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Parts of Speech

3rd Grade

Claudia and Matin

Today’s Objectives
● SWBAT…identify the differences between the four parts of
● SWBAT… understand the correct meaning of the four parts of
Let’s See What You Know!
In each sentence find the…

Verb: The scarecrow made me jump!

Noun: The ghost has many friends.

Adjective: The fluffy dog jumped into the leaves.

Pronoun: They love going to the pumpkin patch!

Were you correct?
In each sentence find the…

Verb: The scarecrow made me jump!

Noun: The ghost has many friends.

Adjective: The fluffy dog jumped into the leaves.

Pronoun: They love going to the pumpkin patch!

What is a: Noun
A noun is a person, place or thing
What is a: Verb
A word that describes an action

Rake J Jump
What is an: Adjective
A word that describes a noun or pronoun.

Vibrant Crackling
What is a: Pronoun
Are used to take the place of a noun, when that noun is understood
(has already been named), to avoid repeating it.

They It
Check Your Understanding
Fill out the parts of speech grid as
a table group..
Time for a Mad Lib!
By using what you learned today in our lesson, fill out the fall mad lib.

We will share a few as a class at the end!

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