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Recapitulation of the central points of our proposal

The transition and construction of a new social-solidarity economy is a process

social and political with fundamental implications in the economy and life of the nation.

This implies detecting transitional political moments in society; assume a

fundamental ethical requirement and leaderships for reforms that the public authority and the

the whole population should support. It is what should lead us into a new era of

humanity and a new relationship with the planet where we live.

The deficit in the valuation of work and the Social Financial Debt constitute the

central core of 21st century financial capitalism. The role of Public Goods

in the valorization of work alerts us to the iron logic of the model in which only

it is possible to obtain such goods at the price of debt.

The fundamental deficiencies that humanity lives are centered on the effects

of climate change and the labor market that is organized according to the parameters of

aging population and unemployment. Regarding the latter, in the economies

advanced, technological advances play a fundamental role.

It is not possible to appreciate the changes that are imposed without assuming the permanent crisis

that the global economy is experiencing since the Great Recession.

Nor is it possible to justify the capitalist quasi-rent without the financial amounts that

made possible the rescue of the financial system. With the recovery of the quasi-income,

essentially political act, a central step will have been taken in ensuring growth through

starting from the fight against inequality.

Our perception of the crisis and its aftermath is intended to understand the

negative externalities present in the global economy, the economic potential does not

carried out and deficiencies with direct effects on the social reproduction of work.

Our interpretation concludes with the definition of the social ethics that founds the

bases of a new social-solidarity economy through the legitimation of the dominion of

the social.

I am afraid to end these principles on a note of skepticism. Some maybe

they will want to describe it as realism. Let the readers of this book judge it.

If companies bear part of the costs associated with the changes - difficult assumption

to admit in the current circumstances of humanity -, corresponds to a State,

without nepotism or corruption, ensure the direction and regulations of an activity that

lead us to a social and solidarity economy. What must be resolved is whether the State

whether or not it is in a position to assume such responsibility. The facts of the present reveal the

skepticism of the population towards States incapable of giving the ethical assurances that

a process of such magnitude imposes. Faced with this, we can only think that they will be such

changes in the habitability of the planet due to the irresponsible exploitation of

resources, that humanity must consider the material conditions of its own

survival. Faced with the dramatic possibility of the extinction of the human species

Let's hope that the true conditions of change are created.

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