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For the unit Diversity, Social Justice and Learning (DSJL), I have learnt the importance and
prominence of promoting and implementing diversity and social justice within secondary
schooling. The many people involved in education, both teachers and students come from a
wide array of backgrounds, such as gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity and low socio-
economic status (SES). As a university student studying to become a teacher, I feel it is my
responsibility and duty to ensure that my future students will receive an equitable learning
experience that they are all entitled to. Throughout this unit, I have learnt the necessity of
implementing social justice perspectives in my teaching practices. The sociological theories
that apply to my teaching practices which can enhance the learning experience of the
students and how my teaching practice in the Key Learning Area (KLA) will address the
issues of equity and diversity. By reflecting on these elements, as well as referring to
relevant readings and articles, I will demonstrate the importance of diversity and social
justice within teaching practices.

The importance of implementing social justice perspectives in pedagogy is one element I

have learnt in the unit that would help me in my teaching practices when I start educating in
the classroom. Incorporating social justice viewpoints into teaching is a necessity because I
will eventually be put in charge of a classroom of approximately 15 to 30 students in which
most of these students will comprise of different backgrounds such as socio-economic
status, race and ethnicity, gender and sexuality, etc. Therefore, it is my responsibility and
duty as a teacher to create an equitable learning space for my future students to receive the
satisfying learning experience they are entitled to despite their different backgrounds.
Creating an equitable learning space does not mean treating everyone the same nor forcing
ideals and ways of thinking upon others, but rather for teachers to gain a sociological
perspective of teaching in order to recognise and combat social injustice within the school
as well as creating pedagogical strategies that are influenced by critical understandings of
cultural, social and linguistic diversity and be committed to assisting the students in
recognising and challenging oppressions (Ferfolja, Jones Diaz and Ullman, 2015). An
example of an equitable learning space can be observed in an article by Keddie, 2011, in
which she researched culture, equity and diversity at different schools. The principal at one
of the schools, Peppermint Grove High, stated that for 25 years, she was committed to just
and equitable schooling through providing support for refugee students and promoting the

Michael Phu 18558555 Dr. Erika Smith


acknowledgement of different cultures. Implementing sociological perspectives in my

teaching methods is necessary to ensure an equitable learning space for my future students
and the unit has enabled me to realise the importance of promoting social justice and
diversity within the classroom.

Michael Phu 18558555 Dr. Erika Smith

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