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Tugas bahasa inggris

“The roles a midwife”



Nama : amelia

Nim. : b. 19.11.003

Prodi : D. iii kebidanan

Stikes panrita husada bulukumba

Tahun akademik 2020/2021

1. Being able to react quickly in an emergency

Reason: Because a midwife must move quickly in dealing with patients especially emergency


2. Being able to remain calm and work afficiently under presure

Reason: Because a midwife must work calmly and efficiently, because patient safety must be prioritized so

That things don't go wrong.

3. Having good communication skills

Reason: Because a midwife must move quickly in dealing with patients especially emergency


4. Having good manual skills

Reason: Because a midwife must really have a good ability to provide action because it concerns the

Lives patient

5. Having good intuitive skills

Reason: Because a midwife must be fast and brave in making decisions for patient safety

6. Being empathic and caring

Reason: Because a midwife must show empathy and care for the patient so that the patient feels

Apreciated and given good service.

7. Being responsible

Reason: Because a midwife must have a sense of responsibility in carrying out their duties

8. Being non judgementel

Reason: Because in providing services to midwife patients may not distinguish between one patient

With another patient.

9. Being patient

Reason: Because in carrying out their duties midwives must always be patient in dealing with

problems that occur in patients because it is the responsibility of a midwife

10. Being religious

Reason: Because a midwife must look at all patients equally and not judge in any way including in


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