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A: Before , I would like to tell about the transformation of Dwayne Johnson

better known as "The Rock". American professional wrestler and actor. He
served as a professional wrestler for WWE until his official retirement in 2019,
with the aim of focusing on his artistic career. Although he is also passionate
about bodybuilding.
B: tell us a little more about its transformation over time. His change was very

A: well, He puts aside all greasy or fried foods to eat healthy and thus improve
your physical performance. The change is noticeable since he began his career
until today. As soon as He arrive on the show, we will clapped for his dedication
and effort. But now let's talk about his change ... in 2009, he was a strong but
slim person as shown in the pictures but the years went by. He managed to get
what he wanted so much, a bodybuilder's body and an iconic image for his
films. The change is radical as we can see in the images. He also changed his
hairstyle. This time next week. he will be cutting all his hair.
B: And now how is he doing in this quarantine? Something curious to tell?
A: Although due to the quarantine, he has gym in his home as well as a
personal trainer who supports him to maintain his good shape. Also a
nutritionist who helps you eat well. Well, it also has its way of being distracted.
On the weekends, he has played video games with his friends by online. For
example the next week he will be cooking your lunch for yourself or ordering a
grilled buttered from your favorite restaurant. The fact that He lives a fit life also
means eating carbohydrates to maintain his body. In 2030, He will have opened
a restaurant in California.
Also by quarantine, the actor has 96 million followers on his Instagram account
with whom he shares photos and videos of his hard training. He teachs to
exercise witch short videos. He get short videos recorded by his little brother.

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