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​Control System Analysis Using

State Variable Methods

Part-A (one marks)

1. Which of the following is an electromechanical device ?

a) Induction relay
b) Thermocouple
d) Any of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: LVDT is linear variable differential transformer which is an inductive transducer
and converts the displacement of the core to the electrical energy and also is
electromechanical device.

2. A differentiator is usually not a part of a control system because it

a) Reduces damping
b) Reduces the gain margin
c) Increases input noise
d) Increases error
Answer: c
Explanation: A differentiator is the phase lead compensator which increases the speed of
response and bandwidth and manages the transient response of the system.

3. If the gain of the critical damped system is increased it will behave as

a) Oscillatory
b) Critically damped
c) Overdamped
d) Underdamped
Answer: d
Explanation: Gain of the critical system is inversely proportional to the root of the damping
factor and hence on increasing the gain the damping reduces and system becomes the

4. In a control system integral error compensation _______ steady state error

a) Increases
b) Minimizes
c) Does not have any effect on
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: Integral error compensation is the phase lag compensation and reduces the
steady state error and eliminates the error.
5. Which of the following is the output of a thermocouple?
a) Alternating current
b) Direct current
c) A.C. voltage
d) D.C. voltage
Answer: d
Explanation: Thermocouple is the device that is used to convert the change in temperature
gives output in DC form.

6. A system is said to be_____________ if it is possible to transfer the system state from

any initial state to any desired state in finite interval of time.
a) Controllable
b) Observable
c) Cannot be determined
d) Controllable and observable
Answer: a
Explanation: By definition a system is said to be controllable, if it is possible to transfer the
system state from any initial state to any desired state in finite interval of time.

7. A system is said to be_________________ if every state can be completely identified by

measurements of the outputs at the finite time interval.
a) Controllable
b) Observable
c) Cannot be determined
d) Controllable and observable
Answer: b
Explanation: By definition, a system is said to be observable, if every state can be
completely identified by measurements of the outputs at the finite time interval.

8. Kalman’s test is for :

a) Observability
b) Controllability
c) Optimality
d) Observability and controllability
Answer: d
Explanation: Kalman’s test is the test that is done for the controllability and observability by
solving the matrix by kalman’s matrix individually for both tests.

9. Complex conjugate pair:

a) Center
b) Focus point
c) Saddle point
d) Stable node
Answer: b
Explanation: Complex conjugate pair is the complex pair of the roots of the equation and has
a focus point.

10. Pure imaginary pair:

a) Centre
b) Focus point
c) Saddle point
d) Stable node
Answer: a
Explanation: Pure imaginary pair is the nature of the root of the equation that has no real
part only has the nature of center for linearized autonomous second order system.

11. The transfer function for the state representation of the continuous time LTI system:
is given by:
a) C(sI-A)-1B+D
b) B(sI-A)-1B+D
c) C(sI-A)-1B+A
d) D(sI-A)-1B+C
Answer: a
Explanation: Transfer function which is ratio of Laplace output to the Laplace input when the
initial conditions are zero and is calculated by using both the equations

12. System transformation on function H(z) for a discrete time LTI system expressed in state
variable form with zero initial condition
a) C(zI-A)-1B+D
b) C(zI-A)-1
c) (zI-A)-1z
d) (zI-A)-1
Answer: a
Explanation: Transfer function which is ratio of Laplace output to the Laplace input when the
initial conditions are zero in discrete is same as continuous but in the z-domain.

13. Assertion (A): Transfer function approach has limitation that it reveals only the system
output for a input and provides no information regarding the internal state of the system.
Reason (R): There may be situations where the output of a system is stable and yet some of
the system elements may have a tendency to exceed their specified ratings.
a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is False
d) A is False but R is True
Answer: a
Explanation: Transfer function approach has limitation over state variable analysis and for
that it reveals only the system output for a input and provides no information regarding the
internal state of the system.

14.Which of the following will not decrease as a result of introduction of negative feedback?
a) Instability
b) Bandwidth
c) Overall gain
d) Distortion
Answer: b
Explanation: Bandwidth always increases due to negative feedback as the speed of
response is directly proportional to the bandwidth.Explanation: Brain of human being acts as
a controller in the human body system as human body is the control system and when
human tries to approach an object the brain of the human acts as controller

15. Servomotor:
a) Armature controlled FHP DC motor
b) A pair of synchronous transmitter and control transformer
c) Tach generator
d) Amplidyne
Answer: b
Explanation: Servomotor is a rotary actuator or linear actuator that allows for precise control
of angular or linear position, velocity and acceleration a pair of synchronous transmitter and
control transformer.

16. Stability of a system implies that :

a) Small changes in the system input does not result in large change in system output
b) Small changes in the system parameters does not result in large change in system output
c) Small changes in the initial conditions does not result in large change in system output
d) Small changes in the initial conditions result in large change in system output
Answer: a
Explanation: Stability of the system implies that small changes in the system input, initial
conditions, and system parameters does not result in large change in system output.

17. A linear time invariant system is stable if :

a) System in excited by the bounded input, the output is also bounded
b) In the absence of input output tends zero
c) Both a and b
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: A system is stable only if it is BIBO stable and asymptotic stable.

18.Asymptotic stability is concerned with :

a) A system under influence of input
b) A system not under influence of input
c) A system under influence of output
d) A system not under influence of output
Answer: b
Explanation: Asymptotic stability concerns a free system relative to its transient behavior.

19.Bounded input and Bounded output stability notion concerns with :

a) A system under influence of input
b) A system not under influence of input
c) A system under influence of output
d) A system not under influence of output
Answer: a
Explanation: BIBO stability concerns with the system that has input present.

20.Linear mathematical model applies to :

a) Linear systems
b) Stable systems
c) Unstable systems
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: As the output exceeds certain magnitude then the linear mathematical model
no longer applies.

21.Which among the following is a unique model of a system?

a) Transfer function
b) State variable
c) Block diagram
d) Signal flow graphs
Answer: a
Explanation: Transfer Function is defined as the ratio of the Laplace output to the Laplace
input with the zero initial conditions and is a unique model of the system.

22.. Which among the following is a disadvantage of modern control theory?

a) Implementation of optimal design
b) Transfer function can also be defined for different initial conditions
c) Analysis of all systems take place
d) Necessity of computational work
Explanation: Modern control theory is also not best suited in every respect it has also some
disadvantages and the major disadvantage is that it requires computational work.

23.Which mechanism in control engineering implies an ability to measure the state by taking
measurements at output?
a) Controllability
b) Observability
c) Differentiability
d) Adaptability
Answer: b
Explanation: Observability and controllability are the two methods to check the output
response characteristics and observability in control engineering implies an ability to
measure the state by taking measurements at output.

24.State model representation is possible using _________

a) Physical variables
b) Phase variables
c) Canonical state variables
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: State model representation is the representation of the control system is the
form of the state variables and state vectors and is possible using physical variables, phase
variables and canonical state variables.

25.Which among the following plays a crucial role in determining the state of dynamic
a) State variables
b) State vector
c) State space
d) State scalar
Answer: a
Explanation: State Variables are the integral part of the state variable analysis and plays a
crucial role in determining the state of dynamic system.

26. Which of the following are the not characteristics of the closed loop systems?
a) It does not compensate for disturbance
b) It reduces the sensitivity of plant-parameter variations
c) It does not involve output measurements
d) It does not has the ability to control the system transient response
Answer: d
Explanation: Feedback refers to the comparison of the final output to the desired output at
respective input so as to get accurate and error free result and in the system improves the
transient response of the system.

27.Which one of the following effect in the system is not caused by negative feedback?
a) Reduction in gain
b) Increased in bandwidth
c) Increase in distortion
d) Reduction in output impedance
Answer: c
Explanation: Distortion refers to the error in the open loop system and it has many
oscillations in the output and is reduced in case of negative feedback.

28.In control system excessive bandwidth is not employed because

a) Noise is proportional to bandwidth
b) It leads to low relative stability
c) It leads to slower time response
d) Noise is proportional to the square of the bandwidth
Answer: a
Explanation: In closed loop system the bandwidth of the system is more as compared to the
open loop system and this is so required as higher the bandwidth means lower the selectivity
and hence higher the noise.

29.Feedback control system is basically

a) High pass filter
b) Low pass filter
c) Band pass filter
d) Band stop filter
Answer: b
Explanation: Low pass filter is mainly as integral controller and it is used as the controller in
the system so as to increase the accuracy by reducing or proper eliminating the steady state
error of the control system.

30.Which of the following will not decrease as a result of introduction of negative feedback?
a) Instability
b) Bandwidth
c) Overall gain
d) Distortion
Answer: b
Explanation: Bandwidth always increases due to negative feedback as the speed of
response is directly proportional to the bandwidth.

Part-B (Two marks)

1.According to the property of state transition method, e0 is equal to _____

a) I
b) A
c) e-At
d) -eAt
Answer: c
Explanation: By definition state transition matrix is defined as e-At and this is the matrix that
comes into the picture when the total response is considered that is with the free response
and forced response

2.For a system with the transfer function H(s) = 3(s-2)/s3+4s2-2s+1 , the matrix A in the
state space form is equal to:
Answer: b
Explanation: Taking the inverse Laplace of the equation and converting it into differential
equation and solving the state space by considering various matrices.

3.The transfer function Y(s)/U(s) of a system described by the state equations dx/dt=-2x+2u
and y(t) = 0.5x is:
a) 0.5/(s-2)
b) 1/(s-2)
c) 0.5/(s+2)
d) 1/(s+2)
Answer: d
Explanation: Taking Laplace transform of the equation X(s) = 2U(s)/(s+2)
Then Y(s)/U(s) =1/(s+2).

4.A linear time invariant single input single output system has the state space model given
by dx/dt=Fx+Gu, y=Hz, where control-systems-multiple-choice-questions-answers-q5. Here,
x is the state vector, u is the input, and y is the output. The damping ratio of the system is:
a) 0.25
b) 0.5
c) 1
d) 2
Answer: b
Explanation: T(s) = 1/(s2+2s+4)
G = 0.5.

5.Given the matrix control-systems-multiple-choice-questions-answers-q6 the Eigen

value are___________
a) 1,2,3
b) 1
c) -1,-2,-3
d) 0
Answer: c
Explanation: Solving the characteristic equation|SI-A| =0.

6.The stability of the linear system:

a) Determined by the location of the poles
b) Dependent entirely of whether or the system is driven
c) The stability of the undriven linear system is dependent on the magnitude of the final initial
d) Stability cannot be determined by the open loop poles
Answer: a
Explanation: Linear system’s stability can be determined by the location of poles and also it
is independent entirely of whether or the system is driven and the stability of the undriven
linear system is independent on the magnitude of the final initial state.

7.The characteristic equation of a system is given ass3+25s2+10s+50=0. What is the

number of the roots in the right half s-plane and the imaginary axis respectively?
a) 1,1
b) 0,0
c) 2,1
d) 1,2
Answer: b
Explanation: The characteristic equation has no sign changes so number of roots on the
right half of s plane is zero.

8.The necessary condition for the stability of the linear system is that all the coefficients of
characteristic equation 1+G(s)H(s) =0, be real and have the :
a) Positive sign
b) Negative sign
c) Same sign
d) Both positive and negative
Answer: c
Explanation: The necessary condition for the stability of the linear system is that all the
coefficients of characteristic equation 1+G(s)H(s) =0, is they must have same sign.
9.A system with unity feedback having open loop transfer function as G(s) =
K(s+1)/s3+as2+2s+1. What values of ‘K’ and ’a’ should be chosen so that the system
oscillates ?
a) K =2, a =1
b) K =2, a =0.75
c) K =4, a =1
d) K =4, a =0.75
Answer: b
Explanation: Solving Routh Hurwitz table whenever row of zero occurs, the roots are located
symmetrically on the imaginary axis then the system response oscillates, a =1+K/2+K. If K
=2 is consider then a =0.75.

10.The open loop transfer functions with unity feedback are given below for different
Among these systems the unstable system is
a) G(s) =2/s+2
b) G(s) =2/s(s+2)
c) G(s) =2/(s+2)s^2
d) G(s) =2(s+1)/s(s+2)
Answer: c
Explanation: 1+2/s^2(s+2) =0. The coefficient of‘s’ is missing. Hence the system is unstable.

11.Determine the condition for the stability of unity feedback control system whose open
loop transfer function is given by
G(s) = 2e-st/s(s+2)
a) T >1
b) T <0
c) T <1
d) T >0
Answer: c
Explanation: G(s) =2(1-sT)/s(s+2)
By Routh array analysis, for stable system, all the elements of first column need to be
positive T<1.

12.Determine the value of K such that roots of characteristic equation given below lies to the
left of the line s = -1. s3+10s2+18s+K.
a) K>16 and K<9
b) K<16
c) 9<K<16
d) K<9
Answer: c
Explanation: In Routh array analysis the first column must be positive and after solving K<16
and K>9.

13.The characteristic equation of a feedback control system is s3+Ks2+9s+18. When the

system is marginally stable, the frequency of the sustained oscillation:
a) 1
b) 1.414
c) 1.732
d) 3
Answer: d
Explanation: Solve using Routh array and for the system to be marginally stable, K = -2.
Polynomial for sustained oscillation w = 3 rad/s.

14.Consider a characteristic equation, s4+3s3+5s2+6s+k+10=0. The condition for stability is

a) K>5
b) -10<K
c) K>-4
d) -10<K<-4
Answer: d
Explanation: Solve Roth array
for the system stable, -10<K<4.

a) Armature controlled FHP DC motor
b) A pair of synchronous transmitter and control transformer
c) Tach generator
d) Amplidyne
Answer: d
Explanation: Amplifier is an amplidyne which is an amplidyne is an electromechanical
amplifier invented during World War II by Ernst Alexanderson. It consists of an electric motor
driving a DC generator.

16.Consider the following servomotors:

1. AC-two phase servomotor
2. DC servomotor
3. Hydraulic servomotor
4. Pneumatic servomotor
The correct sequence of these servomotor in increasing order of power handling capacity is:
a) 2,4,3,1
b) 4,2,3,1
c) 2,4,1,3
d) 4,2,1,3
Answer: c
Explanation: Power handling capacity is the capacity of the system where the system can
handle very high power and among the given is maximum DC servomotor.

17.Consider the function F (s)= 5/s(s2+3s+2), the initial value of f(t) is:
a) 5
b) 5/2
c) 5/3
d) 0
Answer: d
Explanation: For initial value theorem in which time is at t =0 and for the frequency which is
the inverse of time, the value of s is replaced with infinity and hence the value obtained is 0.
18.The impulse response of a linear LTI system is given as g (t) = e(-t)The transfer function
of the system is equal to:
a) 1/s
b) 1/s(s+1)
c) 1/(s+1)
d) s/(s+1)
Answer: c
Explanation: Impulse response is just the Laplace transform of the transfer function and the
response is just the Laplace transform of the forward path block.

19.Root locus of s(s+2)+K(s+4) =0 is a circle. What are the coordinates of the center of this
a) -2,0
b) -3,0
c) -4,0
d) -5,0
Answer: c
Explanation: s(s+2)+K(s+4) =0
1+K(s+4)/s(s+2) =0.
G(s)H(s) =K(s+b)/s(s+a)
Centre =(-b,0) =(-4,0).

20. Which of the following statements are correct?

a) Root locus is for the negative feedback systems
b) Complementary root locus is for the positive feedback systems
c) Root locus is for the negative feedback and Complementary root locus is for the positive
feedback systems
d) Complementary root locus is for the negative feedback systems
Answer: c
Explanation: Root locus and Complementary root locus are complementary to each other.

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