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The model of religious education in the family can be carried out in various ways, namely:

1) A serious way of life by displaying religious appreciation and behavior in the family.

2) Displays the physical aspects in the form of a means of worship in the family.

3) Social aspects in the form of social relationships between family members and religious
institutions. Religious education in the family, not only can be carried out in the family, offers
religious education, such as Islamic boarding schools, prayer rooms, majelis taklim, and so on.

ecreational Function This function aims to provide a very happy atmosphere in the environment. The
recreational function is carried out for entertainment. Today, many entertainment venues develop
outside the home because various recreational facilities and activities develop rapidly. Media TV is
included in the family as a means of entertainment for family members.

g. Economic Function

In the past, families in America tried to produce several units of household needs and sell them
themselves. Household needs, such as the art of making chairs, food, and clothes, are done by
fathers, mothers, children and other relatives to carry out their economic functions so that they are
able to sustain their lives.

h. Status Finding Function In a family, a person receives a series of statuses based on age, birth
order, and so on. Status / position is a rank or position of a person in a group or group position in
relation to other groups. Status cannot be separated from role. Role is the behavior expected of
someone with status.

Parental Guidance Patterns for Children In addition to guidance at school, guidance at home is very
important, because children spend more time in the family environment. For this reason, families
are required to be able to implement faith education as a guide for children in the future.

According to Shochib, there are eight things that parents need to do in guiding their children;
1 . Exemplary Behavior This means that every behavior is not merely mechanical in nature, but must
be based on the awareness that the behavior will be used as an area of imitation and identification
for children. Therefore, its actualization must always be referred to in compliance with moral values.

2. This self-awareness must also be transmitted to children by encouraging them to be able to make
self-observations through dialogical communication, both verbally and nonverbally about morally
compliant behavior. Because dialogical communication will bridge the gap and purpose between
himself and his children.

3. Dialogic communication that occurs between parents and their children, especially those related
to efforts to help them solve problems, with regard to moral values. In other words, parents have
been able to control the behavior of their children in order to retain and increase moral values as a
basis for behavior.

4. Subsequent efforts to cultivate children's adherence to moral values data are actualized in
arranging the physical environment which is called the physical moment. This data supports the
creation of a climate that invites children to dialogue about the moral values they pack. For example,
there are wall hangings, prayer rooms, cupboards or bookshelves containing religious books that
reflect the breath of religion; a clean, orderly room, and neatly arranged items reflect a breath of
order and cleanliness; the setting of a place to learn and a quiet atmosphere reflects the breath of
comfort and calmness of the child in learning, choosing a place to live can be dangerous to activate,
wrestle, and wrestle children with moral values.

5. Arrangement of the physical environment that involves children and departing from their world
will make children stronger in ownership of moral values and more invited to improve them. This will
happen if parents can strive for children to be closer, closer, and more intimate with moral values.

6. Structuring the social environment can present a situation of togetherness between children and
parents. The situation of togetherness is the main condition for creating an appreciation and
meeting of meaning between parents and children. This meeting of meanings is the culmination of a
social environment structuring that indicates an educational setting.

The word family can be understood as the smallest social unit in society, or a biophysical socio-
spiritual organization where family members are related in a special bond to live together in a
marriage bond and not a bond that is static and shackles by maintaining harmonious relations with
one another. another.

Traditionally, family has been defined as two or more people linked by blood, marriage or adoption
(law) who have a joint residence. While Morgan (1977) in Sitorus (1988) states that the family is a
primary social group based on marital ties (husband-wife relationships) and kinship ties
(relationships between generations, parents - children) at the same time.5 However, dynamically
individuals who forming a family can be described as members of the most basic group of people
who live together and interact to meet their individual and inter-individual needs.

The family is an important subject which is fundamental to the development of the individual
personally. Therefore, the nature of the child must reflect the characteristics of his parents or of
other elders in the family (for example, grandparents, etc.). From the family, various individuals are
born in terms of characteristics and culture.

Just like a tree, if the seeds planted are superior seeds, then the results will be good too .. and vice
versa. Therefore, the family has a very big role in developing the society of a nation. Nation is a
collection of families.

You can imagine if in a nation, the families that make it up are of good quality, then it is likely and
certain that the nation will become a good nation.

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