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Day 1 (September 13, 2019)

- Today, starts the first visit in the address where our client was expected to be
seen. We were introduced to Mrs. Bakers and rapport was established. We
focused in the Initial history taking and physical assessment, and the data that
were obtained for today’s visit are:

 Vital signs
 BP-100/70 mmhg
 T- 36.8OC
 RR- 17 cpm
 PR- 75 bpm
 Weight and height, computed body mass index
 W-61kg
 H-1.549 m (5’1)

 BMI= weight (kg) / height (m)2

= 61 kg / (1.549 m2)
=20.3 (normal weight)


Below 18.5 Underweight
18.5-24.9 Normal or Healthy weight
25.0-29.9 Overweight
30.0 & above Obese

Day 2 (September 19, 2019)

- We arrived at the Health center before 8Am and took almost an hour of waiting to
ensure that our client was already available then we start gathering all the
following data. For today’s duty we focused on the continuation of the
assessment, data for 3p’s and the pre-assessment for PERSON.

 Vital signs
 BP-110/80 mmhg
 T- 36.7OC
 RR- 17 cpm
 PR- 70 bpm
Day 3 (September 20, 2019)
- This day marked the last day of visit, finalization of data gathering and the post
assessment for person.
 Vital signs
 BP-110/70 mmhg
 T- 36.7OC
 RR- 17 cpm
 PR- 85 bpm

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