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This is the template we use to reach out to new suppliers and qualify supplier to work


Hello, my name is Ouchylon Suong and I’m the owner of I was
taking a look at your store and really liked some of your products. I'm currently selling
thousands and thousands of products per month via paid advertisement. I have even
sold over X products per day. I wanted to know if you could manufacture or get us this
product: If you could, we would be able to send hundreds of orders per day to you. I'm
sending you this message because I see you're a trustworthy vendor and have good
feedback overall. These are the type of people I want to be working with. I would love to
work with you and build a long term relationship so that we can both grow each other's

Nonetheless, we only work with vendors that do bulk drop-shipping via CSV file (Excel
file). This is the only way we can do business with Aliexpress vendors because we sell
too many products a day to be able to place orders 1 by 1 one. That limits us to the
amount of orders we can place and it can also be very time-consuming.

What we would do is at the end of each day send you the CSV file which contains all of
the customer’s information (Name, email, address, zip code etc…) and you will process
each order individually by sending it to each respective customer. After that, you would
bill us for all the items that were included in the CSV file in a big one-time payment.

We are more than happy to do it via Aliexpress of Alibaba, so that is not a problem.
You would just send us a custom link through AliExpress that totals to the amount we
owe you and we would pay it right there on AliExpress.

Or we can also pay you through Alibaba by buying as much items as necessary to
equal the total amount of money we owe you. Both ways are good for us.

Please let us know if you are able to do this for us. Also, we would like to connect with
you on Skype to connect in a faster and more efficient way. This is the way we will be
communicating with our vendors. Looking forward to your response, Yours truly
Ouchylon Weventurous.

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