on private property. So, my solution is simple: before an
artist wants to paint on walls, he or she must ask the owner. In case an artist
wants to paint on some public property he or she do not need to ask the mayor
or the president.

Question 3
If I learnt about some of my acquaintances had a criminal record, I would be
okay with it because over the years people can chance. Of course, I would
analyse their behaviour and then I would decide if I should keep contact or not.
Question 4
I think that community service is an effective form of punishment than
spending time in prison. Of course, the person who has to do community service
must have been imprisoned for corruption, theft, not armed robbery or murder.

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