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Involuntary action

Changes of size of pupil in the eye base on the light intensity

In a dark surrounding , the receptor which is the iris detect the stimulus which is the low light intensity
.It produces nerve impulse and the effector which is the muscle fibre namely radial muscle fibre will
contract and the pupil become larger in size.

In bright condition, the receptor which is the iris will detect the stimulus which is the high light intensity
and consequently produce nerve impulse .The effector which is the muscle fibre in iris which namely is
circular muscle fibre will contract and causes the pupil to become smaller in size .

Human nervous system is a contol system in body coordination to control and coordinate the function of
organ such as thinking , seeing , heartbeat and body movement that works together with the endocrine
system which function to maintain the balance and stability of the internal environment of the body
through the process of homeostasis .

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