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Obama's speech on Climate Change (2009).

Ethos- In his speech, Obama uses Ethos as a way of connecting to the audience and giving off
the effect of being able to be trusted. He does this through the elements of reasonable language
as well as using first person plurals multiple times.
“But the journey is long. The journey is hard. And we don't have much time left to make it. It is
a journey that will require each of us to persevere through setbacks, and fight for every inch of
progress, even when it comes in fits and starts. So let us begin. For if we are flexible and
pragmatic; if we can resolve to work tirelessly in common effort, then we will achieve our
common purpose: a world that is safer, cleaner, and healthier than the one we found; and a future
that is worthy of our children. Thank you”
In this quote, you see Obama using language that is formal but still understandable to the
audience of the common people. Not only does he indicate that the journey will be difficult, but
he also uses plurals such as ‘we’, ‘us’, and ‘our’ to establish a relationship with the audience and
identify that he is apart of the group that will be affected. This contributes to his overall message
by stating that people need to act fast to benefit as a country together. By using ethos he
persuades the audience to take action by appearing to have their best interest at heart.

Pathos- Obama also uses pathos in his speech with the element of an anecdote. “On shrinking
islands, families are already being forced to flee their homes as climate refugees. The security
and stability of each nation and all peoples – our prosperity, our health, our safety – are in
jeopardy. And the time we have to reverse this tide is running out.”
The anecdote above appeals to people’s emotions by talking about families are losing their
homes. Since society has a protective instinct towards loved ones, this anecdote makes people
feel for others due to the fact that they could be in the same position as well. This helps his
argument because it catches the audience's attention and creates a sense of danger as well as the
importance of climate change effects. This brings clarity as to why society should care about
climate change.

Logos- Lastly, Obama’s speech contains logos throughout it and in this particular quote, he uses
the element of cause and effect. “Across America, entrepreneurs are constructing wind turbines
and solar panels and batteries for hybrid cars with the help of loan guarantees and tax credits –
projects that are creating new jobs and new industries. We're investing billions to cut energy
waste in our homes, buildings, and appliances – helping American families save money on
energy bills in the process. We've proposed the very first national policy aimed at both increasing
fuel economy and reducing greenhouse gas pollution for all new cars and trucks – a standard that
will also save consumers money and our nation oil.”
In this quote, Obama states ways that society is trying to save the world from climate change. As
he states the different solutions he continues to state the positive effects that each has on the
society. This helps his argument because he states how using these solutions will benefit the
audience with jobs, saving money, and the world’s health. This appeals to the audience and
persuades them to use these solutions since they give a rational reasoning as to why they are

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