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Familiar Trip
How can I not remember ... it was Christmas and we were all very excited to go to Calima
lake the last week of the end of the year, a trip that would have some inconveniences and
uncomfortable moments.
I think we all agree that the traffic at noon is terrible! ... That day was no exception. We all
got up very early that day to get there quickly and enjoy the stay on site; everything went
very well in the preparation of the things that each one was going to carry until my father
turned out to buy the first aid kit, after a long time when it was almost nine o’clock and it
didn't seem like we were all very impatient for starting our trip until it appeared almost ten
minutes before 10 am.
After my father arrived, we started our journey towards the Calima lake, everything was
fine until we found a line of cars on the impressive road, apparently an accident had
occurred and they could not clear the road. Everyone was in a bit of a bad mood because
we could have gotten out earlier and avoided that traffic, in addition to that the heat was
desperate and the truck did not flow. When we already believed that we would have to go
home, a crane and an ambulance passed in a hurry; At that moment we heard the noise of
the cars and the line began to disappear.
In the end, after all, it is traffic and it is an uncomfortable moment that we lived, although
late we were able to reach Lake Calima, enjoy that beautiful place and get rid of all the
stress that we lived in that overwhelming moment.

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