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scp DefensePro_20-60_v8-17-3-0-b85.tgz dpadmin@

system sw-upgrade set [file name] -pw [password] -v [version]

Update 1: 8.17.3
--> scp DefensePro_20-60_v8-17-3-0-b85.tgz dpadmin@

Update 2: 8.22.0
put DefensePro_20-60_v8-22-0-0-b107.tgz

system sw-upgrade set DefensePro_20-60_v8-22-0-0-b107.tgz -a false -pw FcN6i0SL

system file-system software set DefensePro_8.22.0.0_b107 -a true

ROT13DC02-LAB-DP-03#system sw-upgrade set DefensePro_20-60_v8-17-3-0-b85.tgz -pw

htugQJ5f -v

config System Configuration Management

controllerlogfile Displays and clears the controller log file
cpu-temp show CPU temperature
date Display/Set system date
dbglvl Display/Set debug level
device-info Displays information.
diagnostics Diagnostics Tools Configuration
file-system Contains file management commands.
hardware Display hardware attributes
inf-stats Displays interface statistics.
internal Internal parameters
last-sec-inf-stats Last second port statistics
last-sec-total-input Last second traffic
license Displays and sets the device license
logfile Displays and clears the log file
mib2-contact The person responsible for the device.
mib2-location Sets the geographic location of the device.
mib2-name Sets or returns a name for the device.
os Operating system parameters
sw-version Displays the device software version.
time Display/Set system time
total-in-traffic-peak The maximum total traffic (Mbps).
utilization Displays CPU utilization.

Unknown command

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