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"Drop it" Letting Go of Excess Potential Neville Goddard, David

Hawkins, Vadim Zeland Neville Goddard

Your present level of consciousness will only transcended as you drop
the present state and rise to a higher level. You rise to a higher level of
consciousness by taking your attention away from your present
limitations and placing it upon that which you desire to be. When that
feeling is yours, drop it. Don’t ask anyone if what you did was right or
wrong; you did it and that’s all that is necessary. To be worried or
concerned about the manner of thei unfoldment is to hold these fertile
seeds in a mental grasp and, therefore, to prevent them from really
maturing to full harvest.
Vadim Zeland Wherever there is excessive potential, Balancing Forces
arise, directed towards its removal. They are created by mental energy
when a person gives undue importance to an object.
Balance is destroyed by the excess potential of projected importance. As
you already know, the more important the goal the harder it becomes to
reach. If the artificially high assessment of one object is compared to
another, polarization occurs, and it in turn gives rise to the wind of the
balancing forces. They try to eliminate the occurred polarization and in
most cases their action is directed against the one who created it.
In peace, there is no longer any conflict. There is a total absence of
negativity and an all-encompassing lovingness that is experienced as
serenity, tranquility, timelessness, completion, fulfilment, stillness, and
contentment. There is inner quiet and light, a feeling of oneness, unity,
and total freedom.
Actions become effortless, spontaneous, harmonious, and loving in their
effect. There is a shift of perception of the universe and of our
relationship to it. The inner Self prevails. The personal self has been
transcended, with all of its feelings, beliefs, identities, and concerns.
This is the ultimate state sought by all seekers, whether they are
religious, humanist, or have no spiritual or philosophical identification
at all.
David Hawkins timelessness, completion, fulfillment, stillness, and
contentment. There is inner quiet and light, a feeling of oneness, unity,
and total freedom. Actions become effortless, spontaneous, harmonious,
and loving in their effect. There is a shift of perception of the universe
and of our relationship to it. The inner Self prevails. The personal self
has been transcended, with all of its feelings, beliefs, identities, and
concerns. This is the ultimate state sought by all seekers, whether they
are religious, humanist, or have no spiritual or philosophical
identification at all. With the experience of inner peace comes great
The person who has found inner peace can no longer be intimidated,
controlled, manipulated, or programmed. In this state, we are
invulnerable to the threats of the world and have, therefore, mastered
earthly life.
The hallmark of this level is desirelessness. There is no need to want for
anything because everything manifests in our life spontaneously and
automatically, without conscious will or effort.
Thoughts held in mind at this level are very powerful and tend to
manifest rapidly. The phenomenon of synchronicity is continuous. The
mechanisms of cause and effect and the inner working of the universe
stand forth clearly revealed, as we are now witnessing the very basis of
Reality itself. - $ -

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