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First of all, when it comes to economics, Dickens does not fully understand how economic
growth works. His distrust of enterprise and capitalism, and at the same time, his
condemnation of the striking workers, illustrate his unfamiliarity with these ideologies, rather
than suggesting an alternative method that could be applied. The industrial revolution talks
money, and money in this Novel means that you’ll get respect, power Hard Times certainly
has a specific impression of riches. In this book, the inequality gap is immense and cannot be
crossed, notwithstanding the illusion of the privileged that the poor will rise up their slack.
Those who rise do so at the detriment of others, and even then their success is sluggish,
painful, and does not go much further from where they began – and everyone who says
otherwise tells lies that are self-serving. Through riches come choices and opportunities for all
sorts of abnormal and deviant actions. For example, Mr. Bounderby was used by becoming
the Gradgrind's family business. Then, Dickens presents a tale that illustrates another issue of
the Victorian period, such as the class divide that occurred during that period. Although it was
published after the new Poor Law 1834, which was meant to reduce the cost of looking after
the poor there still were some class divisions. Dickens had an interest in social ties and issues.
The gap between the three social classes, the upper, middle and working classes, is visible in a
variety of categories. For example, language. The language and dialects used can define
character's classes. Also, education is a sign. For example, Mr. Harthhouse, and Mr.
Bounderby belonged to the upper class and are educated. However, Mr. Stephen of the
working class is not able to read. Finally, character's living conditions represent their classes.
For instance, Mr. Stephen lives in a small room. However, Mr. Bounderby, and Mr.
Harthhouse live in a house that contains several rooms. Moreover, the industrialization of
England made numbers and facts more important that humans and logic, emotions or
common sense. So, workers in factories and schools in Coketown were treated like machines,
and people would be called “hands” showing how objectified people were.

2. A curse is a big word with many meanings. It might be a bad word, or using supernatural
power to cause harm, the state of mind, or even the family and life in general. In Hard times
by Charles Dickens, every character has something that’s like a curse. Mr. Gradgrind believes
that imagination and fantasy are a curse ecause he only believes facts. Also, Mrs. Gradgrind
warns Louisa never to wonder because it contradicts the philosophy of fact which her
husband almost warship, and that makes her (Mrs. Gradgrind) wish she had never been
cursed with a family. In addition, Louisa felt like her whole life was a curse. She told her father
"I curse the hour in which I was born to such a destiny." because she felt looted and robbed of
her childhood, sentiments, happiness and grace. Moreover, she was sold to a man of age to
become his "wife". Besides, Stephen’s marriage turned into a curse due to the mal financial
situation of the poor, which made him enable to get divorced.

3. This novel was given its name for many reasons, like the crises people were going through,
the bad familial relations, poverty, and the mistreatment of the poor and low wages.
However, no matter how bad everything seems in Coketown, there’s still some light shining
from the girl whose name Sissy, or Cecilia. She lived hoping, wondering, fantasizing and
dreaming, as well as believing in the good. Although she’d been through bad times, she held
happiness and hope closer. Despite her separation from her father, she believed that one day
he’ll come back and take her from there, and that’d be proud of her, yet, he was dead. Also,
no matter how ugly Gradgrind looked at her because of her lack of book-smartness, and lack
of fact reliance she was still able to fit in doing what she knew remaining positive, optimistic,
light and fun. Also, things ended up her way making her a winging, energetic, adventurous,
smart, and happy character

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