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Now we get the pleasure of working with the BizTalk WCF Service Consuming Wizard.

This is the twin brother of the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard, except that
instead of generating new services, it produces the artifacts necessary to consume
existing ones.

The first thing the wizard has to find out is where to get the metadata needed to
craft the artifacts for BizTalk. If you only have a physical XSD and WSDL file
(assuming someone went the true contract-first design route), then the second
option in the wizard, Metadata Files, is best. However, if the target service is
live and allows metadata queries, we can choose the first option. In our case, I
have a running service with a WCF-NetNamedPipe endpoint and an explicit MEX
endpoint. After choosing the metadata source as Metadata Exchange Endpoint, we then
plug in the address of the metadata URL. In my case, this value is
net.pipe://localhost/Seroter.BizTalkSOA.Chapter3.OrderService/mex. Notice that
while only http(s) endpoints actually produce browsable metadata, any WCF endpoint
can still expose metadata to query.

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